2,431 results filtered with: Astrology - Early works to 1800
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MDCXLII [1642] almanack et prognosticon, sive, Speculum anni à nat. J.C., 1642 : et ab astrorum creatione kepleriana 5635 ... wherein is contained a three-fold kalendar ecclesiasticall, viz. the Iulian, the Gregorian, and the true accompt with all the lunations, planetary configurations, eclipses and other cœlestiall observations and astrologicall predictions therein / calculated exactly and composed by John Booker.
Booker, John, 1603-1667Date: [1642]- Books
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Einer, 1622 : an almanacke for the yeare of our Lord God, 1622 : being the second from bissextile, or leap-yeare.
Einer, N., active 1620-1626Date: 1622- Books
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The Weavers almanack : an ephemeris for the year 1688. and from the creation according to sacred writ, 5637. Being the bissextile or leap-year. Wherein are contained on the left hand page six columns: 1. the month-days; 2. the weekdays; 3. the saints days; 4. the moon's place; 5. the weather; 6. lunar Aspects. On the right hand page are contained eight columns; the two first are for month-days and week-days, the planets standing each for the day they govern : as luna for Monday; 3. planets places degrees and minutes; 4. the sun's place; 5. the sun's rising; 6. the sun's setting; 7. mutual aspects; 8. the moon's rising and setting; and at the end of the months is added by the author two necessary tables, one for right ascention, and the other soroblique ascention / by Thomasius Strut.
Strut, Thomas.Date: 1688- Books
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Partridge, 1649 : an almanack and prognostication of the worlds redemption, 1649, and of the creation, 5642, being the first after bissextile or leape yeare : calculated and principally referred to the meridian of the most honourable city of London, whose scituation is in longitude 24 degrees and 20 minutes, and in latitude 52 degrees, 32 minutes, and may serve indifferently for the whole kingdome of England / composed and made fit for the use of all sorts of men in generall by Seth Partridge.
Partridge, Seth, 1603-1686Date: [1649]- Books
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Hemeroscopeion anni æræ Christianæ, 1654. The first part. The latter part, Wherein you have the names, genus, species, efficient and final causes of all comets ... the astronomical calculations respectig the meridian and latitude of Kirkby-Kendall... / By Geo. Wharton, Esq.
Wharton, George, Sir, 1617-1681Date: 1654- Books
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Dade. 1607 : A new almanack and prognostication, with the forraine computation, in which you may behold the state of this year of our Lord God 1607. Being the third from the leape yeare. / Made and set [foorthe] by John Dade gentleman and [practicioner] in phisicke.
Dade, John, active 1589-1614Date: [1607]- Books
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Pond : an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1694 ... : amplified with many good things both for pleasure and profit, and fitted for the meridian of Saffron-Walden in Essex ... and may serve indifferently for any other place of this kingdom.
Date: 1694- Books
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Ephemeris absoluta : an almanack astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord God 1690 : and from the world's creation 5639 : being the second after bissextile, or leap-year : wherein is contain'd the motions of the planets, mutual and lunar aspects ; a table of houses, eclipses, monthly observations ; a table of the tides, the rising and setting of the sun and moon, lunations, the moon's southing ; the termes and their returns : with several useful tables ... referred properly to the meridian of ... London ... / by Daniel Woodward.
Woodward, Daniel, active 1682-1700Date: 1690- Books
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Langley 1643 : a new almanack and prognostication for that yeare : being the third after leap-yeare : composed for the meridian of the famous mayor towne of Shrewsbury, and generally for all the north and west parts of England / by Thomas Langley.
Langley, ThomasDate: [1643]- Books
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Sauage 1611 : a new almanacke and prognosticatio[n] for the yeare of our Lord and Sauionr [sic] Jesus Christ 1611, being the third after leap yeare : calculated and rectified from the other orbs and moueable positures for the scituation of the honorable citye of Yorke and the north parts, without any great difference or error : seruing also the whole realme of England / collected according to art by William Sauage.
Savage, William, active 1610Date: [1611]- Books
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Swallow : an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1669 : being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5673 : calculated properly for the meridian of the university and town of Cambridge.
Swallow, JohnDate: 1669- Books
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Fly 1659 : an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1659 ... : calculated for the meridian of Kings-Lynn ... and may very well serve for any other part of England.
Date: 1659- Books
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An almanack of coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha, 1668 : Being in our account first from leap-year, and from the creation 5617. Whose vulgar notes whereof are golden number 16 Roman indiction 06 dominical letter D [brackets] cycle of the sun 25 epact 26 number direction 01 : calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. and 42 gr. 30 m. North / by Joseph Dudley astrophil.
Dudley, Joseph, 1647-1720Date: 1668- Books
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Woodhouse 1620 : an almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1620, being the bissextile or leape yeare : containing sundry rules, notes and directions, very necessary for most sorts of men, seruing indifferently for all this kingdome of Great Brittaine, but more specially for the southerne partes / collected at Kinges-Cleere in the county of South-hampton by Iohn Woodhouse.
Woodhouse, JohnDate: 1620- Books
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Edinburgh's true almanack or A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1691 ... / [By James Paterson mathematician.].
Paterson, James (Mathematician), active 1685-1692.Date: [1691]- Books
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Woodhouse 1666 : a new almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1666 : being the second from bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5629 : wherein is contained many things both usefull, pleasant, and profitable for all sorts of men, calculated for the meridian of ... London, and may generally serve for all Great Brittain / by John Woodhouse.
Woodhouse, JohnDate: 1666- Books
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Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1663 : being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5612 : wherein is contained the state of the year ... : calculated according to art, and referred to the horizon of the ancient and renowned borough town of Stamford ... fitting all the middle counties of England, and without sensible errour the whole nation / by Vincent Wing.
Wing, Vincent, 1619-1668Date: 1663- Books
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Kalendarium Catholicum for the year 1686.
Blount, Thomas, 1618-1679Date: MDCLXXXVI [1686]- Books
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Calendarium Londinense, or, Raven's almanac for the year 1678.
Date: [1678]- Books
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Allestree 1633 : a new almanacke, and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God 1633 and from the Creation 5595, being the first after leape yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Articke of 51 deg. 32 min. and may generally serue for the whole ile of Great Britaine : mutor pro temporum ratione / by Richard Allestree.
Allestree, Richard, active 1617-1643Date: [1633]- Books
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Merlinus Anglicus Junior: or the Starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1699 : And from the creation, according to sacred writ, 5648 being the third after bissextil, or leap-year. Wherein is contained, (1) astronomical and meterological observations. (2) The state of the year, deduced according to art, from the solar ingresses, eclipses, variations configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the planets. (3) The rising and setting of the sun, moon and stars: also her southing; together with many usefull tables pertinent for such a work. Accommodated to the meridian of London, which lies in the latitude of 51 deg. 32 min. north, but may indifferently serve (without sensible error) for any other part of Great Britain. To which is added monthly observations and astrological predictions (or conjectures) upon the whole year, &c. Also an ephemeris of the diurnal motions and aspects of the planets, &c. the like (in all particulars) not extant. As also a short discourse of the feast of Easter. By Henry Coley teacher of the mathematicks and the cœlestial science, in Baldw.
Coley, Henry, 1633-1704?Date: 1699- Books
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Advice from the stars : or, an almanack for the year of Christ 1699. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year. And from the creation according to scripture 5648. Furnished with variety of matter befitting such a subject. Fitted to the meridian of Dublin, where the Pool [sic] Artick is elevated above the Horison 53 deg. and 20 min. but also may indifferently serve all other parts of Ireland and great Brittain. To which is added an account of all the bishops, and pretended bishops and popes of Rome, down to the year of humane redemption 1683. And some considerations upon their pretentions of right to the supremancy. As also an inquiry into certain wrongs done to astrology by way of reply to Mr. John Gadburys reflection on what in his almanack for the last year he stiles the Placidian astrology; and to a certain pamphlet last year set forth by Andrew Cumsty and other silly fellows about Christmas 1697. Intituled An answer to the almanack last year published by the author Iohn Whalley professor of physick a.
Whalley, John, 1653-1724Date: 1699- Books
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Mysterium sigillorum, herbarum & lapidum : containing a compleat cure of all sicknesses and diseases of mind and body by means of the influences of the seven planets, adorned with copper plates & figures, shewing the foundation of this astronomical and coelestial science / written originally in Saxon, by ... Israel Hibner ... ; now translated into English for B. Clayton.
Hiebner, IsraelDate: 1698- Books
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Perkins, a new almanack, for the year of our Lord God 1699 : being the third after bissextile, or leap year, and from the worlds creation , according to sacred writ, 5649 years : composed and chiefly referred to the famous city of London, but (without sensible error) may serve for any other place in Great Britain : adorned with a compendious chronology of things worth remembrance, since the creation to this present year, as also the weather, the sun & moons rising & setting, with the high-wayes, &c. and many other useful things, proper for such a work, the like not extant by any other, being of general use for all men / made and set forth by F. Perkins.
Perkins, F. (Francis)Date: 1699- Books
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De coniunctionibus magnis insignioribus superiorum planetarum, solis defectionibus, & cometis, in quarta monarchia, cum eorundem effectuum historica expositione. Auctore Cypriano Leouitio, à Leonicia, Boemo, Hradecense, mathematico. Eiusdem authoris. His accessit, ab anno Domini. 1564. in viginti annos sequentes, prognosticon, in quo quid planetæ de proximo totius orbis interitu portendant apertè ostenditur. Item pij cuiusdam viri, de stella quæ citra naturæ ordinem proximo mense Decembri aparuit epigrammate conclusum iudicium.
Leowitz, Cyprian, 1524-1574Date: Anno. 1573