21 results filtered with: Holy Roman Empire
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A letter from the Count Sinzendorf, Chancellor of the Court to His Imperial and Catholick Majesty sent to Monsieur de Palm the Emperor's resident in the court of Great-Britain, dated from Vienna the 20th of February 1727
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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Treaty of peace between His Imperial and Catholick Majesty Charles VI, and His Royal Catholick Majesty Philip V. Concluded at Vienna the 30th of April 1725. Treaty of Commerce between His Imperial and Catholick Majesty Charles VI, and His Royal Catholick
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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Lettre circulaire que L'Empereur, a envoiée a ses ministres dans les cours étrangeres. = The Emperor's circular letter, to his ministers at foreign courts
Holy Roman Empire- Ephemera
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Carolus der Sechste von Gottes Genaden Erwöhlter Römischer Kayser zu allen Zeiten Mehrer deß Reichs, König in Spanien, Hungarn un Böhaimb etc. : Entbieten allen und jeden Unseren Hof-Raths-Praesidenten, Vitzthumben ... Unseren Gruß und Gnad zuvor und fügen denselben zuwissen, demnach bekandt, was gestalten vor einem Jahr in dem Königreich Hungaren sich eine gefährliche Seuche gezaigt, welche anheur auch in dem Ertz-Hertzogthumb Under-Österreich under einigen Persohnen verspürret würdet ... München den 18 Monats-Tag Augusti, Anno 1713.
Date: 1713- Books
Codex legum antiquarum, in quo continentur leges Wisigothorum, edictum Theodorici regis. Lex Burgundionum. Lex Salica. Lex Alamannorum. Lex Baiuvariorum. Decretum Tassilonis ducis. Lex Ripuariorum. Lex Saxonum. Angliorum et Werinorum. Frisionum. Longobardorum. Constitutiones siculæ sive neapolitanæ. Capitulare Karoli M. et Hludowici impp. &c. Quibus accedunt formulæ solennes priscæ publicorum privatorum negotiorum, nunc primum editae: et glossarium / Ex bibliotheca Frid. Lindebrogi. J.C.
Date: 1613- E-books
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Definitive treaty of peace between the Emperor of Germany and the Ottoman Porte. Signed at Sistovo, August 4th, 1791
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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Lettre écrite par Mr. le comte de Sinzendorff, Chancelier de la cour de sa M. I. & C. au resident imperial à la cour Britt. Mr. de Palm, datée de Vienne du 20. Fevrier 1727
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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The emperor's commissorial decree for raising the whole force of the empire against the queen of Hungary: and the motives of the King of Prussia for Acting Totis Viribus in Support of the emperor. To which is added by Way of appendix, Private Letter from
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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The golden bull; being the great charter of the Empire. Or, the liberties and immunities granted to the Empire, and all the members of it, by the Emperor Charles IV. in the year 1356. ..
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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Separate convention between the Emperor of Germany and the Ottoman Porte, signed at Sistovo, August 4, 1791
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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The emperor's manifesto; Plainly setting Forth, the right of the House of Austria to the crown of Spain. Done from the Original Printed at Vienna
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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The count de Sinzendorf's letter to Monsieur de Palm, and Monsieur de Palm's answer to the Count de Sinzendorf, concerning the Emperor's memorial
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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A general collection of treaties, manifesto's, declarations and other authentick acts between the emperor and his predecessors, and the princes and states of Hungary and Transilvania And particularly the Late Prince Ragotzi, and Count Tekely; and also bet
Holy Roman Empire- Books
Indices reales et locupletissimi tum instrumentorum publicorum pacis generalis in Romano-Germanico Imperio, ab utriusque partis Caesareis et Regiis Suecicis ac Gallicis plenipotentiariis, Osnabrugis et Monasterii anno 1648 solenniter erectae et approbatae, tum recessus Imperii sacram Caesaream majestatem statusque Imperii in comitiis Ratisbonensibus, anno 1654 decreti et publicati.
Holy Roman EmpireDate: 1659- Books
Wir Ferdinand, der Ander ... Embietten N: allen unnd yeden unsern getreuen Landtsässen unnd Unterthonen.
Holy Roman EmpireDate: [1622]- Books
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Indices reales et locupletissimi tum instrumentorum publicorum pacis generalis in Romano-Germanico Imperio, ab utriusque partis Caesareis et Regiis Suecicis ac Gallicis plenipotentiariis, Osnabrugis et Monasterii anno 1648 solenniter erectae et approbatae, tum recessus Imperii sacram Caesaream majestatem statusque Imperii in comitiis Ratisbonensibus, anno 1654 decreti et publicati.
Holy Roman Empire.Date: 1659- Books
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Le institutioni dell'Imperio contenute nella Bolla doro [
Holy Roman EmpireDate: 1559- E-books
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Repræsentatio Serenissimo Regi Magnæ Britanniæ super ejurdem allocutionem die 28. Januarii 1727. ad Status Regni in Parlamento habitam à D.de Palm residente cæsareo facta. = Traduction du mémoire présenté en Latin au roi de la Grande Bretagne par le résid
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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The emperor's new code of criminal laws. Published at Vienna, the 15th of January, 1787. Translated from the German, by an officer
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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The rights of the House of Austria to the Spanish succession. Published by order of his Imperial Majesty, and translated from the original printed at Vienna
Holy Roman Empire- E-books
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The emperor's commissiorial decree to the Diet of the states of the Empire, Assembled at Francfort, Dated the 11th of this Month: Directing the Protests of the Queen of Hungary to be expunged from their Records. With a preface, Shewing the Importance of t
Holy Roman Empire