260 results filtered with: Medicine, Popular - Early works to 1800
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At the blew ball in Great Knight-Rider-Street, by doctors commons back-gate liveth a physician : Who cureth the venereal disease with all its symptomes, as Gonorrhea, or running of the reines, pain in the head.
Date: [1680?]- Books
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Pray vouchsafe it the reading over elixir stomachicum: or, the great cordial elixir for the stomach : of a delicate flavour, and pleasing (tho' bitterish) taste, not purging but cordial.
Stoughton, Richard, 1665-1716Date: [1700?]- Books
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At the blew ball in little Kerby street in Hatton Garden in Holborn liveth a gentlewoman.
Date: [1680?]- Books
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A caveat to the unwary: or, Venus unveil'd : With all her venerial train, as also her several disguises and various shapes and forms laid open, after a pretended cure.
Clark, T., active 1700Date: [1700?]- Books
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A closet for ladies and gentlewomen, or, The art of preserving, conserving, and candying : With the manner how to make divers kindes of syrups, and all kinds of banqueting-stuff; also divers soveraigne-medicines and salves.
Date: 1654- Books
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Delights for ladies : to adorn their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories. With beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. Read, practice, and censure.
Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1608Date: 1647- Books
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Niemant mijns gelijck. Ingantsch Christenrijck. Die u soo suyver kan geneesen, als ick aen meenigh duysendt hebbewesen : That most renowned Dutch operator, who lived in the great city and University of Leyden, is come over into this most famous nation at the instances of some persons of quality that knew in what great credit he lived in Holland, for the cure of men, women, and children.
Gerardts, GonsaleDate: [1695]- Books
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A rich storehouse or treasurie for the diseased : Wherein are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue beene long hidden, and not come to light before this time. First set forth for the benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people, that are not of abilitie to goe to the physicions. By G.W.
A. T., practitioner in physickeDate: 1630- Books
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The antivenereal apozem : A pleasant liquor, which in thirty days (without any other assistance) perfectly cures the most inveterate pox in any age, sex or constitution, by an easie familiar operation that puts the patient to no manner of trouble or inconveniency, but an exact regulation of diet.
Noy, ArthurDate: [1675?]- Books
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The admirable vertue, property and operation of the quintessence of rosemary flowers : and the meanes to vse it for the sickesses and diseases herein mentioned.
Date: [1615?]]- Books
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The most excellent spirit of ground-ivey, distilled to its perfection : whereby it becomes much more beneficial to the blood, than by any use that hath ever hitherto been make of that soveraign herb.
Date: [between 1680? and 1708?]- Books
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A closet for ladies and gentlevvomen, or, The art of preserving, conserving, and candying : with the manner how to make diverse kindes of syrupes, and all kinde of banqueting stuffes : also divers soveraigne medicines and salues for sundry diseases.
Date: 1611- Books
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De la santé. Ouvrage utile à tout le monde / [par Dr. Jacquin] [Anon].
Jacquin, Armand-Pierre, 1721-Date: 1762- Books
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At the blew Ball in Heydon yard in the Little Minories, London, near the Tower, liveth one Mr. Elmy, operator, who prepareth that most excellent and successful arcana, Pilula Homogenea.
Elmy, MrDate: [between 1673 and 1680]- Books
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Thomas Saffold, an approved and licensed physitian, and student in astrology : living at the Black-Ball and old Lilly's-Head, next door to the feather-shops that are within Black-Fryars Gate-way, which is over against Ludgate-Church, just by Ludgate, who resolves these questions following, viz. Whether any ones life may be happy or unhappy.
Date: [between 1674 and 1691]- Books
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The treasury of commodious conceits, and hidden secrets : commonly called the good huswiues closet of prouision, for the health of hir housholde. Meete and necessarye for the profitable vse of al estates. Gathered out of sundrye experyments, lately practised by men of greate knowledge: and now amplified and inlarged with diuers necessary and newe additions.
Partridge, John, active 1566-1573Date: Anno. 1584- Books
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Cure for the dogmatical incurables, performed in matter of fact by N. Merry philo-chym : All subjects have their excrements in them, and excrements will make but bad medicines. First cure the subjects of their diseases, and thou shalt happily cure the patients of their sicknesses. All true medicine is the incorruptible and undigestible part latent in their subjects. Whence it follows that excrements and foods are no physick, or very improper medicines; hence a necessity of seperation.
Merry, NathanielDate: 1682- Books
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In Bruges-street in Covent-garden, over-against the Kings-Play-House or Rose-Tavern, where you will see the Kings-Arms hang over the balconey, dwelleth, Cornelius a Tilbourn : the famous German physitian and operator, sworn chyrugeon to the late King Charles the II. An now priviledg'd by our gracious soveraign King William, who.
Tilburg, CorneliusDate: [between 1695 and 1700]- Books
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The treasurie of hidden secrets: commonly called, The good-huswiues closet of prouision : for the health of her houshold. Gathered out of sundry experiments, lately practised by men of great knowledge: and now newly enlarged, with diuers necessary physicke helpes, and knowledge of the names and naturall disposition of diseases that most commonly happen to men and women.
Partridge, John, active 1566-1573Date: 1627- Books
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Chymical, medicinal, and chyrurgical addresses : made to Samuel Hartlib, Esquire. Viz. 1. Whether the vrim & thummim were given in the mount, or perfected by art. ... 9. The new postilions, pretended prophetical prognostication, of what shall happen to physitians, chyrurgeons, apothecaries, alchymists, and miners.
Hartlib, Samuel, -1662Date: 1655- Books
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Elixir magnum stoma-chicum, or, The great cordial elixir for the stomach. Of a delicate pleasant bitterish taste, not purging, but cordial only.
Date: [1690?]- Books
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The Kitchin-physician, or, A guide for good-housewives in maintaining their families in health : wherein are described the natures, causes, and symptoms of all diseases, inward and outward, incident to the bodies of men, women, and children : prescribing natural, useful and proper / published for the common good ... by T.K., Doctor in Physick.
T. K., Doctor in physickDate: 1680- Books
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Directions for the golden purging spirit of scurvey-grass / Being only prepared by me Charles Blagrave physician.
Blagrave, CharlesDate: [1680?]- Books
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New experiments upon vipers : containing also an exact description of all the parts of a viper, the seat of its poyson, and the several effects thereof, together with the exquisite remedies, that by the skilful may be drawn from vipers, as well for the cure of their bitings, as for that of other maladies / originally written in French by M. Charas of Paris ; now rendred English.
Charas, Moyse, 1619-1698Date: 1670- Books
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A Closet for ladies and gentlewomen, or, The art of preseruing, conseruing, and candying : with the manner how to make diuers kindes of sirups, and all kinde of banquetting stuffes : also diuers soueraigne medicines and salues for sundrie diseases.
Date: 1630