68 results filtered with: National Center for Homoeopathy (U.S.)
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A materia medica : containing provings and clinical verifications of nosodes and morbific products / by Samuel Swan ; collated, arranged, and prepared for publication by E.W. Berridge.
Swan, Samuel, 1815-1893.Date: 1888- Books
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Homoeopathic domestic medicine / by J. Laurie ; arranged as a pratical work for students ; containing a glossary of medical terms.
Laurie, Joseph, -1865.Date: 1853- Books
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Homoeopathic domestic physician : containing the treatment of diseases with popular explanations of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, and hydropathy, also an abridged materia medica / by J.H. Pulte.
Pulte, J. H. (Joseph Hippolyt), 1811-1884.Date: 1852- Books
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Characteristic indications of prominent remedies : for the use of students of materia medica and therapeutics / by W.J. Hawkes, M.D.
Hawkes, William James.Date: 1898- Books
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A monograph upon aconite : its therapeutic and physiological effects together with its uses, and accurate statements derived from the various sources of medical literature / translated from the German of Dr. Reil, by Henry B. Millard ; prize essay.
Reil, Dr. (Wilhelm), 1820-1880.Date: 1860- Books
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Homoeopathic provings : containing the Vienna provings of colocynth and thuja-occidentalis, and the symptoms of aethusa-cynapium, alcohol-sulphuris, amphisbaena-vermicularis, anagallis-arvensis, apis-mellifica, aristolochia-milhomens, arsenicum-metallicum, artemesia-vulgaris, asterias-rubens, cinnabaris, turpethum, coccus-cacti : being the appendix to the North American homoeopathic journal / edited by James W. Metcalf.
Metcalf, James W.Date: 1853- Books
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Jahr's new manual, or, Symptomen-codex (Volume 3).
Jahr, G. H. G. (Gottlieb Heinrich Georg), 1800-1875.Date: 1848-53- Books
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Uterine diseases, with an appendix : containing an abstract of 180 cases of uterine diseases and their treatment, together with analytical tables of results, ages, symptoms, etc. : to which is added a clinical record of interesting cases, treated in the Manchester Homoeopathic Hospital / by Henry R. Madden.
Madden, Henry R. (Henry Ridewood)Date: [1852?]- Books
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The homoeopathic theory and practice of medicine (Volume 2).
Marcy, E. E. (Erastus Edgerton), 1815-1900.Date: 1864- Books
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A course of clinical lectures on diphtheria : delivered before the class of Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, session of 1862-3.
Ludlam, R. (Reuben), 1831-1899.Date: 1863- Books
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The practical advantages of homoeopathy, illustrated by numerous cases : dedicated by permission to Her Majesty Queen Adelaide / by Harris Dunsford.
Dunsford, Harris F., 1808-1847.Date: 1842- Books
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C. Hering's Domestic physician : revised, with additions from the author's manuscript of the seventh German edition ; containing also a tabular index of the medicines and the diseases in which they are used.
Hering, Constantine, 1800-1880.Date: 1851, ©1850- Books
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G.H.G. Jahr's Manual of homoeopathic medicine / translated from the German by authority of the North American Academy of the Homoeopathic Healing Art ; with an introduction and some additions by C. Hering.
Jahr, G. H. G. (Gottlieb Heinrich Georg), 1800-1875.Date: 1838- Books
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The homoeopathic treatment of the diseases of females, and infants at the breast / by G.H.G. Jahr ; translated from the French by Charles J. Hempel.
Jahr, G. H. G. (Gottlieb Heinrich Georg), 1800-1875.Date: 1856- Books
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Homoeopathic therapeutics / by S. Lilienthal.
Lilienthal, Samuel, 1815-1891.Date: 1878- Books
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The homoeopathic surgical adviser and traveler's companion : containing also the treatment in cases of poisoning.
Date: 1859- Books
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An elementary text-book of materia medica : characteristic, analytical, and comparative / by A.C. Cowperthwaite.
Cowperthwaite, A. C. (Allen Corson), 1848-1926.Date: 1880- Books
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The application of electricity as a therapeutic agent / by J.H. Rae.
Rae, J. H.Date: 1877- Books
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A clinical materia medica : being a course of lectures delivered at the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia / by the late E.A. Farrington ; reported phonographically and edited with the assistance of the lecturer's manuscript, by Clarence Bartlett and revised by S. Lilienthal ; with a memorial sketch of the author by Aug. Korndoerfer.
Farrington, E. A. (Ernest Albert), 1847-1885.Date: 1890- Books
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A new and comprehensive system of materia medica and therapeutics, arranged upon a physiologico-pathological basis: for the use of practitioners and students of medicine (Volume 1).
Hempel, Charles J. (Charles Julius), 1811-1879.Date: 1864-1865- Books
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Materia medica pura (Volume 3).
Hahnemann, Samuel, 1755-1843.Date: 1846- Books
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Homœopathic domestic physician : containing the treatment of diseases, with popular explanations of anatomy, physiology, hygiene and hydropathy : also an abridged materia medica / by J.H. Pulte.
Pulte, J. H. (Joseph Hippolyt), 1811-1884.Date: 1852- Books
- Online
Manual of homoeopathic theory and practice : designed for the use of physicians and families / by Arthur Lutze ; translated from the German, with additions by Charles J. Hempel.
Lutze, Arthur, 1813-1870.Date: [1860]- Books
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Characteristic indications of prominent remedies : for the use of students of materia medica and therapeutics / by W.J. Hawkes.
Hawkes, William James.Date: 1884- Books
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A repertory of gonorrhoea : with the concomitant symptoms of the genital and urinary organs / compiled by Samuel A. Kimball.
Kimball, Samuel A.Date: 1888