79 results filtered with: Alchemy - Early works to 1800
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Medicina practica, or, Practical physick : shewing the method of curing the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies ... : to which is added, the philosophick works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid Persicus, Geber Arabs, Artesius Longævus, Nicholas Flammel, Roger Bachon and George Ripley : all translated out of the best Latin editions into English ... : together with a singular comment upon the first book of Hermes, the most ancient of philosophers : the whole compleated in three books / by William Salmon.
Salmon, William, 1644-1713Date: 1692- Books
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Mr. Culpepper's Treatise of aurum potabile : Being a description of the three-fold world, viz. elementary celestial intellectual containing the knowledge necessary to the study of hermetick philosophy. Faithfully written by him in his life-time, and since his death, published by his wife.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1657- Books
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The works of Geber, the most famous Arabian prince and philosopher, of the investigation and perfection of the philosophers-stone.
Jābir ibn ḤayyānDate: MDCLXXXVI. [1686]- Books
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A reuelation of the secret spirit : Declaring the most concealed secret of alchymie. Written first in Latine by an vnknowne author, but explained in Italian, by Iohn Baptista Lambye, Venetian. Lately translated into English, by R.N.E. gentleman.
Agnello, Giovan BattistaDate: 1623- Books
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The marrow of alchemy : being an experimental treatise, discovering the secret and most hidden mystery of the philosophers elixer. The second part. Containing three books, elucidating the practique of the art; in which the art is so plainly disclosed, as never any before did, for the benefit of young practitioners, and the convincing those who are in errors labyrinth. / By Eirenæus Philoponos Philalethes.
Starkey, George, 1627-1665Date: 1655- Books
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Fasciculus chemicus : or Chymical collections. Expressing the ingress, progress, and egress, of the secret hermetick science, out of the choisest and most famous authors. Collected and digested in such an order, that it may prove to the advantage, not onely of beginners, but proficients of this high art, by none hitherto disposed in this method. Whereunto is added, the Arcanum or grand secret of hermetick philosophy. Both made English by James Hasolle, Esquire, qui est Mercuriophilus Anglicus.
Dee, Arthur, 1579-1651Date: 1650- Books
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An exposition upon Sir George Ripley's preface / Written by Æyrenæus Philalethes, anglus, cosmopolita.
Starkey, George, 1627-1665Date: MDCLXXVII. [1677]- Books
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Culpeper revived from the grave, to discover the cheats of that grand impostor call'd Aurum potabile : Wherein is declared the grand falsities thereof, and abuses thereby. Published to undeceive the people, and to stop the violent current of such a mischievous designe.
Date: Printed in the moneth of August 1655- Books
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A breefe aunswere of Iosephus Quercetanus Armeniacus, Doctor of Phisick, to the exposition of Iacobus Aubertus Vindonis, concerning the original, and causes of mettalles : Set foorth against chimists. Another exquisite and plaine treatise of the same Iosephus, concerning the spagericall preparations, and vse of minerall, animall, and vegitable medicines. Whereunto is added diuers rare secretes, not heeretofore knowne of many. By Iohn Hester, practicioner in the spagericall arte.
Du Chesne, Joseph, approximately 1544-1609Date: Anno. Dom. 1591- Books
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Sal, lumen, & spiritus mundi philosophici: or, the dawning of the day : discovered by the beams of light: shewing, the true salt and secret of the philosophers. The first and universal spirit of the world. Written originally in French, afterwards turned into Latin, by the illustrious doctor, Lodovicus Combachius, ordinary physitian to the King, and publick professor of the physick in the University of Mompelier. And now transplanted into Albyons Garden, by R.T. Philomath.
Nuisement, Clovis Hesteau, sieur deDate: 1657- Books
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A description of new philosophical furnaces, or A new art of distilling : divided into five parts. Whereunto is added a description of the tincture of gold, or the true aurum potabile; also, the first part of the mineral work. Set forth and published for the sakes of them that are studious of the truth. / By John Rudolph Glauber. Set forth in English, by J.F. D.M.
Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 1604-1670Date: 1651- Books
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The way to health, long life, and happiness, or A discourse of temperance and particular nature of all things requisite for the life of man : as, all sorts of meats, drinks, air, exercises &c., with special directions how to use each of them to the best advantage of the body and mind. Shewing from the true ground of nature, whence most diseases proceed, and how to prevent them. To which is added, a treatise of most sorts of English herbs, with several other remarkable and most useful observations, very necessary for all families. The whole treatise displaying the most hidden secrets of philosophy, and made easie and familiar to the meanest capacities, by various examples and demonstrances, the like never before published. / Communicated to the world for a general good by Thomas Tryon, student in physick.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1697- Books
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The works of the highly experienced and famous chymist, John Rudolph Glauber : containing great variety of choice secrets in medicine and alchymy, in the working of metallick mines, and the separation of metals : also various cheap and easie ways of making salt-petre, and improving barren-land and the fruits of the earth : together with many other things very profitable for all the lovers of art and industry / translated into English, and published for publick good by Christopher Packe.
Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 1604-1670Date: 1689- Books
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The compound of alchymy. Or The ancient hidden art of archemie : conteining the right & perfectest meanes to make the philosophers stone, aurum potabile, with other excellent experiments. Diuided into twelue gates. First written by the learned and rare philosopher of our nation George Ripley, sometime Chanon of Bridlington in Yorkeshyre: & dedicated to K. Edvvard the 4. Whereunto is adioyned his epistle to the King, his vision, his wheele, & other his workes, neuer before published: with certaine briefe additions of other notable writers concerning the same. Set foorth by Raph Rabbards Gentleman, studious and expert in archemicall artes.
Ripley, George, -1490?Date: 1591- Books
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A choice collection of rare chymical secrets and experiments in philosophy : as also rare and unheard-of medicines, menstruums, and alkahests : with the true secret of volatilizing the fixt salt of tartar. / Collected and experimented by the honourable and truly learned Sir Kenelm Digby, kt. chancellour to her Majesty the Queen Mother. Hitherto kept secret since his decease, but now published for the good and benefit of the publick by George Hartman.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1682- Books
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One hundred fifty three chymical aphorisms : briefly containing whatsoever belongs to the chymical science / done by the labour and study of Eremita Suburbanus, printed in Latin at Amsterdam, Octob. 1687 ; to which are added some other phylosophic canons or rules pertaining to the hermetick science ; made English and published ... by Chr. Packe.
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699Date: 1688- Books
Auriga benedictus spagyricus minor, majoris prodromus, in nemus auriferum transvehens. Von dem gebenedeyten philosophischen Adrop, was er nemlich für ein Species sey, wie unnd welcher Gestalt er zubereitet und erlanget werde / Authore Guidonis Magni de Monte discipulo quodam ananymo. Erstlich auss arabischer und chaldeischer in frantzösisch und lateinische Sprach vertirt, letzlich in hochteutsch ubergesetzt und publicirt, durch B. Figulum.
Figulus, Benedictus.Date: [1609]- Books
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The Philosophical epitaph of W.C. Esquire : for a memento mori on his tomb-stone, vvith three hieroglyphical scutcheons and their philosophical motto's and explanation : with the philosophical Mercury, nature of seed and life, and growth of metalls, and a discovery of the immortal liquor alchahest : the salt of tartar volatized and other elixirs with their differences. Also, A brief of the golden calf, the worlds idol : discovering the rarest miracle in nature, ... / by Jo. Fr. Helvetius. And, The golden ass well managed and Midas restor'd to reason, or, A new chymical light : demonstrating to the blind world that good gold may be found as well in cold as hot regions, and be profitably extracted out of sand, stones, gravel and flints &c. .../ written by Jo. Rod. Glauber. With Jehior, aurora sapientiae, or, The day dawning or light of wisdom : containing the three principles or original of all things whereby are discovered the great and many mysteries of God, nature and the elements, hitherto hid, now revealed / all published by W.C. Esquire. : with a catalogue of chymical books.
Date: 1673- Books
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Five treatises of the philosophers stone. Two of Alphonso King of Portugall, as it was written with his own hand, and taken out of his closset: translated out of the Portugez into English : One of John Sawtre a Monke, translated into English. Another written by Florianus Raudorff, a German philosopher, and translated out of the same language, into English. Also a treatise of the names of the philosophers stone, by William Gratacolle, translated into English. To which is added the Smaragdine Table. / By the paines and care of H.P.
Date: 1652 [i.e. 1651]- Books
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A hundred and fourtene experiments and cures of the famous phisition Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus, translated out of the Germane tongue into the Latine. Whereunto is added certaine excellent and profitable workes by B.G., a Portu Aquitano. Also certaine secretes of Isack Hollandus concerning the vegetall and animall worke. Also the spagerick antidotarie for gunshot of Iosephus Quirsitanus. Collected by I.H.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541Date: [1583?]]- Books
Candida Phoenix philosophica, oder auffrichtige Beschreibung der Materiae Lapidis und des Mercurri Philosophorum, durch die Gleich und Geheimnuss des Regenwassers. Vorbenebenst zugleich die ver Principia der hermetischen Philosophiae getreulich deut- und klärlich, wie auch die Operationes gedachter Materiae und des Subjecti Artis sattsam angezeigt und vorgetragen werden.
Date: 1680- Books
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Chymical, medicinal, and chyrurgical addresses: made to Samuel Hartlib, Esquire : Viz. 1. Whether the Vrim and Thummim were given in the Mount, or perfected by art. 2. Sir George Ripley's epistle, to King Edward unfolded. 3. Gabriel Plats caveat for alchymists. 4. A conference concerning the phylosophers stone. 5. An invitation to a free and generous communication of secrets and receits in physick. 6 Whether or no, each several disease hath a particular remedy? 7. A new and easie method of chirurgery, for the curing of all fresh wounds or other hurts. 8. A discourse about the essence or existence of metals. 9. The new postilions, pretended prophetical prognostication, of what whall happen to physitians, chyrurgeons, apothecaries, alchymists, and miners.
Date: 1655- Books
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A Hermeticall banquet, drest by a spagiricall cook : for the better preservation of the microcosme.
Date: 1652 [i.e. 1651]- Books
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Two books of physick : viz. I. Medicaments for the poor; or, physick for the common people. (The chief things treated on in this book; you may read in the two leaves of contents, before the epistle to the reader.) First written in Latin by that famous and learned doctor, John Prevotius, phylosopher, and publick professor of physick in Padua. Translated into English, and somthing added, by Nich. Culpeper, student in physick and astrology. II. Health for the rich and poor, by diet without physick. By Nich. Culpeper, student in physick and astrology. Also Culpepers Ghost, is hereunto added; being a book of truth, wit, and mirth.
Prevost, Jean, 1585-1631Date: 1656- Books
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Phoenix atropicus de morte redux. Der wiederumb frischbelebte gebenedeyte philosophische Adrop, aus dem Grabe der Vergessenheit hervorgesucht, seinem Wesen, Eigenschafften, und eigentlicher Zubereitung nach ... aus arabisch- chaldaeisch- französisch- und lateinischer in hoch-teutscher Zungen beseelet und vorgestellet.
Figulus, BenedictusDate: 1681