137 results filtered with: Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204
- Books
The guide for the perplexed / by Moses Maimonides ; translated from the original Arabic text by M. Friedländer, PH.D.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1904- Books
- Online
Proponitur, Maimonidis More Nevochim typis mandandum lingua Arabica, qua ab authore primò scriptum est. Suscipiendi operis causæ sunt, I. Latina editione Buxtorfiana ante multos annos prorsus distracta & absumpta, iste liber (ad explicandas S. Scripturas Apprime utilis) hodie quovis pretio non est redimendus. II. Quamvis clarissimi Buxtorfii versio Latina (si modo haberi posset) maxima ex parte sit accurata, alicubi tamen est justo laxior, & alibi aliquando virum doctissimum fefillit linguæ Hebraicæ amphibolia, cum non esset originalem textum Arabicum consulendo. Cum itaque doctrinam dicto libro contentam ... Si autem tales notæ censeantur sacere ut hoc opus in nimiam molem excrescat, his omnibus omissis, nudus textus Arabice & Latine emittatur. De his autem penes hujus operis promotores judicium esto. Dicti operis sequitur hujusmodi Specimen.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: [1690]- Books
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Madaʿ Ahavah Zemanim meha-Yad ha-Ḥazaḳah leha-Rambam z. l : ʿim marʼeh maḳom meha-poseḳim u-mafteḥot kelale hilkhotaṿ ṿe-ʿim hagahot u-veʼurim le-toʿelah kol de-hogim.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5463 [1703]- Books
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Sefer ha-mitsṿot she-ḥiber ha-nesher ha-gadol Rabenu Mosheh ben Maimon z. l : ... ʿalaṿ ha-Rav ha-gadol Rabenu Mosheh bar Naḥman z. l. be-hasagotaṿ asher hisig ʿal minyan ha-mitsṿot ... ha-Rav ha-mefursam ha-gaʼon ki-mehorer Ari. Laib Zaitel Segal Ḥurṿits z. ts. l.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: [1756]- Books
Maimonides : on asthma : critical editions of medieval Hebrew and Latin translations by Gerrit Bos and Michael R. McVaugh. Volume 2.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 2008- Books
Galeni In Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum VI commentaria I-VIII / ediderunt Ernst Wenkebach, Franz Pfaff.
Galen.Date: 1956- Books
Mishneh Torah / by Maimonides ; edited according to the Bodleian (Oxford) Codex with introduction, Biblical and Talmudical references, notes and English translation by Moses Hyamson.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1981-- Books
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Sefer Divre ḥakhamim : ṿe-hu ḳovets kolel eḥad ʿaśar sefarim yeshanim ṿa-ʿatiḳim, me-hem mi-mikhtav yede soferim muvhaḳim neʿetaḳim ṿeha-nishʾarim mi-defusim ḳedumim ṿe-noshanim me-ḥoḳeḳim rovam biḳoret peʾer ha-ḥokhmah ṿeha-madaʿ meḥushaḳim ṿe-ʾet ʿosher kavod shire zimrah ṿe-musar haśkel mefiḳim, / kulam niḳbetsu baʾu henah mukhanot ʿal yede ish yaḳar ruaḥ ṿe-rav tevunot ... Eliʿezer Ashkenazi ish Polin, toshav be-Tunis ha-birah.
Ashkenazi, Eliʿezer, active 19th century.Date: 5609 [1849]- Books
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Madaʿ Ahavah Zemanim meha-Yad ha-Ḥazaḳah leha-Rambam z. l : u-mafteḥot ha-sefarim ʿal pitḥehen le-naḳel ha-davar li-mevaḳeshaṿ.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5539 [1779]- Books
- Online
Des Moses Maimonides Morgengebet bevor er seine kranken Besuchte.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: [1931]- Books
- Online
Sefer Orḥot Tsadiḳim, ḥeleḳ alef : ṿe-hem divre musar u-khibushin ṿe-dinin she-tsarikh she-yitnaheg ha-adam ha-Yisreʼeli mi-liḳuṭe aḥat henah ṿe-aḥat henah me-sefer ha-gadol Mishneh Torah / she-ḥibero ha-Gaʼon ha-Rambam z. ts. h. h. ... le-ish ha-hemed kevodi u-merim rashe ava ... be-rom ha-maʿalot ... Daṿid Fernandis Diʼas.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5500 [1740]- Books
The code of Maimonides. Book fourteen, The Book of judges / translated from the Hebrew by Abraham M, Hershman.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1949- Books
- Online
Sextenta & tredecim Praecepta Mosaica, a Maimonide ex Pentateucho Hebraice olim excerpta : quae, additis locis Pentateuchi, Latine translata hic ordine exhibentur, Auctore Johanne Leusden.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1686- Books
Medical aphorisms. Treatises 16-21 : a parallel Arabic-English edition / Maimonides ; edited, translated, and annotated by Gerrit Bos.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: [2015]- Books
The guide of the perplexed / an abridged edition with introduction and commentary by Julius Guttmann ; translated from the Arabic by Chaim Rabin.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1952- Books
- Online
Das diätetische Sendschreiben des Maimonides (Rambam) an den Sultan Saladin : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medicin für Aerzte und Freunde des classischen Altherthums, mit kritischen und sacherläuternden Noten / herausgegeben von D. Winternitz.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1843- Books
Galeni In Platonis Timaeum commentarii fragmenta / collegit, disposuit, explicavit Henricus Otto Schröder; appendicem arabicam addidit Paulus Kahle.
Galen.Date: 1934- Books
- Online
R. Moses Maimondides De jure pauperis et peregrini apud Judæos / Latine vertit & notis illustravit Humphridus Prideaux.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1679- Books
- Online
[In Hebrew] : Canones poenitentiæ Hebraicè à R. Mose Ægyptio descripti, Latinitate donati à G.N.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: MDCXXXI. [1631]- Books
The code of Maimonides. Book thirteen, The Book of civil laws / translated from the Hebrew by Jacob J. Rabinowitz.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1949- Books
Sefer Moreh ha-nevukhim / le-rabenu Mosheh ben Maimon ; be-haʻataḳat Shemuʼel Even Tibon ; hotsaʼah menuḳedet u-mugahah ʻa[l] p[i] defusim rishonim ṿe-shinuye nusḥaʼot mi-tokh kitve yad uve-hashṿaʼah la-maḳor ha-ʻArvi be-tseruf mevoʼot, hagahot, heʻarot u-marʼe meḳomot ṿe-ʻim perush me-et Yehudah Even Shemuʼel.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 5695-5698 [1935-1938]- Books
- Online
Shelosh ʿesreh yesode ha-Torah le-Gaʼon ʿUzenu tifʼeret Yisraʼel ha-Rambam z.l : ṿe-ʿalehem ha-beʼur Yesod ha-Torah ṿehu metsiʼut ha-Shem yitbarakh ṿe-yitʿ. yesod ha-yesodot ṿe-ekh mi-menu yistaʿafu kol yesode ha-torah ṿeha-emunah le-maʿan heḳim ha-emet ʿal telo ṿeha-emunah ʿal mekhonah meʼet H. hayta zot leha-Rofe Mordekhai Gumpel.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5557 [1792]- Books
- Online
Tratado de penitencia / compuesto por el muy famoso, docto Rabino, e insigne medico, el señor Rabeny Mose de Egypto de floriosa memoria, que contiene un precepto afirmativo a saber que el pecador arrepentido confiesse delante el señor sus pecados ; nuevamente traduzido de la lengua santa a nuestro romance, por R, David Cohen de Lara, 3. de Nisan año de 5420. a la criacion del mundo.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1660- Books
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Milot ha-higayon she-ḥiber ha-Rambam zikhrono le-ʿolam : ʿim shene perushim ... ṿeha-dibur ha-ḥitsoni hu ot ṿe-siman la-dibur ha-panimi ... rabanim ṿe-ḥakhamim.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5326 [1566]- Books
On asthma : a parallel Arabic-English text / Maimonides ; edited, translated, and annotated by Gerrit Bos.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 2002