166 results filtered with: Medicine, Medieval
- Books
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Le moyen age médical / Edmond Dupouy.
Dupouy, Edmond, 1838-1920.Date: 1888- Books
Pseudo-Aristotle, the Secret of secrets : sources and influences / edited by W.F. Ryan and Charles B. Schmitt.
Date: 1982- Books
Science translated : Latin and vernacular translations of scientific treatises in medieval Europe / edited by Michèle Goyens, Pieter de Leemans, An Smets.
Date: 2008- Books
Within and without : the social and medical worlds of the medieval midwife, 1000-1500 / by Ginger Lee Guardiola.
Guardiola, Ginger Lee.Date: 2002- Books
[Avicennas̀ Canon conserved in the Library of Bologna University].
Università di Bologna. Bibliotheca.Date: 1953- Books
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Epoch-making books in British surgery. III, A proved practise for all young chirurgians by William Clowes maister in chirurgerie / by Sir D'Arcy Power, K.B.E., F.S.A.
Power, D'Arcy, Sir, 1855-1941Date: 1928- Books
Avicenna's medicine : a new translation of the 11th-century canon with practical applications for integrative health care / Mones Abu-Asab, Hakima Amri, Marc S. Micozzi.
Avicenna, 980-1037.Date: [2013], ©2013- Books
Anglicanus ortus : a verse herbal of the twelfth century / Henry of Huntingdon ; edited and translated by Winston Black.
Henry, of Huntingdon, 1084?-1155.Date: [2012], ©2012- Books
Tierische Drogen im 18. Jahrhundert im Spiegel offizineller und nicht offizineller Literatur und ihre Bedeutung in der Gegenwart / Katja Susanne Moosmann ; mit einem Geleitwort von Christoph Friedrich.
Moosmann, Katja SusanneDate: 2019- Books
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Alphita : a medico-botanical glossary from the Bodleian manuscript, Selden B.35 / edited by J.L.G. Mowat.
Date: 1887- Books
Das Antidotarium des Nicolaus von Salerno und sein Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des deutschen Arzneiwesens : Text und Kommentar von zwei Handschriften der Berliner Staatsbibliothek.
Nicolaus, Salernitanus, active 12th century.Date: 1939- Books
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Médecine, astrologie et magie entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance : autour de Pietro d'Abano / textes réunis par Jean-Patrice Boudet, Franck Collard et Nicolas Weill-Parot.
Date: 2013- Books
De arte phisicali et de cirurgia / by John Arderne ; translated and commented by Torgny Svenberg & Peter Murray Jones ; art-historical reflexions by Eva Lq Sandgen.
Arderne, John, active 1307-1370Date: MMXIV- Books
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The boke of secretes of Albertus Magnus : of the vertues of herbes, stones, and certayne beasts : also, a boke of the same author, of the maruaylous thinges of the world, and of certaine effectes caused of certaine beastes.
Date: M. D. LX [1560]- Books
Bodies of knowledge : cultural interpretations of illness and medicine in medieval Europe / edited by Sally Crawford, Christina Lee.
Date: 2010- Manuscripts
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MS Arabic 189.
- Books
Arnaldi de Villanova Opera medica omnia.
Arnaldus, de Villanova, -1311.Date: 1981-- Books
Della dignità della medicina in Italia secondo il concetto di Giacomo Tommasini (1817) La "Scuola di Salerno," secondo il Mn. di Breslau / [Giacomo Tommasini].
Tommasini, Giacomo, 1768-1846.Date: 1970- Books
Ibn Al-Jazzar on fevers : a critical edition of Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir = Provisions for the traveller and the nourishment for the sedentary, Bk. 7, chs. 1-6 / the original Arabic text with an English translation, introduction and commentary by Gerrit Bos.
Ibn al-Jazzār.Date: 2000- Books
A Cretan healer's handbook in the Byzantine tradition : text, translation, and commentary / Patricia Ann Clark.
Clark, Patricia Ann.Date: [2011], ©2011- Books
Medicine in a multicultural society : Christian, Jewish and Muslim practitioners in the Spanish kingdoms, 1220-1610 / Luis Garćıa-Ballester.
García Ballester, Luis.Date: 2001- Books
The profits of practice : the wealth and social status of medical men in later medieval England / Carole Rawcliffe.
Rawcliffe, Carole, 1946-Date: 1985- Books
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Die Augenheilkunde des Ibn Sina / aus dem Arabischen übers. und erläutert von J. Hirschberg und J. Lippert.
Date: 1902- Books
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Epoch-making books in British surgery. II, Certain works of chirurgerie by Thomas Gale, maister in chirurgerie / by Sir D'Arcy Power, K.B.E., F.S.A.
Power, D'Arcy, Sir, 1855-1941Date: 1927- Books
- Online
Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum : a poem on the preservation of health in rhyming Latin verse / addressed by the school of Salerno to Robert of Normandy, son of William the Conqueror, with an ancient translation : and an introduction and notes by Sir Alexander Croke.
Scuola medica salernitana.Date: 1830