34 results filtered with: Fruit-culture
- Books
Grow something to eat every day / Jo Whittingham.
Whittingham, Jo.Date: 2011- Books
- Online
The cultivated oranges and lemons, etc. of India and Ceylon : with researches into their origin and the derivation of their names, and other useful information with and atlas of illustrations / by E. Bonavia.
Bonavia, E. (Emanuel), 1826?-1908.Date: 1888-1890- Books
Seminarium sive plantarium earum arborum, quae post hortos conseri solent: quarum nomina, fructus, item etiam conserendi vocabula apud authores benè recepta noc libello declarantur. In pueroru[m] gratiam atque vtilitatem ut post ipsas herbas, etia[m] arbores cognoscere facilè possint / [Charles Estienne].
Estienne, Charles, 1504-approximately 1564.Date: M.D.XXXVI [1536]- Books
Fruit-walls improved, by inclining them to the horizon: or, A way to build walls for fruit-trees; whereby they may receive more sun shine, and heat, than ordinary / By a member of the Royal Society.
Fatio de Duillier, Nicolas, 1664-1753.Date: 1699- Books
Seminarium et plantarium fructiferarum praesertim arborum quae post hortos conseri solent, denuò auctum & locupletatum. Huic accessit alter libellus de conserendis arboribus in seminario, déque iis in plantarium transferendis atque inserendis / [Charles Estienne].
Estienne, Charles, 1504-approximately 1564.Date: 1540- Books
Cultivation and diseases of fruit trees in the Maltese Islands / by J. Borg.
Borg, J. (John)Date: 1922- Books
Curiositez de la nature et de l'art sur la végétation: ou l'agriculture, et le jardinage dans leur perfection. Ou lʼon voit le secret de la multiplication du ble,́ & les moyens dʼaugmenter considerablement le revenu des biens de la campagne: de nouvelles dećouvertes grossif, multiplier, & embellir les fleurs & les fruits &c / par Mr. l̕Abbé De Vallemont.
Vallemont, abbé de (Pierre Le Lorrain), 1649-1721.Date: 1709- Books
- Online
The country-mans new art of planting and graffing : directing the best way to make any ground good for a rich orchard : with the manner how to plant and graffe all sorts of trees, to set and sow curnels, as also the remedies and medicines concerning the same, with divers other new experiments / practised by Leonard Mascall.
Mascall, Leonard, -1589Date: 1651- Books
The scientific work of the late Spencer Pickering, F.R.S / by Prof. T.M. Lowry, F.R.S., amd Sir John Russell, F.R.S. ; with a biographical notice by Prof. A. Harden, F.R.S.
Lowry, T. Martin (Thomas Martin), 1874-1936.Date: 1927