37 results filtered with: Societies - history
- Books
Volksheilkundliche Laienverbände im Dritten Reich / Bertram Karrasch.
Karrasch, Bertram.Date: 1998- Books
The Cambridge Apostles : a history of Cambridge University's élite intellectual secret society / Richard Deacon.
Deacon, Richard, 1911-1998.Date: 1986, ©1985- Books
On the administrative frontier of medicine : the first ten years of the American Hospital Association, 1899-1908 / edited with an introduction by Morris J. Vogel.
Date: 1988- Books
Bundesverband Deutscher Krankenhausapotheker (ADKA) e. V. : Entstehung und Entwicklung eines Berufsverbandes / Holger Latsch.
Latsch, Holger, 1971-Date: 2009- Books
Regenerating the nation : the rise and fall of the Cork Total Abstinence Society, 1838-1848 / by Paul A. Townend.
Townend, Paul Arthur.Date: 1999- Books
Tierschutz im Kaiserreich : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Vereinswesens / Miriam Zerbel.
Zerbel, Miriam, 1965-Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
30th anniversary / Parkinson's Disease Society.
Parkinson's Disease Society.Date: [1999]- Books
Dictionary of British women's organisations, 1825-1960 / Peter Gordon and David Doughan ; with a foreword by Sheila Rowbotham.
Gordon, Peter, 1927-Date: 2001- Books
Medikale Kultur der homöopathischen Laienbewegung (1870 bis 2013) : vom kurativen zum präventiven Selbst? / von Daniel Walther.
Walther, Daniel, Dr. phil.Date: 2017- Books
The heritage of the Med-Chi : Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society : a collection of the portraits and medical artefacts in the possession of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Aberdeen (founded 1789) / A. Adam & J.D. Hutchison.
Adam, A.Date: [2007], ©2007- Books
From the beginning : a history of the American Fertility Society, 1944-1994 / Walter E. Duka, Alan H. DeCherney.
Duka, Walter E.Date: [1994], ©1994- Books
Manual of the American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons : this manual; was collated by the secretary from the official Documents of the Association, and from five previous manuals, published in 1907, 1925, 1933, 1953, and 1961 : corrected to June, 1978, and printed by authority of the Association.
American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons.Date: [1978?]