104 results filtered with: Forms (Documents)
- Ephemera
- Online
A year of art for London Lighthouse : British painting : featuring 52 of Britain's most important contemporary artists ... / London Lighthouse.
Date: 1993- Ephemera
Eastern-Dispensary for Relief of the Poor : Great Alie Street, 179 : having been received as a patient under the care of.
Eastern Dispensary for Relief of the Poor.Date: [1790?]- Ephemera
Benevolent Institution for Delivering Poor Married Women at their own Habitations ... : received the ... day of April, 1802, of ... the sum of one guinea, for one year's subscription to the above institution, ending at Lady-Day, 1803.
Benevolent Institution for the Sole Purpose of Delivering Poor Married Women at Their Own Habitations (London, England)Date: 1802- Ephemera
Domestic servants policy / The London Assurance.
London Assurance.Date: 1915- Ephemera
Welfare and orphanages ephemera. Box 1.
- Books
Diabetes week 2002 : order form / Diabetes UK.
Date: 2002- Ephemera
Gratis, Provisores Sanitatis Veronae : Si partono da ... Territorio di Verona, libero (per l'iddiogratia) da ogni sospetto di mal contagioso l'infrascrit. per andar a ... De anni statura pelo de anni statura pelo con ... die ... mensis ... di ...
Date: [approximately 1630-1631?]- Books
General Penitentiary, Millbank. [Blank] is going out on the business of the prison, at [blank] o'clock, and is expected to return in [blank] hour[blank]. Dated this [blank] day of [blank] 182[blank]. Governor.
Millbank Prison (London, England)Date: [1820 or 1821?]- Ephemera
The Vaccination Acts, 1867 to 1898, and the Vaccination Act, 1907. Form A, Notice of the requirement of vaccination : to the parent or person having the custody of the child herein named ...
Date: 1923- Ephemera
Priore, e Conservatori della Sanità di Piacenza : si levano da questa città di Piacenza, libera, e sana (per Iddio grazia) da ogni sospetto, anche minimo di contagio, per inviarla a ... gl'infrascritti colli, e robbe, quali per fede avuta, e che teniamo, attestiamo, che sono ... in questa città.
Date: 1723- Ephemera
To the house visitors of the Kent Dispensary in Deptford : gentlemen.
Kent Dispensary.Date: [1783]- Books
Medical certificates of incapacity for work (including claims for benefit) : to be issued for national insurance purposes only : for guidance on the completion of medical certificates see notes at the back of this pad ... : form Med 3.
Date: [1973]- Books
An agreement, made and entered into this [blank] day of [blank] one thousand eight hundred and [blank] between [blank] of the one part, and [blank] of the other part as follows: : The said [blank] for [blank] executors and administrators, [blank] hereby agree, to and with the said Governor, to provide, furnish, and supply, with all possible dispatch, ... the several articles and things of the quality and descriptions hereinafter particularized.
Millbank Prison (London, England)Date: [1820 or 1821?]- Ephemera
Repeal Section 28 emergency petition : Dear Prime Minister ... / Stonewall, for lesbian and gay equality.
Date: [2000?]- Ephemera
- Online
I would like to continue supporting the work of London Lighthouse and enclose my donation of: / London Lighthouse.
Date: [Between 1992 and 1993]- Books
To be visited by her [blank] in the female infirmary. [Blank] Chaplain.
Millbank Prison (London, England)Date: [1820 or 1821?]- Ephemera
- Online
Have you failed the AIDS test? : I don't give a toss about people with HIV or AIDS ... I would like to take positive action to help : please tick where applicable : it's not just a gay thing ... it's not just a drug thing / London Lighthouse.
Date: [1995?]- Ephemera
Binet-Simon tests ... mental age.
Date: [1923?]- Ephemera
Nos supra provisores, adiuncti, & provisores salutis Venetiarum : gratis : si parte di questa dominante sana (iddio lodato) & libera da ogni sospetto di mal contagioso gl'in frascritti, con robbe, ò con mercantie, ò senza, come qui sotto sarà notato ... / Officio della sanità di Venetia.
Date: 1713- Ephemera
Compulsory vaccination act. (16 & 17 Victoria, cap. 100.) : schedule A : medical certificate of successful vaccination : [to be delivered (pursuant to section IV.) to the father or mother of every child successfully vaccinated, or to the person having the care, nurture, or custody of such child.].
Date: [between 1850 and 1859]- Ephemera
- Online
Cattle plague permit / County of Nottingham.
Date: [1860?]- Ephemera
Eastern-Dispensary for Relief of the Poor : Great Alie Street, 179 : sir, the last patient admitted by your recommendation, is since dead : I beg leave to inform you there is a vacancy / H.E. Bull, apothecary.
Bull, H. E.Date: [1790?]- Ephemera
Bought of ... The Royal Blind Asylum & School : hair, wool & sea-grass mattrasses, straw palliasses, feather beds, bolsters & pillows, door mats & lobby matting, brass & iron bedsteads, bassinettes, baby linen baskets, grain sacks, ropes & twine, bedding cleaned and repaired, baskets of all sorts / Wm. Martin.
Martin, William.Date: [1992?]- Ephemera
To the house visitors of the Surrey Dispensary in Union-Street, near St. Margaret's-Hill, Southwark : gentlemen, I recommend... believing... to be a proper object of this charity...day of... 178.
Surrey Dispensary.Date: [1780?]- Ephemera
To the house visitors of the Kent Dispensary, in the Broadway, Deptford : gentlemen.
Kent Dispensary.Date: [1785?]