137 results filtered with: Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204
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The reasons of the laws of Moses. From the More Nevochim of Maimonides / [Translated] by James Townley. With notes, dissertations, and a life of the author. By James Townley.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1827- Books
Maimonides' Commentary on the Mishnah, tractate Sanhedrin / translated into English with introduction and notes by Fred Rosner ; foreword by Aaron D. Twerski.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1981- Books
Maqāla ta s htamil ʻalā fuṣūl min kitāb al-ḥayawān li-Arisṭū : (tract comprising excerpts from Aristotle's Book of animals), attributed to Mūsā b. ʻUbaid Allāh al-Qurṭubī al-Isrāʼīlī / edited and translated withintroduction, notes and glossary by J.N. Mattock.
Aristotle.Date: [1967]- Books
Die Makrobiotik des Maimonides / übersetzt von Berthold Baneth.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1996- Books
Treatise on asthma / [Moses Maimonides] ; edited by Suessman Muntner.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: [1963]- Books
Sharh-i bīst va panj muqaddamah dar isḇāt-i Bārī Taʻālá / az kitāb-i Dalālat al-ḥāʼirīn-i Ibn Maymūn ; az Abū ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr ibn Muḥammad Tabrīzī ; bi-ihtimām-i Mahdī Muḥaqqiq ; bā tarjumah-ʼi Fārsī az Jaʻfar Sajjādī.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1981- Books
Traité des poisons : avec une table alphabétique de noms pharmaceutiques arabes et hébreux d'après le Traité des synonymies de m. Clément-Mullet / Traduction française par le dr. I.-M. Rabbinowicz (1818-1893).
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1935- Books
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Igrot u-sheʼelot u-teshuvot leha-maʼor ha-gadol ha-ner ha-maʿaravi marana ṿe-rabana rabenu Mosheh ha-Maimoni z. ts. l : she-baʼu elaṿ mi-mizraḥ umi-maʿarav mi-tsafon umi-yam me-ḥakhme Tsarfat u-Sefarad ṿe-Teman u-Vavel ṿe-divre musar ṿe-tsaṿaʼah she-tsiṿa ha-rav ha-gadol z. l. li-veno ha-ḥakham.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5555 [1795]- Books
- Online
Ḳovets teshuvot ha-Rambam ṿe-igrotav : ḥeleḳ ha-rishon kolel teshuvot ha-Rambam ... ṿe-ʿod ḥidushim me-geʼonim ḳadmonim u-teshuvot mar Saʿadyah ibn Danan z. ts. l. ki-mevoʼar ba-haḳdamah; ḥeleḳ ha-sheni kolel asifat maʼamaraṿ ṿe-igrotaṿ ha-yeḳarim ... ḥeleḳ ha-shelishi kolel igrot ḳenaʼot asher ḳaneʼu ḥakhame ha-dor li-khvod ... huveʼu le-vet ha-defus ʿal-yad Avraham ... Likhtenberg.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5525 [1859]- Books
Ketavim refuʼiyim / ʻarukhim u-mesudarim ʻal-pi kitve-yad be-tseruf mevoʼot, beʼurim u-mafteḥot bi-yede Zisman Munṭner.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: [1957-]- Books
Regimen sanitatis des Maimonides für den Sultan el-Malik al-Afdhal / Faksimile der Ausgabe Florenz nach dem Exemplar der Bayerischen Staats-bibliothek, mit einem Vorwort von A. Freimann.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: [1931]- Books
- Online
Shemonah Peraḳim leha-Rambam : mit der Daytsher ibersetsung.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1804- Books
The deutero prayer of Moses : with an introduction about the history of this prayer, attributed to the physician Moses Maimonides, connected with a contemplation on the state of the praying and on the genuine prayer in general / 2d ed.
Muntner, Süssmann, 1897-1973.Date: 1946- Books
Mûsâ Maimûnî's Maimonides' acht capitel : arabisch und deutsch / mit anmerkungen von M. Wolff.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1903- Books
Der medizinische Schwanengesang des Maimonides : Fi bajan al-a'rad = "Über die Erklärung der Zufälle" (für den Sultan Al-Afdal) / zum ersten Male im Urtexte auf Grund dreier Handschriften herausgegeben, ins Deutsche übertragen und kritisch erläutert [von] Rabbiner Dr H. Kroner.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1928- Books
- Online
De astrologia : / Rabbi Mosis filii Maimon epistola elegans, & cum Christiana religione congruens, Hebraea nunc primum edita et latina facta. Ioanna Isaac Leuita germano auctore.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1555- Books
- Online
Igrot leha-maʾor ha-gadol ha-ner ha-maʿaravi marana ṿe-rabana rabenu Mosheh ha-Maimoni z. ts. l : she-baʾu elaṿ mi-mizraḥ umi-maʿarav mi-tsafon umi-yam me-ḥakhme Tsarfat u-Sefarad ṿe-Teman u-Vavel ṿe-divre musar ṿe-tsaṿaʾah she-tsiṿa ha-rav ha-gadol z. l. li-veno ha-ḥakham rabi Abraham z. l. u-sheʾelot she-shaʾalu meha-rav ha-nizkar z. l. u-teshuvotaṿ ʿalehen.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5304 [1544]- Books
[Milloth ha-higgayon [romanized form]] : Maimonides' Treatise on logic (Maḳālah fi-ṣinā'at al-manṭiḳ) the original Arabic and three Hebrew translations / critically edited on the basis of manuscripts and early editions and translated into English by Israel Efros.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: [1938], ©1938- Books
Über die Lebensdauer : Ein unediertes Responsum / herausgegeben, übers. und erklärt von Gotthold Weil.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1953- Books
R. Mosis Majemonidae De sacrificiis liber / Accesserunt Abarbanelis exordium, seu prooemium commentariorum in Leviticum: et Majemonidae tractatus de consecratione calendarum, et de ratione intercalandi. Quae ex Hebraeo convertit in sermonem Latinum, et notis illustravit Ludovicus de Compiegne de Veil. A.M.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1683- Books
Aphorismi, Rabi Moysis ... ex Galeno medicorum principe collecti: nunc verò ad usum studiosorum medicinæ ab interitu vindicati, & iam primùm in lucem editi. Item, locorum quorundam apud Galenum sibi ipsis contradicentium castigatio et notatio. Denique Joannis Damasceni aphorismi utilissimi ad filium.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 1579 mense martio- Books
Sefer ha-ḳatseret : o "sefer ha-masʻadim" / be-targumo ha-ʻIvri shel Shemuʼel Benveniśti ... ; yotse le-or ... me-et Zisman Monṭner.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 5700 [1940]- Books
- Online
Moreh Nevukhim leha-maʼor ha-gadol gaʼon Yiśraʼel ha-rav Rabenu Mosheh bar Maimon z. ts. l : nitsav perusho be-ʿadat El be-ḳerev elohim elu ha-dayanin she-danu ṿe-amru devaraṿ u-fereshu et ha-satum h.h., perush Shem Ṭov u-ferush Efodi ... ṿe-hosafnu ba-zeh ʿal hadpasat ha-rishonim perush haladi N. Ḳresḳas mah rav ṭuvo veha-ḥuṭ ha-meshulash lo bi-meherah yinateḳ, gam kaṿanat kol pereḳ mi-pirḳe ha-moreh ʿal daʿat ha-ḥakham ha-Ḥarizi, gam perush milot zarot le-ibn Tibon be-shinui devarim min ha-rishonim.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 5502 [1742]- Books
Mishneh torah : hi ha-yad ha-hazeḳah / le-ha-r[abi] M[osheh] b[en] M[aimon] z[ekher] ts[adiḳ] li-[vrakhah] ʻim haśagot ha-r[abi] A[vraham] [ben] Daṿid] ... u-megid mishneh ṿe-khesef mishneh le-gaon ... Yosef Ḳaro ... ṿe-ḥidashnu bo ... perush halakhot ḳidush ha-ḥodesh me-ha-r[av] r[abi] Leṿi [be]n Ḥaviv ha-kol hugah.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.Date: 5334-5336 [1574-1575]- Books
- Online
Shelosh ʿesreh ʿiḳarim, divre ha-bayit ha-sheni, ʿeser geliyot Yisraʾel = tredicim Articuli fidei Iudaeorum, item, Compendium elegans historiarum Iosephi, complectens: Acta LXX, Interpretum: Gesta Machabeorum: Facta Herodum: Excidium Hierosolymitanum, item, decem captivitates Iudaeorum : Haec per Sebastianum Munsterum & Hebraeis & Latinis legenda exarantur.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: 1529