175 results filtered with: Formularies as Topic
- Books
Han ying chang yong Zhong yi chu fang shou ce = Chinese-English manual of common-used prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine / Ou Ming zhu bian.
Date: 1991- Books
- Online
A practical manual of the diseases of children with a formulary / by Edward Ellis.
Ellis, Edward, M.D.Date: 1881- Books
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The medical formulary: being a collection of prescriptions, derived from the writings and practice of many of the most eminent physicians in America and Europe. To which is added an appendix, containing the usual dietetic preparations and antidotes for poisons / By Benjamin Ellis.
Ellis, Benjamin, 1798-1831.Date: 1831- Books
Thesaurus medicaminum. A selection of medical formulae distributed into classes and accompanied by pharmaceutical and practical remarks. Adapted to the last editions of the Pharmacopoeae of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Colleges / By Richard Pearson.
Pearson, Richard, 1765-1836.Date: 1810- Books
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Modern surgical therapeutics : a compendium of current formulæ, approved dressings and specific methods for the treatment of surgical diseases and injuries / by George H. Napheys.
Napheys, George H. (George Henry), 1842-1876.Date: 1881- Books
Bitácora médica del Doctor Falcón : la medicina y la farmacia en el siglo XIX / Francisco Durán.
Falcón, Doctor.Date: 2000- Books
De Rezeptsammlung der Apotheke Brunner von Diessenhofen : eine Schweizer Sammlung aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, ihr Umfeld und die Praxis der Arzneimitteltherapie / von Claudine Yvonne Romann.
Romann, Claudine Yvonne, 1967-Date: 2001- Books
- Online
Aids to rational therapeutics : specially designed for students preparing for examination / by J. Milner Fothergill.
Fothergill, J. Milner (John Milner), 1841-1888.Date: 1881- Books
Magistral-Formeln RW : zusammengestellt nach wirtschaftlichen Grunsätzen in Verbindung mit Ärzten und Krankenkassen.
Date: [1934]- Books
Explicatio eorum, quae pertinent, tum ad qualitates simplicium medicamentorum, tum ad eorundem compositionem / [Giovanni Battista da Monte].
Monte, Giovanni Battista da, 1498-1551.Date: 1555- Books
- Online
P.J.F., the Pharmaceutical journal formulary : containing a list of additions and corrections, tables for the conversion of metric and imperial weights ... together with additional formulae for medicinal preparations sold by chemists and druggists ... / edited by John Humphrey.
Date: 1907- Books
- Online
Anaesthetics ancient and modern : an historical sketch of anaesthesia.
Burroughs Wellcome and Company.Date: [1907]- Books
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Formulario e guia medica : contendo a descripção dos medicamentos, as dóses, as molestias em que são empregados, as plantas medicinaes indigenas do Brasil, o compendio alphabetico das aguas mineraes, a escolha das melhores formulas, um memorial therapeutico, e muitas informações uteis / por Pedro Luiz Napoleão Chernoviz.
Chernoviz, Pedro Luiz Napoleão.Date: 1879- Books
- Online
A pocket formulary and physician's manual : embracing the art of combining and prescribing medicines to the best advantage : with many valuable recipes, tables, etc., adapted to the profession throughout the United States / by Thomas S. Powell.
Powell, Thomas S., 1826-1895.Date: 1855- Books
Opothérapie clinique : organothérapie formulaire / Marcel Laemmer.
Laemmer, Marcel.Date: 1925- Books
"Práctica" de Johannes de Parma : un tratado farmacológico en sus versiones hebreas y catalana / Lola Ferre.
John of Parma, active approximately 1250.Date: 2002- Books
Die Rezepte des Scribonius Largus : zum ersten Male vollständig ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit ausführlichem Arzneimittelregister versehen / von Wilhelm Schonack.
Scribonius Largus, approximately 1-approximately 50.Date: 1913- Books
The doctor's manual, or, Practioner's vade mecum : with which is incorporated "How to cut the drug bill" / by A. Herbert Hart.
Hart, A. Herbert (Arthur Herbert), 1861-Date: 1920- Books
- Online
Traité de l'art de formuler : comprenant des notions de pharmacie, la classification par familles naturelles des médicaments simples les plus usités / par Trousseau [et] O. Reveil.
Trousseau, A. (Armand), 1801-1867.Date: 1851- Books
- Online
Ricetta del D. Monteallegri : spirito canforato.
Monteallegri, Dr.Date: [1800?]- Books
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The pharmaceutical formulary : a synopsis of the British, French, German, and United States pharmacopoeias, and of the chief unofficial formularies being the 12th edition of Beasley's Pocket formulary / edited by J. Oldham Braithwaite.
Date: 1899- Books
Handy-book of the treatment of women's and children's diseases : according to the Vienna Medical School, with prescriptions / by Emil Dillnberger ; translated by Patrick Nicol.
Dillnberger, Emil.Date: 1871- Books
Formulaire officinal et magistral international / par J Jeannel.
Jeannel, J.Date: 1870- Books
- Online
Traité des maladies vénériennes : ouvrage théorique et pratique rédigé d'après les documents puisés dans les leçons et dans le service de M. Ricord contenant le récit d'une tentative de syphilisation et de plusieurs expériences d'inoculations pratiquées sur les animaux suivi d'un formulaire spécial / par Melchior Robert.
Ricord, Ph., 1800-1889.Date: 1853- Books
The chemist's compendium for pharmacists, chemists, and students / by C.J.S. Thompson.
Thompson, C. J. S. (Charles John Samuel), 1862-1943.Date: 1898