33 results filtered with: London Corresponding Society
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Narrative of the proceedings at a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society. Second edition, revised and corrected. ... A general meeting of the London Corresponding Society having been proposed and approved ... accordingly, on Monday the 29th o
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The London Corresponding Societies. Addresses and resolutions, (reprinted.)
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Address of the London Corresponding Society to the other societies of Great Britain, United for obtaining a reform in Parliament
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The correspondence of the London Corresponding Society revised and corrected, with explanatory notes and a prefatory letter, by the Committee of Arrangement, Deputed For That Purpose: published for the use of members, Pursuant To The 17th Article Of The S
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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At a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, held at the Globe Tavern Strand; on Monday the 20th day of January, 1794 Citizen John Martin, in the Chair. The following address to the people of Great Britain and Ireland, was read and agreed to
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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An account of the seizure of citizen Thomas Hardy, secretary to the London Corresponding Society; with some remarks on the suspension of The Habeas Corpus Act
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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To the Parliament and people of Great Britain, an explicit declaration of the principles and views of the London Corresponding Society
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The London Corresponding Society addresses the friends of peace and parliamentary reform
London Corresponding Society