28 results filtered with: Philalethes, Eirenaeus
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The marrow of alchemy : being an experimental treatise, discovering the secret and most hidden mystery of the philosophers elixer : divided into two parts, the first containing four books chiefly illustrating / by Eirenæus Philoponos Philalethes.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1654- Books
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Three tracts of the great medicine of philosophers for humane and metalline bodies ... / all written in Latine by Eirenæus Philalethes ... ; translated into English for the benefit of the studious, by a lover of art and them.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1694- Books
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The secret of the immortal liquor called Alkahest, or Ignis-Aqua / by Eirenæus Philalethes.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1683- Books
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Curieuse vollständige chymische Schrifften ... Wie auch das Testament, Güldene [sic] Buch der dreyen Wörter Kallid Rachaidibi, und andere chymische Tractätgen ... / Alles aus einen uhralten MSS [sic] genommen ... und an Tag gegeben von Philaletha.
Geber, active 13th centuryDate: 1751- Books
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Opus tripartitum de philosophorum arcanis ... / autore, anonymo sub nomine Æyrenæi Philalethes, natu Angli, habitatione cosmopolitæ.
Date: 1678- Books
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Ripley reviv'd.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1678- Books
Collectanea chymica: a collection of ten several treatises in chymistry, concerning the liquor Alkahest, the mercury of philosophers, and other curiosities worthy of perusal ... / Written by Eir. Philaletha, Anonymus, Joh. Bapt. Van-Helmont, Dr. Fr. Antonie, Bernhard Earl of Trevisan, Sir. Geor. Ripley, Rog. Bacon, Geo. Starkey, Sir Hugh Platt, and the Tomb of Semiramis. [Edited by W.C.B., i.e. W. Cooper, Bookseller].
Date: 1684- Books
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Opus tripartitum de philosophorum arcanis : Videlicet, I. Enarratio methodica trium gebri medicinarum. II. Experimenta de praeparatione Mercurij Sophici. III. Vade mecum philosophicum, sive breve manuductorium ad campum sophiae. / Autore, anonymo sub nomine Aeyrenaei Philalethes, natu Angli, habitatione cosmopolitae.
Date: MDCLXXVIII. [1678]- Books
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Philaletha illustratus, sive introitus apertus ad occlusum regis palatium, novis quibusdam animadversionibus explanatus ... / Cum nova praefatione ... Accedit his narratio de vita et scriptis Starckii, nec non ... Becheri Pantaleon delarvatus. Opera Joh. Michaelis Faustii.
Faust, Johann Michael, 1663-1707.Date: 1706- Books
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A breviary of alchemy, or, A commentary upon Sir George Ripley's recapitulation : being a paraphrastical epitome of his twelve gates / written by Æyrenæus Philalethes.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1678- Books
Kern der Alchymie das ist ein durch Erfahrung bewährter Tractat welcher eröffnet das geheime und hochverborgene Geheimnüss des Elixirs der Weisen, abgetheilet in zwey Theil ... / Geschrieben durch Irenaeum Philoponum Philaletham [i.e. G. Starkey] Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Johann Langen.
Philalethes, Eirenaeus.Date: 1685- Books
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Secrets reveal'd, or, An open entrance to the shut-palace of the King : containing the greatest treasure in chymistry never yet so plainly discovered / composed by a most famous English-man, styling himself anonymus or Eyræneus Philaletha cosmopolita ... ; published for the benefit of all Englishmen by W.C., Esq., a true lover of art and nature.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1669- Books
Enarratio methodica trium Gebri medicinarum, in quibus continetur lapidis philosophici vera confectio / Autore Anonymo sub nomine Aeyrenaei Philalethes.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: [1678]- Books
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Collectanea chemica : being certain select treatises on alchemy and hermetic medicine / By Eirenaeus Philalethes [pseud.], Dr. Francis Antony, George Starkey, Sir George Ripley, and anonymous unknown.
Date: 1893- Books
Des hochgelahrten Philalethae drey schöne und auserlesene Tractätlein von Verwandelung der Metallen / samt Wigands von Rothen Schilde ... beygefügtem Tractätlein, genannt Die Herrligkeit der Welt ... aus dem Lateinischen ins Teutsche übersetzet von Johanne Langen.
Philalethes, Eirenaeus.Date: 1675- Books
Being certain select treatises on alchemy and hermetic medicine, by Eirenaeus Philalethes, Dr. Francis Anthony, George Starkey, Sir George Ripley, and Anonymous Unknown.
Date: 1893- Books
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Magnalia medico-chymica, oder die höchste artzney- und feuerkünstige Geheimnisse, wie nemlich mit dem Circulato majori & minori oder dem Universal aceto mercuriali, und spiritu vini tartarisato die herrlichsten Artzneyen zum langen Leben und Heilung der unheilsamen Kranckheiten zu machen; zwar aus Paracelsi Handschrift schon im vorigen Seculo ausgangen / ... itzo aber aufs neue verhochdeutschet, und ... erläutert, nebenst beygefügtem Hauptschlüssel aller Hermetischen Schrifften ... dem unvergleichlichen Tractat genannt: Offenstehender Eingang zu dem vormals verschlossenen königlichen Pallast [by Eirenaeus Philalethes] Dem gemeinen Nutz ... publiciret von Johanne Hiskia Cardilucio ...
Cardilucius, Johann Hiskias.Date: 1676- Books
Anonymi Philalethae philosophi Opera omnia / [Eirenaeus Philalethes].
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1695- Books
Introitus apertus, ad occlusum regis palatium Authore Anonymo Philaletha philosopho. Denuo publicatus, cum ... nova praefatione Georgii Wolffgangi Wedelii.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1699- Books
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Ripley reviv'd, or, An exposition upon Sir George Ripley's hermetico-poetical works : containing the plainest and most excellent discoveries of the most hidden secrets of the ancient philosophers, that were ever yet published / written by Eirenæus Philalethes.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1678- Books
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Secrets Reveal'd: or, an open entrance to the Shut-Palace of the King: Containing, the greatest treasure in chymistry, Never yet so plainly Discovered. / Composed by a most famous English-man, styling himself Anonymus, or Eyraeneus [sic] Philaletha Cosmopolita [pseud.]: Who, by Inspiration and Reading, attained to the Philosophers Stone at his Age of Twenty three Years, Anno Domini, 1645. Published for the Benefit of all English-men, by W.C. Esq. [i.e. William Cooper], a true lover of Art and Nature
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1669- Books
L'entrata nel palazzo chiuso del ne / [Eirenaeus Philalethes].
Philalethes, Eirenaeus.Date: 1978- Books
Magnalia medico-chymica, oder die höchste artzney- und feuerkünstige Geheimnisse, wie nemlich mit dem Circulato majori & minori oder dem Universal aceto mercuriali, und spiritu vini tartarisato die herrlichsten Artzneyen zum langen Leben und Heilung der unheilsamen Kranckheiten zu machen; zwar aus Paracelsi Handschrift schon im vorigen Seculo ausgangen / ... itzo aber aufs neue verhochdeutschet, und ... erläutert, nebenst beygefügtem Hauptschlüssel aller Hermetischen Schrifften ... dem unvergleichlichen Tractat genannt: Offenstehender Eingang zu dem vormals verschlossenen königlichen Pallast [by Eirenaeus Philalethes] Dem gemeinen Nutz ... publiciret von Johanne Hiskia Cardilucio.
Cardilucius, Johann HiskiasDate: 1676- Books
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An exposition upon Sir George Ripley's Epistle to King Edward IV / written by Eirenæus Philalethes Anglus, cosmopolita.
Philalethes, EirenaeusDate: 1677- Books
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Ripley reviv'd: or, an exposition upon Sir George Ripley's hermetico-poetical works. Containing the plainest and most excellent discoveries of the most hidden secrets of the ancient philosophers, that were ever yet published / Written by Eirenaeus Philalethes.
Philalethes, Eirenaeus.Date: 1678