15 results filtered with: Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770
- Books
Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health: but particularly calculated for those, who are the most unlikely to be provided in time with the best assistance, in acute diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward accident. With a table of the most cheap, yet effectual remedies, and the plainest directions for preparing them readily / Translated from the French edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au peuple, &c. Printed at Lyons; with all the notes in the two former English editions, and a few additional ones by J. Kirkpatrick.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: 1771- Books
Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health: but particularly calculated for those, who are the most unlikely to be provided in time with the best assistance, in acute diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward accident. With a table of the most cheap, yet effectual remedies, and the plainest directions for preparing them readily / Translated from the French edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au peuple, &c. Printed at Lyons; with all the notes in the two former English editions, and a few additional ones by J. Kirkpatrick.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: 1768- Books
- Online
A letter to the real and genuine Pierce [sic] Dod, M.D. plainly exposing the low absurdity, or malice, of a late spurious pamphlet, falsely ascrib'd to that learned physician. With a full answer to the mistaken case of a natural small-pox, after taking it by inoculation / ... By Dod Pierce, M.S. [i.e. J. Kirkpatrick, etc. pseud.].
Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770Date: 1746- Books
- Online
Erläuterung der Einpfropfung, welche die Geschichte Theorie und Ausübung derselben nebst bei Gelegenheit gemachten Beobachtungen von den merkwürdigsten Erscheinungen der Kinder-Blattern in sich begreist ... / Aus dem Englischen [von P.I. Heineken].
Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770Date: 1756- Books
A letter to the real and genuine Pierce [sic] Dod, M.D. ... exposing the ... absurdity ...of a late spurious pamphlet, falsely ascrib'd to that learned physician. With a full answer to the mistaken case of a natural small-pox, after taking it by inoculation ... / By Dod Pierce, M.S. [i.e. J. Kirkpatrick, etc].
Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770Date: 1746- Books
Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health: / ...Translated from the French edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au Peuple, &c. Printed at Lyons; with all his own notes; a few of his medical editor's at Lyons; and several occasional notes, adapted to this English translation, by J. Kirkpatrick.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: MDCCLXVI- Books
Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health: but particularly calculated for those, who are the most unlikely to be provided in time with the best assistance, in acute diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward accident. With a table of the most cheap, yet effectual remedies, and the plainest directions for preparing them readily / Translated from the French edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au peuple, &c., printed at Lyons; with all the notes in the former English editions, and a few additional ones. By J. Kirkpatrick.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: 1771- Books
The analysis of inoculation: comprizing the history, theory, and practice of it: with an occasional consideration of the most remarkable appearances in the small pox / By J. Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770.Date: 1754- Books
An essay on diseases incident to literary and sedentary persons. With proper rules for preventing their fatal consequences, and instructions for their cure / By S.A. Tissot.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: 1769- Books
- Online
Some reflections on the causes and circumstances, that may retard or prevent the putrefaction of dead bodies. Occasioned by an account of a body found entire and imputrid at Staverton in Devonshire, eighty one years after its interment: in a letter to the Society of Navy Surgeons. With an attestation of the fact, and of the similar state of three bodies, discovered 14 years since in St. Martin's, Westminster, and interred there last century ... / [J. Kirkpatrick].
Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770Date: 1751- Books
The analysis of inoculation: comprizing the history, theory, and practice of it: with an occasional consideration of the most remarkable appearances in the small pox / [J. Kirkpatrick].
Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770Date: 1761- Books
- Online
Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health: but more particularly calculated for those, who, by their distance from regular physicians, or other very experienced practitioners, are the most unlikely to be seasonably provided with the best advice and assistance, in acute diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward accident. With a table of the most cheap, yet effectual remedies, and the plainest directions for preparing them readily / Translated from the French edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au peuple, &c. Printed at Lyons; with all his own notes; a few of his medical editor's at Lyons; and several occasional notes, adapted to this English translation, by J. Kirkpatrick.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797.Date: 1765- Books
- Online
An essay on inoculation, occasioned by the small-pox being brought into South Carolina in the year 1738 ... With an appendix, containing a faithful account of its event there; where eight only died out of above 800 inoculated; and a summary relation of the principal cases / ... By J. Kilpatrick.
Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770Date: 1743- Books
Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health / ... Translated from the French ed., of Dr. Tissot's Avis au peuple. &c. ... with all the notes in the first English ed., and a very few additional ones by J. Kirkpatrick.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797Date: 1766- Books
- Online
A full and clear reply to Doct. Thomas Dale : wherein the real impropriety of blistering with cantharides in the first fever of the small-pox is plainly demonstrated ; with some diverting remarks on the doctors great consistence, and exquisite attainments in physick and philology / by Ja: Killpatrick.
Kirkpatrick, J. (James), approximately 1696-1770.Date: [1938]