21 results filtered with: Simpson, David
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Smokers can harm your health.
Date: 1991- E-books
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Select psalms and hymns
Simpson, David- E-books
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A Plea For Religion, And The Sacred Writings: Addressed To The Disciples Of Thomas Paine, And Wavering Christians Of Every Persuasion: By The Rev. David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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An apology for the doctrine of the Trinity: being a chronological view of what is recorded concerning, the person of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the blessed Trinity, Whether in the sacred Writings, or in Jewish, Heathen, and Christian Authors. By the Rev
Simpson, David- E-books
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A discourse on the vast importance of true religion, to the present as well as future happiness of man; with a variety of examples. By the Revd. David Simpson, M. A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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A key to the prophecies: or a concise view of the predictions contained in the Old and New Testaments, which have been fulfilled, are now fulfilling, or are yet to be fulfilled in the latter ages of the world. By the Rev. David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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Sacred literature: shewing the holy scriptures to be superior to the most celebrated writings of antiquity, by the testimony of above five hundred witnesses, and also by a Comparison of their Several Kinds of Composition. In Twelve Books. To which are Add
Simpson, David- E-books
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God speaking from Mount Gerizim; or, the gospel in a map: being A short View of the exceeding great and precious promises. To which is added, A concise View of the Characteristic of the late Rev. D. Simpson, A.M. Late eminent Minister of the Gospel, New C
Simpson, David- E-books
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Miscellaneous tracts on theological subjects, selected and original. By the Rev. David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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Discourses on several subjects. By the Revd. David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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Sermons on useful and important subjects. By David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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God speaking from Mount Gerizim: or, the gospel in a map: being a short view of the exceeding great and precious promises
Simpson, David- E-books
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A discourse on stage entertainments. By the Revd. David Simpson, M. A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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Strictures on religious opinions, and the best human means of ascertaining the genuine doctrines of Christianity: designed as an antidote against the theological writings of Doctor Priestley and other heterodox teachers. By the Rev. David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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A list of books, in the several departments of learning. By the Rev. David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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A collection of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs: for the use of Christians of every denomination. By the Rev. D. Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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The happiness of dying in the Lord; with An Apology for the Methodists; a sermon: preached at Christ-Church, in Macclesfield, on Sunday the 22d of February, 1784. occasioned By the Death of Mrs. Martha Rogers, Wife of Mr. James Rogers, Preacher of the Gos
Simpson, David- E-books
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A discourse on beneficence, and the wonderful remunerations of divine providence to charitable men; with a great variety of examples. By the Revd. David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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A discourse on dreams and night-visions, with numerous examples ancient and modern. By the Revd. David Simpson, M.A.
Simpson, David- E-books
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The happiness of dying in the Lord; with an apology for the Methodists; a sermon: preached at Christ-Church, in Macclesfield, on Sunday the 22d of February, 1784. Occasioned By the Death of Mrs. Martha Rogers, Wife of James Rogers, Preacher of the Gospel
Simpson, David- E-books
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A discourse on the late royal proclamation for the suppression of vice and immorality. By the Revd. David Simpson, M. A. With a letter to the magistrates of the borough of Macclesfield; and an appendix, containing some papers on the subject of the discour
Simpson, David