80 results filtered with: Pechey, John, 1655-1716
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Advertisement : Whereas formerly the sick could have advice (at the Angel and Crown in King. Street near Cheapside) in the afternoons only. Now for the greater ease and benefit of patients, there will be constant attendance there every day from nine in the morning 'till twelve, and from two in the afternoon 'till six.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: [1695]- Books
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Some observations made upon the serpent stones, imported from the Indies: shewing their admirable virtues in curing malignant spotted feavers / Written by a countrey physitian [i.e. John Peachie?] to Dr. Burwell. President of the Colledge of Physitians in London.
Peachi, John, active 1683.Date: 1694- Books
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At the angel and crown in Basing-lane, being the second turning on the left hand in Bread-street from Cheapside, lives J. Pechey, a graduate in the University of Oxford : and a member of the College of Physicians in London; who has a pill prepared with wholsom ingredients.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: [1685?]- Books
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Some observations made upon the Barbado seeds : shewing their admirable virtue in curing dropsies / written by a physitian in the countrey to Sir George Ent at London.
Peachi, John, active 1683Date: 1694- Books
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Some observations made upon the root called serapias or salep, imported from Turkey : shewing its admirable virtues in preventing womens miscarriages / written by a Doctor of Physick in the countrey to his friend in London.
Peachi, John, active 1683Date: 1694- Books
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Promptuarium praxeos medicae. Seu, methodus medendi, praescriptis celeberrimorum medicorum Londinensium concinnata. Et in ordinem alphabeticum digesta ... / Justa exemplar Londinense.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716.Date: 1694- Books
- Online
The whole works ... / [Thomas Sydenham] ; translated from the original Latin, by John Pechey.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1696- Books
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The compleat herbal of physical plants : containing all such English and foreign herbs, shrubs and trees as are used in physick and surgery ... : the doses or quantities of such as are prescribed by the London-physicians and others are proportioned : also directions for making compound-waters, syrups simple and compound, electuaries ... : moreover the gums, balsams, oyls, juices, and the like, which are sold by apothecaries and druggists are added to this herbal, and their irtues and uses are fully described / by John Pechey.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1694- Books
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Some observations made upon the banellas imported from the Indies : shewing their wonderful virtues in curing melancholly and distraction / written by a physitian in the countrey to Dr. Allen, one of the Royal Society at London.
Peachi, John, active 1683Date: 1694- Books
Promptuarium praxeos medicae. Seu, methodus medendi, praescriptis celeberrimorum medicorum Londinensium concinnata / [John Pechey].
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1700- Books
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Some observations made upon the Blatta Bizantina, shewing its admirable virtues in curing asthmas, and shortness of breath / Written by a Doctor of Physick in the countrey [i.e. John Peachie?] to Dr. Meverell at London.
Peachi, John, active 1683Date: [1694]- Books
A plain introduction to the art of physick, containing the fundamentals, and necessary preliminaries to practice. To which is added, the materia medica contracted. And alphabetical tables of the vertues of roots, barks, ... Also a collection of choice medicines chymical and Galenical. Together with a different way of making the most celebrated compositions in the apothecaries shops / [John Pechey].
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1697- Books
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Some observations made upon the root called nean, or ninsing : imported from the East-Indies. Shewing its ... virtue, in curing consumptions, ptissicks, shortness of breath, distillation of rhume / ... Publisht by a doctor of physick in York-shire [i. e. Robert Wittie], in a letter to Mr. Colwell, a member of the Royal Society, 1680.
Wittie, Robert, 1613?-1684Date: [1680?]- Books
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Some observations made upon the Mexico seeds imported from the Indies : shewing their wonderful virtue against worms in the bodies of men, women and children / written by a countrey physitian to Dr. Burwell, president of the Colledge of Physitians in London.
Peachi, John, active 1683Date: 1695- Books
Promptuarium praxeos medicae. Seu, methodus medendi, praescriptis celeberrimorum medicorum Londinensium concinnata / [John Pechey].
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1693- Books
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Some observations made upon the Virginian nutts, imported from the Indies : shewing their admirable virtue against the scurvy / written by a doctor of physick in the countrey to Dr. Croon, one of the Royal Society in London, 1681.
Date: 1682- Books
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A general treatise of the diseases of infants and children / collected from the best practical authors by John Pechey.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1697- Books
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Some observations made upon the Malabar nutt imported from the Indies : shewing its admirable virtues in curing the kings-evil beyond any thing yet found out / written by a doctor of physick in the countrey to his friend in London troubled with that distemper.
Peachi, John, active 1683Date: 1694- Books
- Online
At the angel and crown in Basing-lane, being the second turning of the left hand in Bread-street from Cheap side, lives a physician : a graduate in the University of Oxford, and a member of the college of physicians in London; who has a pill prepared with wholsom ingredients.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: [1700?]- Books
- Online
Some observations made upon the blatta Bizantina : shewing its admirable virtues in curing astmahs [sic] and shortness of breath / written by a doctor of physick in the countrey to Dr. Heverell at London.
Peachi, John, active 1683Date: 1694- Books
- Online
Some observations made upon the root called nean or ninsing imported from the East-Indies : shewing its wonderful virtue in curing consumptions, ptissicks, shortness of breath, distillation of rhume, and restoring nature after it hath been impaired by languishing distempers and long fits of sickness / publisht by a doctor of physick in York-shire in a letter to Mr. Colwell, a member of the Royal Society, 1680.
Simpson, William, M.DDate: [1680]- Books
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A collection of chronical diseases, viz. the colick: the bilious cholick: hysterick diseases: the gout: and the bloody urine from the stone in the kidnies ... / [John Pechey].
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1692- Books
The whole works of that excellent practical physician Thomas Sydenham.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1712- Books
- Online
Some observations made upon the Russia seed : shewing its admirable virtues in curing the rickets in children / written by a doctor of physick in the countrey to Esq. Boyle at London, 1674.
Skinner, Dr.Date: 1694- Books
- Online
Collections of acute diseases, the fourth part : It contains all that the learn'd and experienc'd Dr. Sydenham has written of agues, of a pleurisie, of a bastard peripneumonia, of a quinsey, and of the cholera morbus. And all that the famous Dr. Willis has written of a peripneumonia.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1691