33 results filtered with: London Corresponding Society
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Address to the nation, from the London Corresponding Society, on the subject of a thorough Parliamentary Reform; Together with the Resolutions which were passed at a General meeting of the Society; Held on Monday, the 8th of July, 1793. At the Crown and A
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The London Corresponding Society's addresses and resolutions, (reprinted, and distributed gratis.)
London Corresponding Society- Books
Selections from the papers of the London Corresponding Society, 1792-1799 / edited, with an introduction and notes by Mary Thale.
Date: 1983- E-books
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Address of the London Corresponding Society to the other societies of Great Britain, united for obtaining a reform in Parliament
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Citizens! The critical moment is arrived, ..
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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London Corresponding Society. At a general meeting of this society, held on Thursday, the 12th Inst. ..
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Account of the proceedings at a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, convened by public advertisement, and held in an inclosed field, behind the long room, Borough Road, St. George's Fields, On Monday, the 29th of June, 1795. Citizen John
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The London Corresponding Society to the nation at large
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Report of the committee, appointed to revise and abridge a former report of the constitution, of the London Corresponding Society
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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London Corresponding Society. Nov. 19th. 1794. The committee gratefully acknowledge the contributions ..
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Address of the London Corresponding Society, united for the purpose of obtaining universal suffrage and annual parliaments, to the various patriotic societies of Great Britain
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The address published by the London Corresponding Society, at the general meeting, held at the Globe Tavern, Strand, on Monday the 20th Day of January, 1794, Citizen John Martin in the Chair, to the people of Great Britain and Ireland. To which are added
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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At a general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, ... on Monday the 14th of April, 1794, ... the following letters were read: ..
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Letter to the Right Hon. Henry Dundass, Secretary of State for the Home Department. By the London Corresponding Society, united for the purpose of obtaining a reform in Parliament
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Address of the London Corresponding Society to the British nation
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Address from the London Corresponding Society to the inhabitants of Great Britain, on the Subject of a parliamentary reform
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Address of the London Corresponding Society, united for the purpose of obtaining universal suffrage and annual Parliaments, to the various patriotic societies of Great Britain
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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A letter of thanks from the London Corresponding Society, to the Right Honourable Thomas Skinner, Lord Mayor of London. For his Lordship's upright conduct in dispensing with Military Attendance on a late Occasion
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The report of the Committee of Constitution, of the London Corresponding Society
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The London Corresponding Society's addresses and resolutions, (reprinted, and distributed gratis.)
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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Letter to the Right Hon. Henry Dundass, Secretary of State for the Home Department. By the London Corresponding Society, united for the purpose of obtaining a reform in Parliament
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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The London Corresponding Society's addresses and resolutions, (reprinted, and distributed gratis) July, 1794
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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A narrative of the proceedings at the general meeting of the London Corresponding Society, held on Monday, July 31, 1797, in a field, near the veterinary college, St. Pancras, in the county of Middlesex. Citizen Thomas Stuckey, President
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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A letter of thanks addressed by the London Corresponding Society, To Phillip Francis. Esq. M. P. for his able speech in Parliament, On the 10th of April, 1793. Upon the Stockbridge election bill; together with his answer
London Corresponding Society- E-books
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London Corresponding Society. General Committee, 5th. June, 1794
London Corresponding Society