9 results filtered with: Harris, Robert, 1581-1658
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The drunkards cup. By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwell, and Bachelor in Diuinitie.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1626- Books
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Tvvo sermons : vvherein vve are taught: 1. 2. 3. [brace] how to [brace] get keepe use [brace] a good conscience. / Preached in Aldermanbury church, London. By Robert Harris.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1632..- Books
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Sixe sermons of conscience : viz. I. S. Pauls exercise, before the iudges of assize, at Oxford. II. Iudas his miserie: to the Vniuersity of Oxford. III. S. Pauls confidence. IV. The blessednesse of a sound spirit. V. The miserie of a wounded spirit. VI. Dauids comfort at Ziklag. By M. Robert Harris, B. in D. and pastor of Hanvvell.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1630- Books
- Online
The drunkards cup / By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwell, and Bachelor in Diuinitie.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1619- Books
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The drunkards cup / By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwell, and Bachelor in Diuinitie.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1619- Books
- Online
The blessednesse of a sound spirit: vvith the misery of a vvounded spirit : VVhere first a sound spirit is described and differenced, and lets discouered, helpes prescribed. By Robert Harris.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1628- Books
- Online
The drunkards cup / By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwel, and Bachelor of Diuinitie.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1630..- Books
- Online
Tvvo sermons : vvherein we are taught, 1. Hovv to get, 2. How to keepe, 3. How to vse a good conscience. Preached in Alldermanbury Church, London. Not heretofore published. By Robert Harris.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1630- Books
- Online
The drunkards cup. By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwell, and Bachelor in Diuinitie.
Harris, Robert, 1581-1658Date: 1622