98 results filtered with: Cause of Death
- Books
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Report on the deaths among the assured in the Standard Life Assurance Company for the period from 15th November, 1850, to 15th November, 1855.
Date: 1858- Books
What did they die of? No. 2, Heart disease / John R. Guy.
Guy, John R.Date: 1992- Books
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An homo laqueis collo appositis suspensus, aut strangulatus, semper asphyxia aut apoplexia interit? : thesis, quam, Deo favente, in saluberrima Facultate Medica Parisiensi, praesentibus competitionis judicibus, publicis competitorum disputationibus subjiciet, et debellare conabitur, die [...] 1824 / J.P. Destouet.
Destouet, J. P., -1826.Date: 1824- Books
Manual of the international list of causes of death : as adapted for use in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland based on the fifth decennial revision by the International Commission, Paris, 1938.
Date: 1940- Books
Doctors tell secrets of Franco's slow death / by Tim Brown.
Brown, Tim (Actor)Date: 1994- Books
Vestry of the parish of Bermondsey : reports / by William Parker.
Parker, William.Date: [1866]- Books
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A statistical nosology : comprising the causes of death, classified and alphabetically arranged, with notes and observations for the use of those who return the causes of death under 26 Vic., Cap. II / issued by authority of the Registrar-General for Ireland.
Ireland. Registrar-General.Date: 1864- Books
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Des causes de la mort dans les tumeurs malignes / par L.-Gustave Richelot.
Richelot, L. Gustave (Louis Gustave), 1844-Date: 1875- Books
Morir de dentición : ¿una creencia popular? / Enrique Perdiguero, Josep Bernabeu.
Perdiguero, Enrique.Date: [1995]- Books
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Evidence of the cause of death.
Hussey, E. L. (Edward Law)Date: [1893]- Books
Viewing the lifeless body : a coroner and his inquests held in Nottinghamshire public houses during the nineteenth century, 1828-1866 / by Bernard V. Heathcote.
Heathcote, Bernard.Date: 2005- Books
La mortalità per causa nelle regioni italiane : tavole per contemporanei 1965-66 e per generazioni 1790-1964 / Marcello Natale, Amedeo Bernassola.
Natale, Marcello.Date: 1973- Books
Informes sobre la causa de la muerte de la Reina María Luisa de Orléans / por Antonio Piga y Santiago Carro ; publicados por la Fundación Conde de Cartagena.
Piga, Antonio.Date: 1948- Books
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London's dreadful visitation, or, A collection of all the bills of mortality for this present year : beginning the 27th of December 1664, and ending the 19th of December following, as also, the general or whole years bill / according to the report made to the King's most excellent Majesty, by the Company of Parish-Clerks of London, &c.
Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks.Date: [between 1800 and 1899?]- Books
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Manual of the international list of causes of death based on the third decennial revision by the International Commisssion, Paris, October 11 to 15, 1920.
United States. Bureau of the Census.Date: [1924]- Books
The fatal neurologic illness of the fourth Duke of Richmond in Canada : rabies / Alan C. Jackson.
Jackson, Alan C.Date: [1968-]- Books
Der Hirntod : Todeszeitbestimmung bei irreversiblem Funktionsverlust des Gehirns Symposion am 14. Dezember 1968 in Bonn / herausgegeben von Heinz Penin, Christoph Käufer.
Date: 1969- Books
Manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries, and causes of death : based on the recommendations of the Seventh Revision Conference, 1955, and adapted by the Ninth World Health Assembly under the WHO nomenclature regulations.
World Health Organization.Date: 1957- Books
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Registration of the causes of death : regulations, and a statistical nosology, comprising the causes of death, classified and alphabetically arranged, with notes and observations, for the use of those who return the causes of death under 6 & 7 Will. IV., c. 86.
Great Britain. General Register Office.Date: 1843- Books
The final roster : military surgeons killed during the Indian Wars of the American West / Edward S. Petersen.
Petersen, Edward S.Date: 1992- Books
Cardiac action after "death" by hanging / Jessie Dobson.
Dobson, Jessie, 1906-1984.Date: 1951]- Books
Die Lehre vom plötzlichen Tod in Lancisis Werk "De subitaneis mortibus" / von Dr. phil. Max Hoffman.
Hoffman, Max.Date: 1935- Books
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On the registration of causes of death in public institutions and in private practice / by W.T. Gairdner.
Gairdner, W. T. (William Tennant), Sir, 1824-1907.Date: [1852?]- Books
Burgerlijke staat en doodsoorzaak : ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 1950-1990 = Marital status and cause of death trends in The Netherlands, 1950-1990 / I.M.A. Joung [and others].
Date: 1995- Books
- Online
Report to the honorable Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London, on certain imperfect mortality returns, relating to the verdicts of coroners' juries / by Hy. Letheby.
Letheby, H. (Henry), 1816-1876.Date: 1856