29 results filtered with: Pearson, John, 1758-1826
- Books
Observations on the effects of various articles of the materia medica, in the cure of lues venerea. Illustrated with cases / by John Pearson.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826Date: 1800- Books
- Online
Principles of surgery, for the use of chirurgical students / by John Pearson. Part the first.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: 1788- Books
Principles of surgery, for the use of chirurgical students. Part the first / [John Pearson].
Pearson, John, 1758-1826Date: 1788- Books
- Online
Observations on the effects of various articles of the materia medica, in the cure of lues venerea: illustrated with cases / by John Pearson.
Date: 1800- Books
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Cases, and observations on lithotomy : including hints for the more ready and safe performance of the operation ... : to which are added, observations on the chimney-sweeper's cancer, and other miscellaneous remarks / by W. Simmons.
Simmons, W. (William), 1762-1830.Date: 1808- Books
- Online
A probationary surgical essay on some diseases reputed venereal : submitted, by the authority of the President and his Council, to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, when candidate for admission into their body, in conformity to their regulations respecting the admission of ordinary fellows / by Robert Hamilton.
Hamilton, Robert, 1794-1868.Date: 1820- Books
- Online
An inquiry into the present methods of performing the operation of lithotomy.
Shaw, John, 1792-1827.Date: 1821- Books
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The life of William Hey ... / by John Pearson.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826Date: [1822]- Books
- Online
Notes historiques sur les hôpitaux établis à Paris, pour traiter la maladie vénérienne / par le chirurgien en chef de l'Hôpital des vénériens.
Cullerier, Michel J., 1758-1827.Date: An XI [i.e. 1802 or 1803]- Books
- Online
The life of William Hey, Esq., F.R.S. ... / by John Pearson.
Date: 1823- Books
Observations on the effects of various articles of the materia medica, in the cure of lues venerea ... / by John Pearson.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: 1807- Books
- Online
Dissertatio chemico-medica inauguralis, de acido urico, et morbis a nimia ejus secretione ortis ... / eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus Henry.
Henry, William, 1774-1836.Date: 1807- Books
- Online
Principles of surgery : for the use of chirurgical students / a new edition, with additions, by John Pearson, F.R.S., Senior Surgeon of the Lock Hospital and Asylum, surgeon of the Public Dispensary, and reader on the principles and practices of surgery.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: 1808- Books
- Online
Inquiry respecting Mr. Charles Whitlaw's practice in scrofula and cancer : and the propriety of instituting an asylum, under his care, for these complaints, &c. / by A. Rennie.
Rennie, A.Date: 1828- Books
- Online
Practical observations on cancerous complaints: with an account of some diseases which have been confounded with the cancer. Also, critical remarks on some of the operations performed in cancerous cases / [John Pearson].
Pearson, John, 1758-1826Date: 1793- Books
- Online
Observations on the effects of various articles of the materia medica, in the cure of lues venerea : illustrated with cases / by John Pearson.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: 1807- Books
- Online
The life of Willliam [sic] Hey, Esq. F.R.S / [John Pearson].
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: 1822- Books
- Online
Examination of the prejudices commonly entertained against mercury : as beneficially applicable to the greater number of liver complaints, and to various other forms of disease, as well as to syphilis / by James Curry.
Curry, James, -1819.Date: 1810- Books
- Online
The life of William Hey / by John Pearson.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: 1822- Books
- Online
Practical observations in surgery : illustrated by cases / by William Hey.
Hey, William, 1736-1819.Date: 1810- Books
- Online
Some account of two mummies of the Egyptian ibis : one of which was in a remarkably perfect state / by John Pearson.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: 1805- Books
- Online
Case of angina trachealis, or croup, successfully treated by Mons. Pinel, first physician to the Salpetriere Hospital at Paris (from a work just published by this author under the title of Medecine clinique, Paris, An. X. (1802)) : to which are added, some remarks relative to the treatment of this disorder, and particularly relative to the beneficial effects produced by the inhalation of aether-vapour / by Richard Pearson.
Pearson, Richard, 1765-1836.Date: [1802]- Books
- Online
Principles of surgery / by John Pearson.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: 1832- Books
- Online
Tentamen physiologico-medicum inaugurale, de contagione humana ... / eruditorum examini subjicit Calebus Crowther.
Crowther, Caleb, 1772-1849.Date: 1793- Books
- Online
Practical observations on cancerous complaints: with an account of some diseases which have been confounded with the cancer, also, critical remarks on some of the operations performed in cancerous cases / by John Pearson, Surgeon of the Locke Hospital and Asylum ... Lecturer on the principles and practice of surgery in London.
Pearson, John, 1758-1826.Date: M.DCC.XCIII. [1793]