34 results filtered with: Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649
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Two female figures standing on either side of drapery bearing the title of Vesling's Syntagma anatomicum: beyond, the anatomy theatre of the University of Padua. Engraving by Giovanni Georgi, 1647.
Date: 1647Reference: 25026i- Pictures
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Johannes Vesling, seated below a swag of surgical instruments, indicates illustrations of the heart in a book displayed by a skeletal corpse. Engraving 1666.
Date: 1666Reference: 25042i- Books
Künstliche Zerlegung des gantzen menschlichen Leibes / Anfangs in Lateinischer Sprache beschrieben, und mit vielen schönen Figuren gezieret ... Itzo aber, allen Wund-Ärtzten zu sonderbaren höchst-erspriesslichen Nutzen, ins Teutsche übersetzt durch Gerhardum Blasium.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649.Date: 1688- Books
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Syntagma anatomicum. Commentario atque appendice ex veterum, recentiorum, propriisque, observationibus, illustratum et auctum a Gerardo Leon. Blasio.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649.Date: 1666- Books
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Additamenta ad Joh. Veslingii Syntagma anatomicum / Ex publicis praelectionibus D. Friderici Schraderi ...
Schrader, Friedrich, 1657-1704.Date: 1689- Books
Syntagma anatomicum. Locis plurimis actum, emendatum ... / [Johann Vesling].
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649Date: 1647- Books
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Io. Veslingii Mindani equitis in Patavino Gy[m]nasio A[n]atomiae [et] Pharmaciae Professoris primarii Syntagma anatomicum publicis dissectionib[us], in auditoru[m] usum, diligenter aptatum.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649.Date: M.DC.XLI. [1641]- Books
Syntagma anatomicum / Commentario atque appendice ex veterum, recentiorum, propriisque, observationibus, illustratum & auctum a Gerardo Leon. Blasio.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649Date: 1666- Books
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Opvscvla anatomica nova. Quae nunc primùm in lucem prodeunt. Instauratio magna physicae & medicinae, per novam doctrinam de motv circvlatorio sangvinis in corde / Accessere notae in Joannis Wallaei duas epistolas de circulatione sanguinis. Authore Joanne Riolano ... Ejusdem animadversiones in Historiam anatomicam Andreae Laurentii. In theatrum anatomicum Caspari Bauhini. In librum anatomicum de fabrica humana Andreae Spigelii. Ad Institutiones anatomicas Caspari Bartholini. Ad Anatomica Caspari Hofmanni. In Syntagma anatomicum Joannis Veslingii. In Tractatum de diaphragmate Aemilii Parisani. De monstro nato Lutetiae, liber jampridem editus.
Riolan, Jean, 1580-1657.Date: 1649- Books
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Opvscvla anatomica nova. Quae nunc primùm in lucem prodeunt. Instauratio magna physicae & medicinae, per novam doctrinam de motv circvlatorio sangvinis in corde. Accessere notae in Joannis Wallaei duas epistolas de circulatione sanguinis. Authore Joanne Riolano ... Ejusdem animadversiones in Historiam anatomicam Andreae Laurentii. In theatrum anatomicum Caspari Bauhini. In librum anatomicum de fabrica humana Andreae Spigelii. Ad Institutiones anatomicas Caspari Bartholini. Ad Anatomica Caspari Hofmanni. In Syntagma anatomicum Joannis Veslingii. In Tractatum de diaphragmate Aemilii Parisani. De monstro nato Lutetiae, liber jampridem editus ...
Riolan, Jean, 1580-1657.Date: 1649- Books
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De insolitis partus humani viis dissertatio nova. Accedunt Johannis Veslingi, De pullitie Aegyptiorum et aliae ejusdem observationes anatomicae et epistolae medicae posthumae.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649.Date: 1664- Books
The anatomy of the body of man: wherein is exactly described every part thereof / ... Published in Latin by Joh. Veslingus ... And Englishd by Nich. Culpeper.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649Date: 1653- Pictures
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A human skeleton, seen from the front and leaning on a spade, surrounded by illustrations of individual bones. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 32187i- Books
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The anatomy of the body of man : wherein is exactly described every part thereof in the same manner as it is commonly shewed in publick anatomies : and for the further help of young physitians and chyrurgions there is added very many copper cuts.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649Date: 1677- Books
Joannis Veslingii, equitis, professoris quondam Patavini, &c. syntagma anatomicum, / commentario atque appendice ex veterum, recentiorum, propriisque observationibus, illustratum & auctum a Gerardo Leon. Blasio.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649.Date: MDCXCVI [1696]- Books
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Syntagma anatomicum, locis plurimis auctum, emendatum, novisque iconibus diligenter exornatum.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649.Date: 1647- Pictures
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The liver (figure 1) and gallbladder (figure 4). Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 31499i- Books
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Künstliche Zerlegung des gantzen menschlichen Leibes. Anfangs in Lateinischer Sprache beschrieben, und mit vielen schönen Figuren gezieret ... Itzo aber, allen Wund-ärtzten zu sonderbaren höchst-erspriesslichen Nutzen, ins Teutsche übersetzt durch Gerhardum Blasium.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649.Date: 1688- Pictures
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The trunks of the vena cava, with their branches(Table VI, fig. 1); the trunks of the vena porta (Table VI, fig. 2), both after an engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, 1702, after a preparation by G. Leoni, c. 1645; the brain, nerves and spine, after Eustachius, by 1552 (Table VII) Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
Cowper, William, 1666-1709.Date: [1743]Reference: 37152i- Pictures
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The bones of the human skeleton: the skull and the vertebrae. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 32185i- Books
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The anatomy of the body of man : wherein is exactly described every part thereof in the same manner as it is commonly shewed in publick anatomies : and for the further help of yo[u]ng physitians and chyrurgions, there is added very many copper cuts ... / published in Latin by Joh. Veslingus ; and Englished by Nich. Culpeper.
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649Date: 1653- Books
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Tavole anatomiche. Purgate di molti errori ... / [Johann Vesling].
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649Date: 1802- Books
Syntagma anatomicum. Locis plurimis auctum, emendatum, novisque iconibus diligenter exornatum / [Johann Vesling].
Vesling, Johann, 1598-1649.Date: 1651- Pictures
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The lungs, trachea (windpipe) and thyroid. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 29931i- Pictures
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Muscles of the tongue and head. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 29987i