73 results filtered with: Brain, anatomy & histology
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On the localisation of movements in the brain / by J. Hughlings Jackson.
Jackson, John Hughlings, 1834-1911.Date: [1875]- Books
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Études topographiques sur les lésions corticales des hémisphères cérébraux / par Henry C. de Boyer.
Boyer, Henry Clozel de.Date: 1879- Books
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Mémoire sur les plis cérébraux de l'homme et des primatès / par Pierre Gratiolet.
Gratiolet, Pierre, 1815-1865.Date: [1854]- Books
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On cerebral anatomy : an address delivered at the opening of the Section of Anatomy and Physiology, at the Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, held in Birmingham, July, 1890 / by D.J. Cunningham.
Cunningham, D. J. (Daniel John), 1850-1909.Date: [1890]- Books
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On two little-known cerebral fissures : with suggestions as to fissural and gyral names / by Burt G. Wilder.
Wilder, Burt G. (Burt Green), 1841-1925.Date: [1885]- Books
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Rampancy, the fervor of the forehead : a study of the anterior metopic lobule / by Wallace Wood.
Wood, Wallace.Date: [1900]- Books
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On the structure of the brain in marsupial animals / by Richard Owen.
Owen, Richard, Sir, 1804-1892.Date: 1837- Books
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An anatomico-physiological study of the posterior longitudinal bundle in its relation to forced movements / by L.J.J. Muskens.
Muskens, Louis Jacob Josef, 1872-1937.Date: 1914- Books
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Zur Anatomie der Hirnwindungen bei den Primaten / von Josef Victor Rohon.
Rohon, Josef Victor.Date: 1884- Books
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Ueber die Methoden, die Lage und Richtung der Hirnwindungen und -Furchen an der Aussenfläche des Kopfes zu bestimmen : Beschreibung eines neuen Craniencephalometers / von A. Köhler.
Koehler, A.Date: [between 1890 and 1899]- Books
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On the position of the motor centres in the brain in regard to the nutritive and social functions / by T. Lauder Brunton.
Brunton, Thomas Lauder, Sir, 1844-1916.Date: [1882]- Books
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Determinazione della topografia cranio-encefalica : con un nuovo metodo : comunicazione fatta alla VIIIa adunanza della Società Italiana di Chirurgia in Roma 1891 / A. d'Antona.
Antona, Antonino d'Date: 1892- Books
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Le cerveau, sa topographie anatomique / par C. Morel.
Morel, Charles, 1823-1884.Date: 1880- Books
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Appendix to The anatomy of the brain : containing a paper read before the Royal Society on the 14th of May, 1829, and some remarks on Mr. Charles Bell's animadversions on phrenology / by G. Spurzheim.
Spurzheim, Johann Gaspard, 1776-1832.Date: 1830- Books
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Entsefalometricheskiia izsliedovaniia mozga v sviazi s polom, vozrastom i cherepnym ukazatelem / N. Aitukhova.
Aitukhov, N.Date: 1891- Books
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Essai de topographie cérébrale par la cérébrotomie méthodique : conservation des pièces normales et pathologiques par un procédé particulier / par le Dr Bitot.
Bitot, Pierre.Date: 1878- Books
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Researches on the intimate structure of the brain. 2nd ser. / by J. Lockhart Clarke.
Clarke, J. Lockhart (Jacob Lockhart), 1817-1880.Date: 1868- Books
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Étude sur les circonvolutions cérébrales chez l'homme et chez les singes : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine / présentée et soutenue par Jules Gromier.
Gromier, Jules.Date: 1874- Books
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Exhibition of preparations illustrating (A) the enlargement, yet complete circumscription of the porta in an alinjected hydrencephal, (B) the continuity of the diacoelian endyma from the mesal surface of the thalamus over the habena to the diatele, (C) the insula in a dog, monkey, chimpanzee, and porpoise / by Burt G. Wilder.
Wilder, Burt G. (Burt Green), 1841-1925.Date: [1885]- Books
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De anatomia pathologica cerebri vesanorum commentatio : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / publice defendet Justus Maximilianus Theobaldus Güntz.
Güntz, Justus Maximilianus Theobaldus, 1830-Date: [1853]- Books
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On the weight of the brain, and on the circumstances affecting it / by John Thurnam.
Thurnam, John, 1810-1873.Date: 1866- Books
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Cranio-cerebral topography / by William Anderson and G.H. Makins.
Anderson, William, 1842-1900.Date: 1889- Books
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On the posterior lobes of the cerebrum of the quadrumana / by William Henry Flower ; communicated by Dr. Sharpey.
Flower, William Henry, 1831-1899.Date: [1862]- Books
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Civilisation and cerebral development : some observations on the influence of civilisation upon the development of the brain in the different races of man / by Robert Dunn.
Dunn, Robert, 1799-1877.Date: [1866]- Books
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A new method in brain study : fissura calcarina, cerebral eidola, prothymia, intention, the anthemion / by Wallace Wood.
Wood, Wallace.Date: 1899