38 results filtered with: White, John, active 1613-1651
- Books
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White 1623 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1623, being the third after ye bissextile or leape yeare : calculated for the meridian of the most honourable citty of London, and will serue generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: 1623- Books
- Online
White 1632 : a newe almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1632, beeing the bissextile or leape-yeare : calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citie of London, and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Britaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1632]- Books
- Online
White 1636 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1636, being the bissextile or leap-yeere : calculated for the meridian of the most honorable city of London, and will serve generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1636]- Books
- Online
White. 1631 : A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God. 1631. Being the third after bissextile, or leape yeere. Calculated for the meridian of the most honourable citie of London and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Britaine. / By Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
White, 1650 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord Christ 1650, being the second after bissextile or leap-yeare : wherein is contained varietie of matter worth the observation : calculated for the meridian of the most honourable city of London and will serve generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine / by John White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: 1650- Books
- Online
White. 1637 : A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1637. Being the next after the bissextile, or leape-yeere. : Calculated for the meridian of the most honourable city of London, and will serve generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine. / By John White, wellwiller to the mathematickes.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1637]- Books
- Online
White 1643 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1643 : being the third after the bissextile or leape-yeare : calculated for the meridian of the most honourable citie of London, and will serve generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine / by John White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1643]- Books
- Online
White 1633 : A newe almanack and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God 1633. Being the next after the leape-yeare. Calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citie of London, and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Britaine. / By Iohn White wel-willer to the mathematickes.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1633]- Books
- Online
White 1613 : A new almanacke and prognostication, for the [yeare of our Lord] God. 1613. [Being the third ... from] leape-yeere. Composed for the meridian of the most famous cittie of London, and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Brittaine. / By Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1613]- Books
- Online
White 1614 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1614, being the second from leape-yeare : composed for the meridian of the most famous cittie of London, and will serue generally for the monarchy of Great Brittaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1614]- Books
- Online
White 1634 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1634, being the second after the leape-yeere : calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citie of London and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Brittaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1634]- Books
- Online
White 1619 : A new almanack and prognosticatiō for the yeare of our Lord God 1619. Being the third after ye leap yeare. Calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citty of London, & will serue generally for the monarchy of Great Brittaine. / By Iohn White welwiller to the mathematickes.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: 1619..- Books
- Online
White. 1628 : A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1628 being the bissextile or leape yeere. Calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citie of London, and wil serue generally for the monarchie of Great Brittaine. / By Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1628]- Books
- Online
White 1618 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1618, being the second after ye leap yeare : composed for the meridian of the most honorable citty of London, and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Brittaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1618]- Books
- Online
White 1642 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeer of our Lord God 1642 : being the second after bissextile or leape-yeare : calculated for the meridian of the most honourable cities of London, and will serve generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine / by John White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1642]- Books
- Online
White 1651 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1651, : being the third after bissextile or leape-yeare : wherein is contained varietie of matter worth the observation : calculated for the meridian of the most honourable city of London, and will serve generally for Great Britaine / by John White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: 1651- Books
- Online
White. 1624 : A new almanacke, and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1624. Being the bissextile, or leape yeere. : Calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citie of London, and will serne [sic] generally for the monarchie of Great Brittaine. / By Iohn White, well-willer to the mathematickes.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1624]- Books
- Online
White 1625 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1625, being the next after the bissextile or leape yeere : calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citie of London and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Brittaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1625]- Books
- Online
White 1629 : A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1629. Being the first after the bissextile, or leap yeare. Calculated for the meridian of the most honourable city of London, and will serue generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine. / By Iohn White welwiller to the mathematickes.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1629]- Books
- Online
White 1635 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1635, being the third after the leape-yeere : calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citie of London, and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Britaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1635]- Books
- Online
White, 1621 : a new almanacke, and prognostication, for this yeare of our Lord God, 1621, being the first from the leape-yeare : calculated for the meridian of the most honourable city of London, and vvill serue generally for the monarchy of Great Brittaine / by Iohn White, welwiller to the mathematickes.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1621]- Books
- Online
White 1620 : a new almanack and prognosticatio[n] for the yeare of our Lord God 1620, being the bissextile or leape yeare : calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citty of London, & will serue generally for the monarchy of Great Brittaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: 1620- Books
- Online
White 1631 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1631, being the third after bissextile or leape yeere : calculated for the meridian of the most honourable citie of London and will serue generally for the monarchie of Great Britaine / by Iohn White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
White 1653 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeer of our Lord God 1653 : being the first after bissextile or leap-yeare : wherein is shewed the natural inclination of the aire and judgement of the weather according to the aspects of the planets and positions of the stars : with other rules, tables, and directions convenient in such a work to be noted.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1653]- Books
- Online
White 1638 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1638, being the second after the bissextile or leape-yeere : calculated for the meridian of the most honorable citie of London, and will serve generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine / by John White.
White, John, active 1613-1651Date: [1638]