211 results filtered with: Horace
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The Odes and Satyrs of Horace / that have been done into English by the most eminent hands, viz. Earl of Rochester. Earl of Roscommon. Mr. Cowley. Mr. Otway. Mr. Congreve. Mr. Prior. Mr. Maynwaring. Mr. Dryden. Mr. Milton. Mr. Pooly. With his Art of poetry, by the Earl of Roscommon. To this edition is added several odes never before published.
HoraceDate: 1721- E-books
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The works of Horace, translated into English prose, as near as the propriety of the two languages will admit. Together with the original Latin, from the best editions. Wherein the words of the Latin text are ranged in their grammatical order; ... By David
Horace- E-books
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Horace: of the art of poetry: a poem. By the Earl of Roscommon
Horace- E-books
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The odes of Horace in Latin and English; with a translation of Dr. Bentley's notes. To which are added, notes upon notes; Done in the Bentleian Stile and Manner. Part V. To be continued
Horace- E-books
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Quinti Horatii Flacci opera omnia. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita
Horace- E-books
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Quinti Horatii Flacci opera
Horace- E-books
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The odes, epodes, and carmen secular of Horace, Translated into English Prose, as near as the two languages will admit. Together with the original Latin from the best editions. Wherein The Words of the Latin Text are put in their Grammatical Order; the Ob
Horace- Books
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Q. Horatii Flacci Ars poetica, cum trium doctissimorum commentariis, A. Iani Parrhasii, Acronis, Porphyrionis. Adiectae sunt praeterea doctissimae Glareani adnotationes. Lugduni veneo a Philippo Rhomano, 1536 (Lugd.: pro Philippo Rhomano excudebat Franc. Iustus)
HoraceDate: 1536- E-books
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The works of Horace, translated into English prose, as near the original as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow. With the Latin text and order of construction in the opposite page, and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and
Horace- E-books
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The odes, epodes, and carmen seculare of Horace. Translated into English verse. By William Boscawen, Esq.
Horace- E-books
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Quintus Horatius Flaccus; cum editionibus optimis accuratissime collatus et correctus
Horace- E-books
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Horace Of the art of poetry, in English Numbers, with An Attempt to explain the more Difficult and Material Passages in a Few Notes
Horace- E-books
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Quinti Horatii Flacci opera
Horace- E-books
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Q. Horatii Flacci opera, cum scholiis veteribus castigavit, et notis illustravit Gulielmus Baxterus. Varias lectiones et observationes addidit Jo. Matthias Gesnerus; quibus et suas adsperit Jo. Carolus Zeunius, Prof. Gr. Litt. Viteberg
Horace- E-books
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Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Horace- E-books
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The odes of Horace in Latin and English; with a translation of Dr. Bentley's notes. To which are added, notes upon notes; Done in the Bentleian Stile and Manner. Part III. To be continued
Horace- E-books
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The odes of Horace in Latin and English; with a translation of Dr. Bentley's notes. To which are added, notes upon notes; Done in the Bentleian Stile and Manner. Part XVII. To be continued
Horace- Books
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I diletteuoli Sermoni, altrimenti Satire, e le morali Epistole di Horatio, illustre poeta lirico, insieme con la Poetica. Ridotte da M. Lodouico Dolce dal poema latino in uersi sciolti volgari. Con la Vita di Horatio. Origine della Satira. Discorso sopra le Satire. Discorso sopra le Epistole. Discorso sopra la Poetica
HoraceDate: 1674- E-books
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The odes of Horace in Latin and English; with a translation of Dr. Bentley's notes. To which are added, notes upon notes; Done in the Bentleian Stile and Manner. Part XIV. To be continued
Horace- Books
Translations into verse of some of the odes of Horace / by Fred B. Lund.
HoraceDate: 1947- E-books
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The epistle of Horace to the Pisos, on the art of poetry. Translated into English verse. By William Clubbe, L. L. B. Vicar of Brandeston, Suffolk
Horace- E-books
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A new translation of Horace's art of poetry, attempted in rhyme. By Mr. Henry Ames
Horace- Books
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[Ars poetica]
HoraceDate: 1488- Books
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De laudibus vitae rusticae ode Horatii epodon. secunda ab Aldo Manuccio explicata ...
Manuzio, Aldo 1547-1597Date: 1586- Books
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Het elfde schimpdicht van Juvenalis zinvolgelyk vert., en op onze tyden toegepast, en eenige lierzangen uit Q. Horatius Flaccus, in nederduitsche vaerzen vert. door Pr. Nuyts
JuvénalDate: 1698