9 results filtered with: Lyons, M. C. (Malcolm Cameron)
- Books
On the parts of medicine / Galen.
Galen.Date: 1969- Books
Kitāb tadbīr al-amrāḍ al-hādda li-Buqrāṭ : (Hippocrates: Regimen in acute diseases) / edited and translated with introductions, notes and glossary by M.C. Lyons.
Hippocrates.Date: [1966]- Books
Galeni In Hippocratis De officina medici commentariorum / versionem arabicam, quoad exstat, ex codice Scorialensi et excerpta, quae ʻAlī ibn Riḍwān ex eis sumpsit, ex codice Cantabrigensi edidit et in linguam Anglicam vertit Malcolm Lyons.
Galen.Date: 1963- Books
Kitāb bugrāṭ fī ṭābiʼat al-insān : (On the nature of man) / edited and translated [from the Arabic], with introduction, notes and glossary, by J.N. Mattock and M.C. Lyons.
Hippocrates.Date: 1968- Books
On anatomical procedures : the later books / A translation by W. L. H. Duckworth, edited by M. C. Lyons and B. Towers.
Galen.Date: 1962- Books
Kitāb buqrāt fiʹl-amrād al-biladiyya : Hippocrates: On endemic diseases (airs, waters and places) / edited and translated with introduction, notes and glossary by J.N. Mattock and M.C. Lyons.
Hippocrates.Date: 1969- Books
Kitāb buqrāṭ fī ḥabl ʼalā ḥabl : (On superfoetation) / edited and translated [from the Arabic] with introduction, notes and glossary by J.N. Mattock;,, Kitāb buqrāṭ al-maʼrūf biqātīṭrīūn ay hānūt al-ṭabīb: (In the surgery); edited and translated [from the Arabic] with introduction, notes and glossary by M.C. Lyons.
Hippocrates.Date: 1968- Books
An Arabic translation of Themistius Commentary on Aristoteles De anima / Edited by M.C. Lyons.
Themistius.Date: 1973]- Books
Kitāb al-ajinna li-Buqrāt : Hippocrates: On embryos (On the sperm & On the nature of the child) / edited and translated with introduction, commentary and glossary by M.C. Lyons and J.N. Mattock.
Hippocrates.Date: [1978], ©1978