55 results filtered with: Blood Vessels
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Recherches sur l'organisation du système vasculaire dans la sangsue médicinale et l'aulastome vorace / par Pierre Gratiolet.
Gratiolet, Pierre, 1815-1865.Date: 1862- Books
Compleat system of the blood-vessels and nerves / taken from Albinus's edition of Eustachius, also from Ruysch, Vieussens, Du Verney, Haller, Trew, and J.B. Surgeon at Avignon; with tables of explanation, containing the text of Eustachius, Albinus, etc. Translated into English. To which are prefixed three whole-length anatomical figures, representing the external parts of the human body in both sexes.
Date: 1750- Books
Blood vessels and lymphatics / edited by David I. Abramson.
Date: 1962- Books
Die Venensysteme der menschlichen Wirbsäule : Mophologie und funktionelle Bedeutung / von H.J. Clemens.
Clemens, H. J. (Hans Joachim)Date: 1961- Books
- Online
Untersuchungen über den Kreislauf des Bluts und insbesondere über die Bewegung desselben in den Arterien und Capillargefässen : mit erklärenden Hindeutungen auf pathologische Erscheinungen / vom Dr. Georg Wedemeyer.
Wedemeyer, Georg Ludwig Heinrich Carl, 1790-1829.Date: 1828- Archives and manuscripts
Bell, John Pearson: Commonplace Book
Bell, John Pearson, MD, JP (1808-1886)Date: c.1826-1884Reference: MS.8787- Archives and manuscripts
John Hunter's Lectures
Date: 18th centuryReference: MS.MSL.40- Books
Gefäss-Störungen der Gliedmassen : eine Darstellung für praktische Ärzte und Studierende / von Thomas Lewis ; übersetzt von W. Hess.
Lewis, Thomas, Sir, 1881-1945.Date: 1938- Books
The presence of renin activity in blood vessel walls / by Anne B. Gould, Leonard T. Skeggs and Joseph R. Kahn.
Hauberg, Anne Gould.Date: 1980- Books
The circle of Willis : The Harveian Oration delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London on October 18, 1954 / by Sir Charles Symonds.
Symonds, Charles, Sir, 1890-Date: [1955]- Books
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On the absorption of fluids from the connective tissue spaces / by Ernest H. Starling.
Starling, Ernest Henry, 1866-1927.Date: [1896]- Books
La sensibilité réflexogène des vaisseaux aux excitants chimiques / par C. Heymans, et J.J. Bouckaert.
Heymans, Corneille, 1892-1968.Date: 1934- Books
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Vita di Giovambattista Morgagni ... / scritta da Gioseppe Mosca. Con due lettere, l'una intorno all' abuso della matematica nella scienza naturale, e l'altra della causa più probabile dell' ascendimento de' licori ne' vasi capillari.
Mosca, Giuseppe.Date: 1764- Books
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A probationary essay on the formation of new bloodvessels submitted, by the authority of the president and his council, to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons' of Edinburgh ... / By Allen Thomson.
Thomson, Allen, 1809-1884.Date: 1832- Books
- Online
Researches, tending to prove the non-vascularity and the peculiar uniform mode of organization and nutrition of certain animal tissues : viz. articular cartilage, and the cartilage of the different classes of fibro-cartilage, the cornea, the crystalline lens, and the vitreous humour, and the epidermoid appendages / by Joseph Toynbee.
Toynbee, Joseph, 1815-1866.Date: 1841- Books
The peripheral blood vessels / by 15 authors ; edited by J. Lowell Orbison and David E. Smith.
Date: 1963- Books
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Physiologisch-pathologische Untersuchungen über die Erscheinungen an der Arterien und Venen und die quantitativen Verhältnisse des Blutes im Verlaufe verschiedener Krankheiten / von Joseph Hamernjk.
Hamernjk, Joseph, 1810-1887.Date: 1847- Books
Some observations tending to demonstrate the dependence of vascular organization upon physical causes / by Sir Anthony Carlisle.
Carlisle, Anthony, Sir, 1768-1840.Date: 1840- Books
The blood vessels of the human skin and their responses / by Thomas Lewis.
Lewis, Thomas, Sir, 1881-1945.Date: 1927- Videos
Ocular neovascularisation.
Date: 1976- Books
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Dissertatio physiologica inauguralis de structura et usu vasorum absorbentium : quam annuente summo numine ex auctoritate rectoris magnifici Nicolai Paradys ... pro gradu doctoratus ... eruditorum examini submittit / Edvardus Holme, Anglus.
Holme, Edward.Date: 1793- Books
Die Gefässchirurgie im Ersten Weltkrieg / Sabine Eckhardt.
Eckhardt, Sabine.Date: 2014- E-journals
- Online
Microvascular research : MVR.
Date: 1968-- Archives and manuscripts
Malcolm Flemyng's Course of Physiology
Date: Mid 18th CentReference: MS.MSL.115-117- Books
- Online
Vascular disorders of the limbs : described for practitioners and students / by Sir Thomas Lewis.
Lewis, Thomas, Sir, 1881-1945.Date: 1936