48 results filtered with: Embolism
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Études chimiques sur le sang humain. Thèse présentée et soutenue à la faculté de Médecine de Paris, le 23 novembre 1837 / par Louis-René Le Canu.
Le Canu, Louis René, 1800-1871.Date: 1837- Books
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Inaugural dissertation on the presence of air in the organs of circulation, submitted to the Medical Faculty of the University of Edinburgh, in conformity with the rules for graduation, by authority of the Very Rev. Principal Baird, and with the sanction of the Senatus Academicus / by John Rose Cormack.
Cormack, John Rose, Sir, 1815-1882.Date: 1837- Books
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Discurso pronunciado na Academia I. de Medicina : e na discussaõ da memoria do Sr. Dr. Paula Candido sobre a penetração do ar nas arterias / pelo Dr. José Maria de Noronha Feital.
Freital, José Maria de Noronha, 1818-1873.Date: 1847- Books
Thrombose und Embolie : Referate der 1. internationalen Tagung = ... = Thrombosis and embolism, proceedings / herausgegeben von Th. Koller, W.R. Merz.
International Conference on Thrombosis and Embolism 1954 : Basel, Switzerland)Date: [1955]- Books
Phlébites, thromboses et embolies post-opératoires / J. Ducuing.
Ducuing, J. (Jean)Date: 1929- Books
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Die Bildung und Metamorphose des Blutpfropfes, oder, Thrombus in verletzten Blutgefässen : aus einer grossen Reihe von Versuchen an Thieren abgeleitet / von B. Stilling.
Stilling, B. (Benedict), 1810-1879.Date: 1834- Books
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Recherches sur l'introduction accidentelle de l'air dans les veines, et particulièrement sur cette question : l'air, en s'introduisant spontanément par une veine blessée pendant une opération chirurgicale, peut-il causer subitement la mort? / par J.-Z. Amussat.
Amussat, J.-Z. (Jean Zuléma), 1796-1856.Date: 1839- Videos
Thrombo-embolic diseases and their treatment with anticoagulants.
Date: 197?- Books
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Zur Embolie der Arteria Centralis Retinae : inaugural-dissertation vorgelegt der hohen medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Zärich / von Robert Kern.
Kern, Robert.Date: 1892- Books
Zur Geschichte des Enchondroms namentlich in Bezug auf dessen hereditäres Vorkommen und secundäre Verbrietung in inneren Organen durch Embolie / von Otto Weber.
Weber, Otto.Date: [1865]- Archives and manuscripts
Pulmonary and other fat-embolism. Pulmonary concussion.
Date: 1924-1945Reference: PP/FPW/B.268Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Ephemera
Facts about strokes / American Heart Association.
Date: 1964- Books
A movable clot in the right auricle / by Neil Macleod.
MacLeod, Neil.Date: 1883- Books
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Contribution à l'histoire de l'embolie : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine présentée et soutenue le 30 décembre 1869 / par Émile Ballay.
Ballay, Émile.Date: 1869- Books
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Beiträge zu den embolishen Erkrankungen des Auges / von J. Hirschberg.
Hirschberg, J. (Julius), 1843-1925.Date: [1885]- Books
Untersuchungen ueber die embolischen Processe / Julius Cohnheim.
Cohnheim, Julius, 1839-1884.Date: 1872- Books
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Klinik der embolischen Gefässkrankheiten : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die ärztliche Praxis / von B. Cohn.
Cohn, Bernhard, 1827-1864.Date: 1860- Books
Thrombosis and emboli (1846-1856) / Rudolf L.K. Virchow ; translated by Axel C. Matzdorff, William R. Bell.
Virchow, Rudolf, 1821-1902.Date: 1998- Books
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Des embolies veineuses d'origine traumatique / par J. Levrat.
Levrat Jules.Date: 1880- Books
On the specific treatment of thrombosis and pulmonary embolism with anticoagulants, with particular reference to the post-thrombotic sequelae : the results of five years' treatment of thrombosis and pulmonary embolism at a series of Swedish hospitals during the years 1940-1945 / by H. Zilliacus.
Zilliacus, H. (Harry Berendt Johan), 1916-Date: 1946- Books
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Retinal embolism, homonymous hemianopsia, and double optic neuritis, in cases of anaemia / by C. O. Hawthorne.
Hawthorne, C. O. (Charles Oliver), 1858-1949.Date: [1904]- Books
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Untersuchungen ueber die embolischen Processe / von Jul. Cohnheim ; mit 1 tatel in Farbendruck.
Cohnheim, Julius, 1839-1884.Date: 1872- Books
Les embolies artérielles des membres / H. Haimovici.
Haimovici, Henry, 1907-2001.Date: [1937]