231 results filtered with: Wales
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By the principal Commissioners for prizes. Instructions for the sub-commissioners in the several ports
EnglandDate: [1702]- E-books
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A collection of all the statutes now in force, relating to the excise: with an abridgment of the said statutes, and a table of the Rates upon the several Liquors, &c. shewing by what acts they are Imposed. To which is added, a table of Allowances for Comm
England- E-books
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Eight centuries of reports: or, eight hundred cases solemnly adjudged in the Exchequer-Chamber, or, upon writs of error. Published originally in French and Latin, by Judge Jenkins. Carefully translated by Theodore Barlow of the Middle-Temple, Esq; With a
England- E-books
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Ashby and White: or, The Great Question, Whether an Action Lies at Common Law for an Elector, Who is Deny'd His Vote for Members of Parliament? Debated and Reslov'd. Together with the Case of Jay and Topham: and the Defence Made by Sir Francis Pemberton
England- E-books
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An abstract of the several Acts following, passed anno quarto Annæ Reginæ
England- E-books
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King Charles's speech against tacking. Being the latter part of a speech of King Charles II. delivered from the throne to both Houses of Parliament on the 23d of May, 1678. With part of the Lord Chancellor (finch's) speech, deliver'd the same day to both
England- E-books
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A list of the Lords spiritual and temporal, who voted for and against the bill of occasional conformity; to which also are added the proxies
England- E-books
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An act for erecting of hospitals and work-houses within the city of Bristoll, for the better employing and maintaining the poor thereof
England- E-books
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The humble representation and address, of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty the 14 day of March, 1704. And Her Majesties most gracious answer therunto: With Their Lordships Thanks for t
England- E-books
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An Act for continuing duties upon low-wines, and upon coffee, tea, chocolate, spices and pictures, and upon hawkers, pedlars and petty-chapmen, and upon muslins; and for granting new duties upon several of the said commodities, and also upon calicoes, chi
England- E-books
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The game law: or, a collection of the laws and statutes made for the preservation of the game of this kingdom. Drawn into a short and easie method, for the information of all gentlemen, and caution of others
England- E-books
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The act of tonnage & poundage, and rates of merchandize, with The Further Subsidy; The Old Impost; The Additional Impost; And all other duties relating to Her Majesties customs, now Payable upon any sort of Merchandize Imported or Exported. Digested into
England- E-books
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An act for granting an aid to Her Majesty by a land tax, to be raised in the year, one thousand seven hundred and four
England- E-books
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Bishop Tunstall obtained from King Philip and Queen Mary a grant of the nomination presentation and collection of all the twelve prebendaries in the Cathedral church of Durham ... (7 February 1555.)
England- E-books
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An Act for the relief of the creditors of Thomas Pitkin, a bankrupt, and for the apprehending of him, and the discovery of the effects of the said Thomas Pitkin, and his accomplices
England- E-books
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Extracts from Journals of the House of Lords
England- E-books
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[An Act to enlarge the time for the purchasers of the forfeited estates in Ireland, to make the payments of their purchase money.]
England- E-books
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Several Proceedings and Resolutions of the House of Peers, in Relation to the Lords Impeached or Charged
England- E-books
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The Master and four Wardens of the Company of Haberdashers, London, appellants. Mr. Attorney General on the behalf of the poor of Newland in the County of Glocester, ... respondents. The respondents case
England- E-books
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The original instrument and republican scheme of government, under the colour whereof the late Oliver Cromwell usurped the regal, and exercised an arbitrary power, over the Lives, Liberties, Rights, Properties, and Consciences of the Inhabitants of Englan
England- E-books
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The humble address of the right honourable the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Tuesday the eighteenth day of February, 1700. And His Majesties most gracious answer thereunto
EnglandDate: [1700]- E-books
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A list of the names of all the subscribers to the loan of 250000l. to the Emperor of Germany, For Support of the Army, under his Highness Prince Evgene of Savoy, in Italy, and Payable to his Order. Begun the 7th, and Ended the 12th of March, 1705
England- E-books
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An Act for continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry for one year
England- E-books
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A true list of the knights, citizens and burgesses of the last Parliament
England- E-books
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The articles of impeachment against the Lord Summers