28 results filtered with: Perkins, William, 1558-1602
- Books
A discourse of the damned art of witchcraft; so farre forth as it is revealed in the Scriptures and manifest by true experience ... / now published by Tho. Pickering.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1608- Books
- Online
Foure great lyers, striuing who shall win the siluer whetstone : Also, a resolution to the countri-man, prouing is vtterly vnlawfull to buye or vse our yeerly prognostications. Written by W.P.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: [1585?]- Books
- Online
Deaths knell, or the sicke mans passing bell : summoning all sicke consciences to prepare themselues for the comming of the great day of doome, lest mercies gate be shut against them. Fit for all those that desire to arriue at the heauenly Ierusalem. Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders. Written by W. Perkins.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1629- Books
- Online
The first part of The cases of conscience : Wherein specially, three maine questions concerning man, simply considered in himselfe, are propounded and resolued, according to the word of God. Taught and deliuered, by M. William Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, by himselfe revised before his death, and now published for the benefit of the Church.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: [1604]- Books
- Online
The vvhole treatise of the cases of conscience : Distinguished into three bookes. Taught and delivered by M. W. Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, examined by his owne briefs, and published for the common good, by T. Pickering, Bachelour of Divinitie. Newly corrected, with the two tables set before the first booke: one, of the heads and number of the questions propounded and resolved: another, of the principall texts of Scripture, which are either explained, or vindicated from corrupt interpretation.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1635- Books
- Online
Deaths knell, or, The sicke mans passing-bell : summoning all sick consciences to p[re]pare themselves for the comming of the gre[at] day of doome, lest mercies gate be shut against them. Fit for all those that desire to arrive at the heavently Jerusalem. : Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders. / Written by W. Perkins.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1637- Books
- Online
A salue for a sicke man: or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death : as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serue for spirituall instruction to I. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they trauell of child.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1615- Books
- Online
Deaths knell, or, The sick mans passing-bell : summoning all sick consciences to prepare themselves for the coming of the great day of doom, lest mercies gate be shut against them : fit for all those that desire to attire at the heavenly Ierusalem : whereunto are added prayers fit for householders / by W. Perkins.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1664- Books
- Online
Deaths knell: or, The sicke mans passing-bell : summoning all sicke consciences to pr[e]pare themselues for the comming of the grea[t] day of doome, lest mercies gate be shut against them: fit for all those that desire to arriue at the heauenly Ierusalem. Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders. The ninth edition. Written by W. Perkins.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1628- Books
- Online
The whole treatise of the cases of conscience : distinguished into three bookes: the first whereof is revised and corrected in sundrie places, and the other two annexed. Taught and deliuered by M. W. Perkins in his holy-day lectures, carefully examined by his owne briefes, and now published together for the common good, by T. Pickering Bachelour of Diuinitie. Whereunto is adioyned a twofold table: one of the heads and number of the questions propounded and resolued; another of the principall texts of Scripture vvhich are either explaned, or vindicated from corrupt interpretation.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1606. and are to be sold [in London] in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne by Simon Waterson- Books
- Online
A discourse of the damned art of witchcraft : so farre forth as it is reuealed in the Scriptures, and manifest by true experience. Framed and deliuered by M. William Perkins, in his ordinarie course of preaching, and now published by Tho. Pickering Batchelour of Diuinitie, and minister of Finchingfield in Essex. Whereunto is adioyned a twofold table; one of the order and heades of the treatise; another of the texts of Scripture explaned, or vindicated from the corrupt interpretation of the aduersarie.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1608- Books
- Online
A salve for a sicke man. or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death : as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serue for spirituall instruction to 1. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they trauell of child.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: [1611]- Books
- Online
A salve for a sicke man, or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death : as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serue for spirituall instruction to 1. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they trauell of child.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1595- Books
- Online
The vvhole treatise of the cases of conscience : distinguished into three bookes. Taught and deliuered by M. W. Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, examined by his owne briefes, and published for the common good, by T. Pickering Bachelour of Diuinitie. Newly corrected, with the two tables set before the first booke; one of the heades and number of the questions propounded and resolued: another of the principall texts of Scripture, which are either explaned, or vindicated from corrupt interpretation.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1619- Books
- Online
The vvhole treatise of the cases of conscience : Distinguished into three bookes. Taught and delivered by M. W. Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, examined by his owne briefs, and published for the common good, by T. Pickering, Bachelour of Divinitie. Newly corrected, with the two tables set before the first booke: one, of the heads and number of the questions propounded and resolved: another, of the principall texts of Scripture, which are either explained, or vindicated from corrupt interpretation.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1636- Books
- Online
The vvhole treatise of the cases of conscience : Distinguished into three bookes. Taught and deliuered by M. W. Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, examined by his owne briefes, and published for the common good, by T. Pickering, Bachelour of Diuinitie. Newly corrected, with two tables set before the first booke: one, of the heads and number of the questions propounded and resolued: another, of the principall textes of Scripture, which are either expanded, or vindicated from corrupt interpretation.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1632- Books
- Online
A salve for a sicke man: or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kinds of death : as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serve for spirituall instruction to I. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they travell with child.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1632- Books
- Online
A salve for a sicke man: or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death : as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serue for spirituall instruction to 1. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they trauell of childe.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1597- Books
- Online
A salue for a sicke man: or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death : as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serue for spirituall instruction to I. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they trauell of child.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1600..- Books
- Online
The whole treatise of the cases of conscience, distinguished into three books / taught and delivered by M.W. Perkins in several lectures, examined by his own briefs and published for the common good, by T. Pickering.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1651- Books
- Online
The vvhole treatise of the cases of conscience : distinguished into three bookes. Taught and deliuered by M. W. Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, examined by his owne briefes, and published for the common good, by T. Pickering Bachelour of Diuinity. Newly corrected, with the two tables set before the first booke; one of the heades and number of the questions propounded and resolued: another of the principall texts of Scripture, which are either explained, or vindicated from corrupt interpretation.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: [1611]- Books
- Online
The whole treatise of the cases of conscience : distinguished into three bookes. Taught and deliuered by M. William Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, examined by his owne briefes, and published for the common good, by T. Pickering, Batchelour of Diuinity. Newly corrected, with the two tables set before the first booke; one of the heads and number of the questions propounded and resolued: another of the principall texts of scripture, whi[c]h are either explaned, or vindicated from corrupt interpretation.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1614. And are to be sold in Paules church-yard, at the signe of the Crowne, by Simon Waterson- Books
- Online
The vvhole treatise of the cases of conscience : Distinguished into three bookes. Taught and deliuered by M. W. Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, examined by his owne briefes, and published for the common good, by T. Pickering, Bachelour of Diuinitie. Newly corrected, with the two tables set before the first booke: one, of the heads and number of the questions propounded and resolued; another, of the principall texts of Scripture, which are either explaned, or vindicated from corrupt interpretation.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1628- Books
- Online
A discourse of the damned art of witchcraft. So farre forth as it is revealed in the Scriptures and manifested by true experience / framed and delivered by William Perkins in his ordinary course of preaching, and published by Thomas Pickering.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1631- Books
- Online
A salve for a sicke man: or, a treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death : as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serve for spirituall instruction to 1. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they travell with child.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: [1638?]