5 results filtered with: Maplet, John, -1592
- Books
Joannis Maplet Epistolarum medicarum specimen de thermarium Bathoniensium effectis ... / Edente Thoma Guidott.
Maplet, John, -1592.Date: 1694- Books
A greene forest, or, A naturall historie, wherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne vertues in all the whole kinde of stones & mettals: next of plants, as of herbes trees and schrubs, lastly of brute beastes, foules, fishes, creeping wormes, and serpents, and that alphabetically: so that a table shall not neede / compiled by John Maplet ... Reprinted from the edition of 1567, with an introduction by W.H. Davies.
Maplet, John, -1592.Date: 1930- Books
- Online
Cl. vir Joannis Maplet, M.D. Epistolarum medicarum specimen de themarum bathoniensium effectis : ad clarissimos medicos D.D. Bate, Prujean, Fraser, Wedderburne, Quatreman, Tymme, Needham, aliosque melioris notæ medicos Londini rurique praxin exercentes / edente Thoma Guidott.
Maplet, John, -1592Date: M.DC.XCIV [1694]- Books
- Online
A greene forest, or a naturall historie, wherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne vertues in all the whole kinde of stones and mettals: next of plants, as of herbes, trees, and shrubs, lastly of brute beastes, foules, fishes, creeping wormes, and serpents / [John Maplet].
Maplet, John, -1592Date: [1567]- Books
- Online
The diall of destiny : A booke very delectable and pleasaunt: wherein may be seene the continuall and customable course, disposition, qualities, effectes, and influence of the seuen planets ouer all kyndes of creatures here belowe: also the seuerall and sundry situation of countryes and kingdomes. Compiled and discussed briefly, aswell astrologically, as poetically, and philosophically by Iohn Maplet Maister of Arte.
Maplet, John, -1592Date: 1581