45 results filtered with: Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803
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Libellus, quo demonstratur: colchici autumnalis radicem non solum tuto posse exhiberi hominibus, sed et ejus usu interno curari quandoque morbos difficillimos, qui aliis remediis non cedunt / [Anton Störck].
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1763- Books
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Libellus, quo demonstratur: herbam, veteribus dictam flammulam Jovis, posse tuto et magna cum utilitate exhiberi aegrotantibus / [Anton Störck].
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1769- Books
- Online
Libellus, quo demonstratur: cicutam. [Libellus secundus. Supplementum necessarium] pt. 1 / [Anton Störck].
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1760- Books
Anton Störks Abhandlung von dem heilsamen Gebrauch der schwärzlichen Küchenschelle (Pusatilla nigricans) : aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt ; nebst einer Kupfertafel.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803.Date: 1771- Books
- Online
Libellus, quo demonstratur: cicutam non solum usu interno tutissime exhiberi, sed et esse simul remedium valde utile in multis morbis, qui hucusque curatu impossibiles dicebantur.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803.Date: 1761- Books
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Abhandlung von der Einpfropfung der Kinds-Blatern / [Anton Störck].
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1771- Books
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Istruzione medico-pratica ad uso dei chirurghi civili e militarii ... / [A. Störck] ; Trasportata dal tedesco da Bartolommeo Battisti.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803.Date: 1778- Books
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An essay on the medicinal nature of hemlock: ... / translated from the Latin original. Written by Dr. Storck.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803.Date: 1760- Books
An essay on the medicinal nature of hemlock. In two parts. To which is annexed, a necessary supplement on the subject / Translated from the Latin. Of Dr. Anthony Storck.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803.Date: 1762- Books
Annus medicus, quo sistuntur observationes circa morbos acutos et chronicos : adjiciunturque eorum curationes, et quaedam anatomicae cadaverum sectiones. Accedit Libellus de usu cicutae.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803.Date: 1761- Books
An essay on the use and effects of the roots of the colchicum autumnale, or, meadow-saffron. Showing that it is a powerful remedy ... and an appendix concerning the cicuta, or hemlock ... Translated from the latin original, published at Vienna, in MDCCLXIII / [Anton Störck].
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1764- Books
Medicinisch-praktischer Unterricht für die Feld-und Landwundärzte der österreichischen Staaten / [Anton Störck].
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1776- Books
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Libellus de usu medico pulsatillae nigricantis / [Anton Störck].
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1771- Books
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Observations sur l'usage interne du colchique d'autome, du sublimé corrosif, de la feuille d'oranger, du vinaigre distillé, &c. : Dans lesquels on trouve des moyens de guérir plusieurs maladies qui résistent aux remédes usités. / Pâr Mrs. Störck, Locher, de Haen, médicins de Vienne. Précédées d'un Mémoire pour servir à l'histoire de ces différens moyens de guérison. Pâr M.L.B.D.P.D.M.P.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803.Date: MDCCLXIV [1764]- Books
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Supplementum necessarium de cicuta.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803.Date: 1762- Books
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An essay on the internal use of thorn-apple, henbane, and monkshood; which are shewn to be safe and efficacious remedies, in the cure of many obstinate diseases. Translated from the original Latin, printed at Vienna 1762 / [Anton Störck].
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1763- Books
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Pharmacopoea Austriaco-provincialis.
Date: 1775- Books
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A necessary supplement to the former essays on the medicinal virtues of hemlock / ... with several corollaries and admonitions ... Translated from the original latin ... 1761. By a physician.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1762- Books
- Online
Libellus, quo demonstratur: cicutam non solum usu interno tutissime exhiberi, sed et esse simul remedium valde utile in multis morbis, qui hucusque curatu impossibiles dicebantur / Juxta exemplar Vindobonense.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1760- Books
- Online
A narrative of the surprizing effects of the meadow saffron in the cure of the dropsy / Translated from the Latin ... by a physician. To which are added, observations, and an account of the hydrocephalus, by the translator.
Störck, Anton, Freiherr von, 1731-1803Date: 1766