59 results filtered with: Botany, Medical - Early works to 1800
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A boke of the propertyes of herbes the whiche is called an herbal.
Date: In the yere of our Lorde M.CCCCC.xlvi. [1546] The thyrde day of Iuly- Books
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The English physician, or, An astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation : being a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things onely as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies ... / N. Culpeper.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1652- Books
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Blagrave's supplement or enlargement to Mr. Nich. Culpeppers English physitian : containing a description of the form, names, place, time, coelestial government, and virtues, all such medicinal plants as grow in England, and are omitted in his book, called, The English-physitian, and supplying the additional virtues of such plants wherein he is defective : also the description, kinds, names, place, time, nature, planetary regiment, temperature, and physical virtues of all such trees, herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, excrescencies of plants, gums, ceres, and condensate juices, as are found in any part of the world, and brought to be sold in our druggist and apothecaries shops, with their dangers and corrections / by Joseph Blagrave ... ; to which is annexed, a new tract for the cure of wounds made by gun-shot or otherways, and remedies for the help of seamen troubled with the scurvy and other distempers.
Blagrave, Joseph, 1610-1682Date: 1674- Books
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A boke of the propreties of herbes called an herball : wherunto is added the time ye herbes, floures and sedes shold be gathered to be kept the whole yere, with the vertue of ye herbes when they are stilled. Also a general rule of al maner of herbes drawen out of an auncient boke of phisyck by W.C.
Date: [1555?]]- Books
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The herball, or, Generall historie of plantes / gathered by John Gerarde ... ; very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson ...
Gerard, John, 1545-1612.Date: 1636- Books
Incipiu[n]t tituli libroru[m] et capitulo[rum] venerabil[is] bartholomei anglici de proprietatibus re[rum].
Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, active 13th century.Date: Anno natiuitatis domini .Mcccclxxxi. [1481]- Books
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An alphabetical book of physicall secrets : for all those diseases that are most predominant and dangerous (curable by art) in the body of man. Collected for the benefit, most especially of house-holders in the country, who are either farre remote, or else not able to entertaine a learned physician: as likewise for the help of such ladies and gentlewomen, who of charity labour to doe good. Whereunto is annexed a small treatise of the judgement of vrines. By Owen Wood.
Wood, Owen, active 1639Date: 1639- Books
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The English physitian enlarged : with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impre[ss]ion until this: the epistle will inform you how to know this impre[ss]ion from any other. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation: containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1 The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters, of al sorts of physical herbs ... 7 The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrologie: living in Spittle-Fields.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1655- Books
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The garden of health : containing the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants. Together with the manner how they are to bee vsed and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body, against diuers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men. Gathered by the long experience and industry of William Langham, practitioner in physicke.
Langham, WilliamDate: M.DC.XXXIII. [1633]