132 results filtered with: Lilly, William, 1602-1681
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Lillys strange and wonderful prognostication : being a relation of many universal accidents that will come to pass in this year, 1681, according to the significations of the celestial bodies, as well in this our English nation, as in parts beyond the seas : with a sober caution to all by speedy repentance to avert the judgments that are impendent.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1681- Books
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Two famous prophesies and predictions of Mr. William Lilly, the most judicious and learned astrologer of the age : taken from his secret writings, penned by him in 1644 : the former of which, exactly pointing at the times, by foretelling the mischief, danger and misery these, and other Protestant kingdoms, should be exposed to, by the crafty counsels and treacheries of the Romish priests, and by what means their deliverance should be wrought.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: [1688?]- Books
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Anglicus : or, An ephemeris for 1646. Delivering mathematically the successe of this yeers actions, between the King and Parliament of England. With astrologicall aphorismes, expedient for physitians and others, usefull for students in this science. To which is added The nativity of Prince Rupert. / By William Lilly student in Astrology.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1646- Books
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An astrological discourse : manifestly proving the powerful influence of planets and fixed stars upon elementary bodies, in justification of the verity of astrology : together with an astrological judgment upon the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 1603 / both written by ... Sir Christopher Heydon Knight, and never till now made publike.
Heydon, Christopher, Sir, 1561-1623Date: 1690- Books
Merlini Anglici ephemeris 1647. : Delivering a probable conjecture of such passages as are prefigured by the influence of the stars, to concerne the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. With monthly observations. Also a modest prediction upon the present affaires of Germany, Spaine, Italy, France, and United Provinces. Together with some peeces of Ptolomie in the English tongue. / By William Lilly student in astrology.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681.Date: 1647- Books
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An easie and familiar method whereby to judge the effects depending on eclipses, either of the sun or moon / By William Lilly student in astrologie.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1652- Books
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Englands monethly observations and predictions, for the yeare of our blessed Saviour, 1653 : Fore-told by those two famous astrologers of our age, Mr. William Lilly, and Mr. Culpeper. The tune is. Faire angel of England.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: [1653]- Books
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Merlini Anglici ephemerius, or, Astrological judgments for the year 1683 / by William Lilly.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1683- Books
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History of his life and times, from the year 1602 to 1681 / Written by himself in the 66th year of his age.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1715- Books
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Merlinus Anglicus junior, or, An ephemeris for the year 1687 : according to the method of Mr. W. Lilly : with (modest) astrological prædictions and monthly observations : also variety of other furniture, proper for such a work : the like not extant / continued by (his quondam amanuensis) Henry Coley.
Coley, Henry, 1633-1704?Date: 1689- Books
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Englands propheticall Merline : foretelling to all nations of Europe untill 1663. the actions depending upon the influence of the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, 1642/3. The progresse and motion of the Comet 1618. under whole effects we in England, and most regions of Europe now suffer. What kingdomes must yet partake of the remainder of the influence, viz. of war, plague, famine, etc. When the English Common-wealth may expect peace, and the city of London better times. The beginning, and end of the Watry Trygon: an entrance of the fiery triplicity, 1603. The nativities of some English kings, and some horary question inserted: / performed by William Lilly, student in astrologie.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1644- Books
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Mr. William Lilly's True history of King James the First, and King Charles the First. With sundry observations, remarkable passages, and many secret transactions not 'till now divulged / Faithfully published from his own copy.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681.Date: 1715- Books
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Merlini Anglici ephemeris : astrological predictions for the year, 1659. By Willian Lilly student in astrology.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1659- Books
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Merlini Anglici ephemeris, or, Astrological judgments for the year 1665 / by William Lilly.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1655- Books
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An easie and familiar method whereby to iudge the effects depending on eclipses, either of the sun or moon. By William Lilly student in astrologie.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1652- Books
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An English ephemeris : or generall and monethly predicitions upon severall eclipses, and celestiall configurations, for the yeare of our Lord 1650. By W. Lele student in astrology.
Date: 1650 [i.e. 1649]- Books
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The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. I Shewing the various and wonderful operations of the signs and planets ... II. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the body in health ... III. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmestry ... IV. The farmer's kalendar ... / Written by Errapater ... Made English by W. Lilley ... To which is added, The dealer's directory; containing, 1. The true form of all sorts of bills, bonds ... 2. The best method of getting in debts ... 3. An account of weights, measures, numbers, coins.
Erra Pater.Date: 1735- Books
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Merlini Anglici ephemeris, or, Astrological judgments for the year 1675 / by William Lilly.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1675- Books
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Merlini Anglici ephemeris : astrologicall predictions for the year 1655. / By William Lilly, student in astrology.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1655- Books
- Online
Merlini Anglici ephemerius, or, Astrological judgments for the year 1668 / by William Lilly.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1668- Books
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Merlini Anglici ephemeris, or, Astrological judgments for the year 1671 / by William Lilly.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1671- Books
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Mr. Lilly's new prophecy, or, Several strange and wonderful predictions of such things that have and are yet to happen, as well in England, Scotland, and France as in remote countrys : being left as his last legacy to the world, the like not having been published before.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1681- Books
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Svpernatvrall sights and apparitions, seen in London, June 30, 1644 : interpreted with a mathematicall discovrse of the now imminent conjunction of Iupiter and Mars, 26 July, 1644, the effects which either here or in some neere countries from thence may be expected / by Will. Lilly.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1644- Books
- Online
Christian astrology : modestly treated of in three books. The first containing the use of an ephemeris, the erecting of a scheam of heaven; nature of the twelve signes of the zodiack, of the planets; with a most easie introduction to the whole art of astrology. The second, by a most methodicall way instructeth the student how to judge or resolve all manner of questions contingent unto man, viz. of health, sickness, riches, marriage, ... The third, containes an exact method, whereby to judge upon nativities; severall wayes how to rectifie them; how to judge the generall fate of the native by the twelve houses of Heaven, according to the naturall influence of the stars; ... The second edition corrected, and amended. By William Lilly student in astrology.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681Date: 1659- Books
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Merlini Anglici ephemeris : astrological predictions for the year, 1658. / By William Lilly student in astrology.
Lilly, William, 1602-1681.Date: 1658