47 results filtered with: Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703
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A treatise of dreams & visions : wherein the causes, natures, and uses, of nocturnal representations, and the communications both of good and evil angels, as also departed souls, to mankind. Are theosophically unfolded; that is according to the Word of God, and the harmony of created beings. To which is added, a discourse of the causes, natures, and cure of phrensie, madness or distraction. By Tho. Tryon, student in physick.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: [1689]- Books
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The country-man's companion, or, A new method of ordering horses & sheep so as to preserve them both from diseases and causalties [sic], or to recover them if fallen ill : and also to render them much more serviceable ... / by Philotheos Physiologus.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: [1688]- Books
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Wisdom's dictates, or, Aphorisms & rules, physical, moral, and divine, for preserving the health of the body, and the peace of the mind ... : to which is added a bill of fare of seventy five noble dishes of excellent food, for exceeding those made of fish or flesh ... / by Tho. Tryon.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1691- Books
Monthly observations for the preserving of health, : with a long and comfortable life, in this our pilgrimage on earth; but more particularly for the spring and summer seasons. / By Phylotheus Physiologus.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.Date: 1688- Books
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The way to health, long life and happiness: or, A discourse of temperance. and the particular nature of all things requisite for the life of man : as all sorts of meats, drinks, air, exercise, &c. with special directions how to use each of them to the best advantage of the body and mind. Shewing from the true ground of nature, whence most diseases proceed, and how to prevent them. To which is added, a treatise of most sorts of English herbs, with several other remarkable and most useful observations, very necessary for all families. The whole treatise displaying the most hidden secrets of philosophy, and made easie and familiar to the meanest capacities, by various examples and demonstrances. The like never before published. Communicated to the world for a general good, by Thomas Tryon, student in physick.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1691- Books
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Wisdom's dictates: or aphorisms and rules, physical, moral and divine, for preserving the health of the body, and the peace of the mind ... To which is added a bill of fare of seventy five noble dishes of excellent food, far exceeding those made of fish or flesh ... / [Thomas Tryon].
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1696- Books
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A treatise of cleanness in meats and drinks, of the preparation of food, the excellency of good airs, and the benefits of clean sweet beds. Also of the generation of bugs, and their cure. To which is added a short discourse of the pain of the teeth, shewing from what cause it does chiefly proceed, and also how to prevent it / [Thomas Tryon].
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1682- Books
The way to health, long life, and happiness, or, a discourse of temperance and the particular nature of all things requisit [sic] for the life of man, as all sorts of meats, drink, air, exercise, etc. ... Shewing ... whence most diseases proceed, and how to prevent them / To which is added, a treatise of most sorts of English herbs ... By Philotheos Physiologus [i.e. T. Tryon] [p̲s̲e̲u̲ḏ].
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.Date: 1683- Books
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A treatise of dreams & visions : wherein the causes, natures, and uses of nocturnal representations, and the communications both of good and evil angels, as also departed souls, to mankinde are theosophically unfolded, that is according to the word of God, and the harmony of created beeing : to which is added, a discourse of the causes, natures, and cure of phrensie, madness or distraction / by Philotheos Physiologus.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: [1689]- Books
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A pocket-companion, containing things necessary to be known by all that values their health and happiness : being a plain way of nature's own prescribing, to cure most diseases in men, women and children, by kitchen-physick only. To which is added, an account how a man may live well and plentifully for two-pence a day / collected from The good housewife made a doctor, by Tho. Tryon.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.Date: 1693- Books
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A new art of brewing beer, ale, and other sorts of liquors : so as to render them more healthful to the body, and agreeable to nature; and to keep them longer from souring with less trouble and charge than generally practiced, which will be a means to prevent those torturing distempers of the stone, gravels, gout and dropsie. To which is added, the art of making mault, &c. and several useful and profitable things relating to country affairs. Recommended to all brewers, gentlemen and others, that brew their own drink. The third edition, with many large additions never printed before. By Tho. Tryon, student in physick, who hath lately published rules physical and moral for preserving of health, with a bill of fare of 75 noble dishes of excellent food. Price bound 1 s. Licensed and entred according to order.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1691- Books
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The good house-wife made a doctor, or, Health's choice and sure friend : being a plain way of nature's own prescribing, to prevent and cure most diseases incident to men, women and children by diet and kitchin physick only. With some remarks on the practice of physick and chymistry. By Thomas Tryon, student in physick; and author of The way to health, long life and happiness. Country-mans companion. The new art of brewing, &c.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1692- Books
- Online
A treatise of cleanness in meats and drinks of the preparation of food, the excellency of good airs and the benefits of clean sweet beds : also of the generation of bugs and their cure : to which is added, a short discourse of the pain in the teeth shewing from what cause it does chiefly proceed, and also how to prevent it / by Tho. Tryon.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1682- Books
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A new method of educating children, or, Rules and directions for the well ordering and governing them, during their younger years : shewing that they are capable, at the age of three years, to be caused to learn languages, and most arts and sciences ... also, what methods is to be used by breeding women, and what diet is most proper for them, and their children ... / Written (to dis-engage the world from those ill customs in education, it has been so long used to) by Tho. Tryon.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703.Date: 1695- Books
- Online
The way to save wealth : shewing how a man may live plentifully for two-pence a day. Likewise how to make a hundred noble dishes of meat, without either flesh, fish, or fowl. To make bread of roots, herbs, and leafs of trees. To brew good cheap liquor, without malt or hops. To make shoes last long. To make coals last long. To save soap in washing. To save cloth in cutting out a shirt. To make coffee of horse-beans To feed cattel well, without hay, grass, or corn. To save candles. To know any one's mind by signs; if there be twenty in company, they cannot apprehend it. To order bees aright. To settle your estate with Christian prudence. To know Scripture-weights and measures. Of dreams. To cure wounds by sympathy. The way to live long. To make spring-potage. To cure all sorts of cattle for 12 d. charge. To improve land, order and cure all deseases in singing birds. To kill vermin. To brew pale ales. To make wines, and all sorts of liquor, and an easy way to fine, and order them. With divers other curious matter.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: [1695?]- Books
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Healths grand preservative: or The womens best doctor : A treatise, shewing the nature and operation of brandy, rumm, rack, and other distilled spirits, and the ill consequences of mens, but especially of womens drinking such pernicious liquors and smoaking tobacco. As likewise, of the immoderate eating of flesh without a due observation of time, or nature of the creature, which hath proved very destructive to the health of many. Together, with a rational discourse of the excellency of herbs, highly approved of by our ancestors in former times. And the reasons why men now so much desire the flesh more than other food. A work highly fit to be persued and observed by all that love their health, and particularly necessary to the female sex, on whose good or ill constitution the health and strength, or sickness and weakness of all posterity does in a more especial manner depend. By Tho. Tryon.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1682- Books
- Online
Monthly observations for the preserving of health : with a long and comfortable life, with proper foods for women and children. But more particularly for the spring and summer seasons. The cause of deformity in children, and how to prevent them. / By Tho. Tryon, student in physick.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1691- Books
- Online
A treatise of dreams & visions : wherein the causes, natures, and uses, of nocturnal representations, and the communications both of good and evil angels, as also departed souls, to mankind. Are theosophically unfolded; that is, according to the Word of God, and the harmony of created beings. To which is added, a discourse of the causes, natures and cure of phrensie, madness or distraction. By Tho. Tryon, student in physick.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: [1700]- Books
- Online
Miscellania: or, A collection of necessary, useful, and profitable tracts on variety of subjects : which for their excellency, and benefit of mankind, are compiled in one volume. By Thomas Tryon physiologus.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1696- Books
- Online
A new art of brewing beer, ale, and other sorts of liquors : so as to render them more healthful to the body and agreeable to nature, and to keep them longer from souring with less trouble and charge than generally practiced, which will be a means to prevent those torturing distempers of the stone, gravels, gout and droupsie : to which is added the art of making mault, &c., and directions how husbandmen may advance their corn 4d. or 6d. per bushel, with several other useful & profitable things relating to country affairs : recommended to all brewers, gentlemen and others that brew their own drink / by Tho. Tryon.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1691- Books
Health's grand preservative: or the womens best doctor. A treatise, showing the nature and operation of brandy, rumm, rack, and other distilled spirits, and the ill consequences of mens, but especially of womens drinking such pernicious liquors and smoaking tobacco. As likewise, of the immoderate eating of flesh ... Together, with a ... discourse of the excellency of herbs ... / [Thomas Tryon].
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1682- Books
- Online
Healths grand preservative: or The womens best doctor : A treatise, shewing the nature and operation of brandy, rumm, rack, and other distilled spirits, and the ill consequences of mens, but especially of womens drinking such pernicious liquors and smoaking tobacco. As likewise, of the immoderate eating of flesh without a due observation of time, or nature of the creature which hath proved very destructive to the health of many. Together, with a rational discourse of the excellency of herbs, highly approved of by our ancestors in former times. And the reasons why men now so much desire the flesh more than other food. A work highly fit to be persued and observed by all that love their health, and particularly necessary to the female sex, on whose good or ill constitution the health and strength, or sickness and weakness of all [cropped]sterity does in a more especial manner depend. By Tho. Tryon.
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703Date: 1682