125 results filtered with: Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689
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The entire works of Dr Thomas Sydenham, newly made English from the originals : wherein the history of acute and chronic diseases, and the safest and most effectual methods of treating them, are faithfully, clearly, and accurately delivered... / By John Swan, M. D.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: M,DCC,LXIII- Books
Thomae Sydenham, medicinae doct. ac practici quondam Londinensis celeberrimi, Praxis medica experimentalis, sive Opuscula universa, quotquot hactenus ab autore ipso ultimùm revisa & aucta in lucem prodierunt / nunc primùm in unum collecta volumen, à mendis probè repurgatum, indicibusq́[ue] necessariis accuratissimis exornatum.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1695- Books
- Online
Opera omnia / Thomae Sydenham ; edidit Guilielmus Alexander Greenhill.
Date: 1844- Books
Thomae Sydenham methodus curandi febres, propriis observationibus superstructa / [Thomas Sydenham].
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1987- Books
- Online
Thomae Sydenham Methodus curandi febres propriis observationibus superstructa.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: 1666- Books
- Online
Processus integri in morbis ferè omnibus curandis ... quibus accessit graphica symptomatum delineatio, unà cum quamplurimis observatu dignis, necnon de phthisi tractatulo / [Thomas Sydenham].
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: 1750- Books
- Online
Schedula monitoria de novae febris ingressu / [Thomas Sydenham].
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1688- Books
Thomae Sydenham, M.D. Opera omnia / Edidit Guilielmus Alexander Greenhill, M.D.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1844- Books
A new method of curing the French-Pox / written by an eminent French author [i.e. G. Ucay]. Together with the practice and method of Monsieur Blanchard, as also Dr. Sydenham's judgement on the same. To which is added [a preface] annotations and observations by William Salmon.
Ucay, Gervais, active 1668-1695.Date: 1690- Books
Epistolae responsoriae duae ... : Prima de morbis epidemicis ab anno 1675. ad annum 1680. ... Secunda de luis venereae historia & curatione.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1680- Books
- Online
Epistolæ responsoriæ duæ / a Thoma Sydenham ... ; prima De morbis epidemicis ab anno 1675 ad annum 1680, ad amplissimum, doctissimumq, virum, Robertum Brady ... ; secunda De luis venereæ historia & curatione, ad ornatissimum, eruditissimumque, virum, Henricum Paman.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: cIc Ic clxxx [1680]- Books
- Online
The whole works ... / [Thomas Sydenham] ; translated from the original Latin, by John Pechey.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1696- Books
Opuscula quotquot hactenus separatim prodiere omnia.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: 1684-1689- Books
Observationes medicae circa morborum acutorum historiam et curationem / Authore Thoma Sydenham.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1676- Books
- Online
Thomae Sydenham med. doct. ac practici Londinensis celeberrimi Opera medica / [Thomas Sydenham].
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1716- Books
- Online
Brevis morbos curandi methodus, dat is, Korte leerwys om ziekten te geneezen / door ... Thomas Sydenham ...; uit het Latyn vertaald ende met eygene geneezingswys der ziekten by gevoegd door Henricus Buyzen.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: 1741- Books
Preface to the third edition 'Observationes Medicae' / Thomas Sydenham ; translated by R.G. Latham.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.- Books
- Online
Venus belegert en ontset. Oft verhandelinge van de pokken, en des selfs toevallen, met een grondige en zekere genesinge. Steunende meest op de gronden van Cartesius. ... Item, een nauwkeurige beschryvinge der pokken door ... F. Sylvius, T. Sydenham, en J. Wierus / [Steven Blankaart].
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: 1685- Books
- Online
Epistolae responsoriae duae / a Thoma Sydenham.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: 1685- Books
- Online
Dr. Sydenham's Compleat method of curing almost all diseases, and description of their symptoms. To which are now added five discourses of the same author concerning the pleurisy, gout, hysterical passion, dropsy and rheumatism / abridg'd and faithfully translated out of the original Latin. With ... notes on the former part, written by a late learned physician.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689Date: 1724- Books
- Online
The entire works of Dr Thomas Sydenham : newly made English from the originals: wherein the history of acute and chronic diseases, and the safest and most effectual methods of treating them, are faithfully, clearly, and accurately delievered. To which are added, explanatory and practical notes, from the best medicinal writers.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1753- Books
- Online
Thomae Sydenham ... Opera omnia medica.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1725- Books
- Online
The works of Thomas Sydenham, M. D. on acute and chronic diseases : with their histories and modes of cure ; with notes, intended to accommodate them to the present state of medicine, and to the climate and diseases of the United States / by Benjamin Rush.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1815- Books
- Online
Die belägert und entsetzte Venus, das ist chirurgische Abhandlung der sogenanten frantzossen, auch spanischen Pocken-Kranckheit, Drüpper, Sjankert, Klap-Ohren, etc. und andern sich dabey findenden Zufällen. Worinnen derselben vornemlich auf des weltbekanten Cartesii Gründe befestigte ... Cur vollkömmlich angewiesen wird. Anietzo seiner unvergleichlichen Vortreffligkeit halber, nebst der beruffenen Medicorum Fr. Sylvii, Th. Sydenham, Joh. Wieri und Ant. Everaars, gleichmässigen accuraten Beschreibung dieses Ubels / Aus dem Niederländischen ... übersetzet.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702Date: 1690- Books
Venus belegert en ontset. Oft verhandelinge van de pokken, en des selfs toevallen, met een grondige en zekere genesinge. Steunende meest op de gronden van Cartesius. ... Item, een nauwkeurige beschryvinge der pokken door ... F. Sylvius, T. Sydenham, en J. Wierus / [Steven Blankaart].
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: [1685]