4 results filtered with: Leo, Africanus, approximately 1492-approximately 1550
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A geographical historie of Africa, written in Arabicke and Italian by Iohn Leo a More, borne in Granada, and brought vp in Barbarie. Wherein he hath at large described, not onely the qualities, situations, and true distances of the regions, cities, townes, mountaines, riuers, and other places throughout all the north and principall partes of Africa; but also the descents and families of their kings ... gathered partly out of his owne diligent obseruations, and partly out of the ancient records and chronicles of the Arabians and Mores. Before which, out of the best ancient and moderne writers, is prefixed a generall description of Africa, and also a particular treatise of all the maine lands and isles vndescribed by Iohn Leo. ... Translated and collected by Iohn Pory, lately of Goneuill and Caius College in Cambridge.
Leo, Africanus, approximately 1492-approximately 1550.Date: 1600- Books
Travels into the inland parts of Africa containing a description of the several nations for the space of six hundred miles up the River Gambia; their trade, habits, customs, language, manners, religion and government; the power, disposition and characters of some negro princes; with a particular account of Job Ben Solomon. To which is added, Capt. Stibbs's voyage up the Gambia in the year 1723, to make discoveries; with an accurate map of that river taken on the spot: and many other copper plates. Also extracts from the Nubian's Geography, Leo the African and other authors antient and modern, concerning the Niger-Nile, or Gambia. And observations thereon / By Francis Moore.
Moore, Francis, active 1744.Date: 1738- Books
De totius Africae descriptione, libri IX. Quibus non solum Africae regionum, insularum, ejusque oppidorum situs, locorum intervalla accurate complexus est, sed regum familias, bellorum causas et eventus, resque in ea memorabiles, tam a seipos diligenti observatione indagatas, qua in veris Maurorum annalibus memoriae traditas copiose descripsit / recens in latinam linguam conversi Joan. Floriano interprete.
Leo, Africanus, approximately 1492-approximately 1550Date: 1556- Books
Historiale description de l'Afrique ... contenant ses royaumes, regions, viles [sic], citez ... iles, fleuves, animaus ... coutumes, loix, religion et façon de faire des habitans, avec pourtraits de leurs habis ... escrite de nôtre temps ... / premierement en langue arabesque, puis en toscane, et à present mise en françois.
Leo, Africanus, approximately 1492-approximately 1550Date: 1556