5 results filtered with: Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613
- Books
Phisicke against fortune, aswell prosperous as aduerse, : conteyned in two bookes. Whereby men are instructed, with lyke indifferencie to remedie theyr affections, aswell in tyme of the bryght shynyng sunne of prosperitie, as also of foule lowryng stormes of aduersitie. Expedient for all men, but most necessary for such as be subiect to any notable insult of eyther extremitie. / Written in Latine by Frauncis Petrarch, a most famous poet, and oratour. And now first englished by Thomas Twyne.
Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374.Date: An. Dom. 1579- Books
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The schoolemaster, or teacher of table philosophie : A most pleasant and merie companion, wel worthy to be welcomed (for a dayly gheast) not onely to all mens boorde, to guyde them with moderate [and] holsome dyet: but also into euery mans companie at all tymes, to recreate their mindes, with honest mirth and delectable deuises: to sundrie pleasant purposes of pleasure and pastyme. Gathered out of diuers, the best approued auctours: and deuided into foure pithy and pleasant treatises, as it may appeare by the contentes.
Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613Date: 1576- Books
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A dialogue of witches, in foretime named lot-tellers, and novv commonly called sorcerers : VVherein is declared breefely and effectually, vvhat soueuer may be required, touching that argument. A treatise very profitable ... and right necessary for iudges to vnderstande, which sit vpon lyfe and death. Written in Latin by Lambertus Danæus. And now translated into English.
Daneau, Lambert, approximately 1530-1595Date: 1575- Books
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The schoolmaster or teacher of table phylosophie : A most pleasant and merie companion, well worthy to be welcomed (for a dayly gheast) not onelye to all mens boorde, to guide them with moderate and holsome dyet: but also into every mans companie at all tymes, to recreat their mindes, with honest mirth and delectable devises: to sundry pleasant purposes of pleasure and pastyme. Gathered out of diuers, the best approued aucthors: and deuided into foure pithy and pleasant treatises, as it may appeare by the contentes.
Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613Date: 1583- Books
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A new counsell against the pestilence : declaring what kinde of disease it is, of what cause it procedeth, the signes and tokens thereof: with the order of curing the same.
Drouet, Pierre, active 1578Date: [1578]