2,431 results filtered with: Astrology - Early works to 1800
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Ephēmeris, or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological for the year of our Lord 1670 : in two parts / by John Gadbury.
Gadbury, John, 1627-1704Date: [1670]- Books
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Fly 1682 : an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1682 ... : calculated for the meridian of Kings-Lynn ... and may very well serve for any other part of England.
Date: 1682- Books
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Nuncius astrologicus : or, the astrological legate: demonstrating to the world the success that may probably (by the influences of the stars) be expected from the present unhappy controversie, between the two northern kings: deduced from the nativity of His Royal Majesty of Denmark. / By John Gadbury, philomathēmatikos.
Gadbury, John, 1627-1704Date: 1660- Books
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Swallow : an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1661 : being the first after bissextile or leap year, and from the worlds creation 5664 : calculated properly for the meridian of the universitie and town of Cambridge.
Swallow, JohnDate: 1661- Books
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Dove, Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCLVIII, or, An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1658 : being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5662 : calculated properly for the ... town of Cambridge.
Dove, JonathanDate: 1658- Books
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Woodhouse 1683 : a new almanack for the year of our Lord 1683 : being the third from the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5632 : wherein is contained a brief description of the four quarters of the year : excellent notes of husbandry and gardning [sic] for every moneth in the year : with the names of all the principal fairs, and a description of the high-ways in England and Wales / by John Woodhouse.
Woodhouse, JohnDate: 1683- Books
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Rudston. 1607 : A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yere of our Lord God[,] 1607[.] being the third from the leape yeare. Rectified and faithfully sup[putat]ed for the latitude [and] meridian of the tresfamous Uniuersitie of Cambridge, where the pole Arctik is eleuated 52. degrees 20. minutes, and may very well serue for the whole monarchie of Great Britaine. Amplified with many additions of rules, tables, and directions conducible for all men.
Rudston, Thomas, active 1606-1613Date: [1607]- Books
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Britains royal star: Or, An astrological demonstration of Englands future felicity : deduced from the position of the heavens as they beheld the earth in the meridian of London, at the first proclaiming of his Sacred Majesty King Charles the second, on May 8. 10h. 56m. A.M. 1660. And an enquiry made into the use and abuse of astrologie, resolving whether it be convenient to be continued or contemned. Also, an admirable observation of a conjunction of Jupiter and Mars made in the year 1170. by a learned monck of Canterbury, communicated to the learned in astronomy. Together with an exaination and refutation of that nest of sedition, published by Mr. H. Jessey, concerning frogs, dogs, &c. in his pamplet falsly intituled, The Lods Loud call to England, &c. / By John Gadbury, philomathematicus.
Gadbury, John, 1627-1704Date: 1661. [i.e. 1660]- Books
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An astrological discourse vpon the great and notable coniunction of the tvvo superiour planets, Saturne & Iupiter, which shall happen the 28 day of April, 1583 : with a briefe declaration of the effectes, which the late eclipse of the sunne 1582, is yet heerafter to woorke / written newly by Richard Harvey, partely to supplie what is wanting in com[m]on prognostications, and partely by pædiction of mischiefes ensuing, either to breed some endeuour of preuention by foresight, so farre as lyeth in vs, or at leastwise, to arme vs with pacience beforehande.
Harvey, Richard, 1560-1623?Date: Anno Domini 1583- Books
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MDCLXXXI. An almanack of coelestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha 1681 : being in our account second after leap-year and from the creation 5630 ... calculated for the meridian of Boston in New-England where the Artick Pole is elevated 42 degrees & 30 minutes / by John Foster, Astrophil.
Foster, John, 1648-1681Date: 1681- Books
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Poor Robin 1671 : an almanack after a new fashion : wherein the reader may see (if he be not blind) many remarkable things worthy of observation : being the 3d after bissextile, or leap-year : containing a two-fold kalendar, viz. the Julian, or English, and the round-heads, or fanaticks : with their several saints days, and observations upon every moneth / written by Poor Robin.
Poor RobinDate: [1669?]- Books
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Woodhouse 1633 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1633, being the first yeare after the bissextile, or leape yeare : containing sundry rules, notes, and directions necessary for most sorts of men, serving indifferently for all this kingdome of Great Britaine, but more especially for the meridian of the ancient city of Chichester, and the southerne parts / made and collected by Iohn Woodhouse, philomath.
Woodhouse, JohnDate: [1633]- Books
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The womans almanack : or, prognostication for ever: shewing the nature of the planets, with the events that shall befall women and children born under them. With several predictions very useful for the female sex. / By Sarah Ginnor student in Physick.
Jinner, Sarah, active 1658-1664Date: 1659- Books
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Einer 1626 : an almanacke and prognostication seruing for the yeare of our Lord God 1626, being the second in order from the bissextile or leape-yeare ... / by N. Einer.
Einer, N., active 1620-1626Date: [1626]- Books
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Dove : speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLXVIII, or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1668 : being bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, according to the best account, 5672 : calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge ... but may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
Dove, JonathanDate: 1668- Books
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The Dutch fortune-teller : discovering XXXVI several questions which old and young, married-men and women, batchelors and maids, delight to be resolved of / brought into England by John Booker.
Booker, John, 1603-1667Date: [1693?]- Books
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Burton 1616 : an almanacke and prognostication for this yeare of our redemption 1616, being leap yeare and from the worlds creation 5586 : which will serue generally without any great errour for any place within this kingdome / made and set forth according to art by Ger. Burton.
Burton, Gregory, active 1613-1621Date: [1616]- Books
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The book of palmestry and physiognomy : Being brief introductions, both natural, pleasant, and delectable, unto the art of chiromancy, or manual divination, and physiognomy: with circumstances upon the faces of the signes. Also, canons or rules upon diseases, or sicknesses. Whereunto is also annexed, as well the artificial as naturall astrologie, with the nature of the planets. Written in Latine, by John Indagine priest, and translated into English by Fabian Withers.
Indagine, Johannes ab, -1537Date: 1656- Books
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Mene tekel : being an astronomical judgment on the great and wonderful year 1688. Deduced from the true and genuine principles of that art: shewing the approaching catastrophe of popery in England, &c.
Partridge, John, 1644-1715Date: [1688]- Books
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Swallow, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1639 : being the third after bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation 5588 : calculated properly for the famous Universitie and tovvn of Cambridge, but may indifferently serve for any other place vvithin this kingdome.
Swallow, ThomasDate: [1639]- Books
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An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1667 : being the third from the bissextile, or leap-year / by Vincent Wing.
Wing, Vincent, 1619-1668Date: [1667]- Books
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Clavis astrologiæ, or, A key to the whole art of astrologie : in two parts: containing I. A brief, methodical, plain introduction thereunto enabling the meanest capacity fully to understand the fundamental grounds thereof and to give a rational judgment upon any astrological figure, nativity or question whatever: also how to make a proper election upon any occasion: unto which is annexed a small book of scheams ready set. II. The Genethliacal part of astrology, briefly comprehending the whole doctrine of directions, revolutions and projections; wherein is shewn by an easie and familiar method, how to rectifie and calculate nativities several ways, and according to any author, as Regiomontanus, Argol, or Kepler: also how to set a scheam the most exact way: with all requisits belonging unto the art of directions perfomed onely by a small artificial canon of sines and tangents; also many brief useful tables covenient for such work; with other varieties not here to fore published / By Henry Coley philomat.
Coley, Henry, 1633-1704?Date: 1669- Books
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Upcote, 1615 : a new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, 1615, being the third from the leape yeare, and from the creation and beginning of the world, 5577 / by Aug. Vpcote Gent.
Upcote, Augustine, active 1614-1619Date: 1615- Books
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The works of that late most excellent philosopher and astronomer, Sir George Wharton, bar : Collected into one entire volume. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology.
Wharton, George, Sir, 1617-1681Date: 1683- Books
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An easie and familiar method whereby to judge the effects depending on eclipses, either of the sun or moon / By William Lilly student in astrologie.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1652