749 results filtered with: Hebrew
- Books
Johannis BuxtorfI Thesaurus grammaticus linguæ, sanctæ hebrææ duobus libris methodice propositus ... adjecta prosodia metrica sive poeseos Hebræorum dilucida tractatio: lectionis hebræo-germanicæ usus & exercitatio.
Buxtorf, Johann, 1564-1629.Date: 1651- Books
Ḥomre ha-refuʼah ha-masoratiyim bi-yerushalayim ʻal-pi Ṭiṭus Ṭovler / Zohar ʻOmar, Efrayim Lev.
Amar, Zohar.Date: 2000- Archives and manuscripts
MS Hebrew A31
- Books
Wissenschaft und Charlatanerie unter den Arabern im neunten Jahrhundert : Nach der hebräischen Übersetzung eines Schriftchens von Rhases / mitgetheilt von M.Steinschneider.
Steinschneider, Moritz, 1816-1907.Date: 1996- Books
Talmud Yerushalmi.
Date: 1949- Books
Sefer he-ḥasidim ... / ḥibbro ... rabbenu Yehudah he-ḥasid.
Judah ben Samuel, approximately 1150-1217.Date: 5445 [1685]- Archives and manuscripts
MS Hebrew B33
- Books
Ḥomre marpeʼ ṿe-shimusham be-erets Yiśraʼel u-ve-suryah bi-yeme-ha-benayim (ha-meʼot ha-sheviʻit ʻad ha-shesh-ʻeśreh / Efrayim Lev, Zohar ʻAmar.
Lev, Efraim.Date: 5757 [1996]- Books
Nashim Yehudiyot be-Maroḳo : demutan be-reʼi mikhtavim min ha-shanim 1733-1905 / Eliʻezer Bashan.
Bashan, E.Date: [2005]- Books
Ḥoli u-marpe bi-yeme ḳedem = illness and healing in ancient times.
Date: 1996- Archives and manuscripts
MS Hebrew B49
- Books
Die Vorrede des Maimonides zu seinem Commentar über die Aphorismen des Hippokrates, zum grossten Theil im arabischen Original, vollständig in zwei hebräischen Uebersetzungen, nebst einer deutschen Uebersetzung / von Moritz Steinschneider.
Steinschneider, Moritz, 1816-1907.Date: 24 cm- Books
- Online
Shir ve-Zimrah la-H : le-zikaron shemoneh meʾot shanah le-yom huledet Marana ve-Rabana ha-Gaʾon Rabenu Mosheh b. r. Maimon z. l. u-lesaper bi-shevaḥo be-vet ha-kneset Ḳahal Ḳadosh Sefaradim Shaʿar ha-Shamayim y. ts. v. be-London be-yom sheni arbaʿah ṿe-ʿesrim yom le-ḥodesh Iyar.
Date: 5695 [1935]- Archives and manuscripts
MS Hebrew B56
- Archives and manuscripts
Exodus 37:7-40:24.
- Archives and manuscripts
Exodus 12:29 - 14:28
- Books
The code of Maimonides.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1954-- Journals
Maimonidean studies.
Date: 1990-- Books
- Online
Sefer zivḥe shelamim / kolel dine she-ḥiṭah u-vediḳah ʻal derekh sheʼelah u-teshuvah le-r[av] Yaʻaḳov ha-niḳra Yaʼaḳov Beʻeḳ ... ; hotsʼetiṿ le-ʼor me-ḥadash ʻim hosafot mashlimot ha-dinim ṿe-marhivot ha-ʻenayim ṿe-heʻetaḳti ha-khol le-leshon ashkenaz ani Yitsḥaḳ zeʻelig ben r[av] Shemuʼel Girʼonʻemʼann.
Beck, Jakob, active 18th century-19th century.Date: 5659 [1899]- Archives and manuscripts
MS Hebrew B58
- Books
Reshimat ḥomre ha-marpeh shel ʼerets yiśraʼel ṿe-sutiyah bime ha-venayim : seqirah riʼshonah / Yosef Drori, Zohar Amar, Efraim Lev.
Drory, Joseph.Date: 5755 [1995]- Archives and manuscripts
Abbreviaturum Hebraicarum libellus [Handbook of Hebrew abbreviations]
- Books
- Online
ha-Talmud ṿe-ḥokhmat ha-refuʼah / me-et Y.L. Katsenelson (Buḳi ben Yagli).
Katzenelsohn, I. L., 1847-1917.Date: 688, [1927 or 1928]- Books
Jerusalem in the 19th century, the Old City / Yehoshua Ben-Arieh.
Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua.Date: 1984- Books
Yediʻot ha-ṭevaʻ she-ba-Talmud ... / meʼat... Menaḥem Tsevi Ṭaḳsin.
Ṭaḳsin, Menaḥem Tsevi.Date: 667, 1907