137 results filtered with: Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204
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Beʾur milot ha-higayon : le-lamed bene Yehudah tsaḥut higayon ha-peh ṿeha-lev ... / leha-Rambam.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1822- Books
[Mishnayot masekhtot eruvin (romanized form)] hoc est Constitutiones tractatus Talmudici dicti Erubhin : cum commentariis celeberrimorum inter Judaeos magnique nominis rabbinorum Mosis fil. Majemonis Aegypti et Obadjae de Bartenora / Latine versae à Sebastiano Schmidt ; quibus textum Hebraeum addidit Jo. Benedictus Carpzov.
Schmid, Sebastian, 1617-1696.Date: 1661- Books
Regimen sanitatis : oder, Diätetik für die Seele und den Körper. Mit Anhang der Medizinischen Responsen und Ethik des Maimonides / Deutsche Übersetzung und Einleitung von Süssmann Muntner.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1966- Books
The commentary of R. Ḥōṭer ben Shelōmō to the thirteen principles of Maimonides / edited, translated, and annotated by David R. Blumenthal ; with a foreword by S.D. Goitein.
Dhamārī, Manṣur Suleiman, active 15th century.Date: 1974- Books
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Mishneh Torah : hu sefer ha-Yad she-ḥiber ha-Rav ha-gadol rabenu Mosheh ben ha-Dayan Rabi Maimon ha-Sefaradi z. ts. l., ʿim ha-Migdal ʿOz ṿe-ʿim ha-Magid Mishneh ṿe-ʿim ha-Hagahot Maimuniyot nidpas me-ḥadash.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5090-5091 [1550-1551]- Books
Tabula consiliorum ... secundum ordinem ac viam Avicennae ordinata ... / Additis etiam de regimine sanitatis Rabi Moysi ad Sultanum: nec non doctissimi Rainaldi ex Villa nova ad Aragonum regem inclitum.
Ferrari de Gradi, Giovanni Matteo, -1472Date: 1501- Books
The book of knowledge : from the Mishnah Torah of Maimonides / translated from the Hebrew by H.M. Russell and J. Weinberg.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1981- Books
The preservation of youth : essays on health / translated from the original Arabic (Fi tadbir as-sihha) and with an introduction by Hirsch L. Gordon.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1958- Books
- Online
Shemonah Peraḳim leha-Rambam : ins Dayṭshe iberzetsṭ.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1798- Books
Traité des poisons, avec une table alphabétique de noms pharm-ceutiques arabes et hébreux d'après le Traité des synonymies de M. Clément-Mullet. Traduction française par I.M. Rabbinowicz.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1996- Books
Maïmonide : sa vie, son œuvre / avec un exposé de sa philosophie.
Sérouya, Henri, 1895-1968.Date: 1951- Books
Moses Maimonides on the causes of symptoms : Maqalah fi bayan ba'd al-a'rad wa-al-jawab 'anha. Ma'amar ha-hakra'ah. De causis accidentium / edited by J.O.Leibowitz and S.Marcus ; in collaboration with M.Beit-Arié [and others].
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: [1974]