127 results filtered with: France
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Statuts et règlemens ordonnez pour les maistres courretiers, commis à faire vendre et achepter vins, bleds et toutes, autres marchandises es villes de Paris, Orléans, Roüen et Bordeaux...
FranceDate: [s.d.]- E-books
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The treaties of peace and commerce between Lewis XIV. the French King, and the States General of the United Provinces; likewise the treaties of peace between His Most Christian Majesty, and the King of Portugal, the King of Prussia, and the Duke of Savoy
France- Books
- Online
Ordonnances sur le règlement, forme et gouvernement que doivent tenir les soldats et gens de guerre, des bandes chrestiennes, extraites et recueillies des édictz et ordonnances du Roy, par M. Félix Bouriac,...
FranceDate: 1562- Books
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Déclaration du Roi, concernant les études & les exercices des éleves en chirurgie : Donnée à Versailles le 18 juin 1784. Registrée en Parlement le 12 ... novembre 1784.
FranceDate: 1784- E-books
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The King of France's declaration of war against Spain, dated January 9. N.S. With a manifesto, containing the reasons; and a postscript of an intercepted letter from Cardinal Alberoni to the Prince de Cellamare. ..
France- Books
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Justification particulière des intendants des monts de piété touchant les droits de trois deniers pour livre par mois que le roi et son conseil a (sic) trouvé bon que lesdits monts reçoivent à l'ouverture de leur établissement sur ce que les nécessiteux y voudront porter volontairement...
FranceDate: 1643- Books
Statuts et réglemens generaux pour les communautés de chirurgiens des provinces. Donnés ... le 24 février 1730. Enrégistrés dans tous les Parlemens du Royaume.
France.Date: 1758- Books
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La France et ses hommes d'état : chant patriotique.
FranceDate: 1840- E-books
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Address of the National Assembly of France to the people; shewing what they have already done, what they farther intend, and answering their calumniators. With an appendix; consisting of such authentic documents, As explain more fully the Changes in Gover
France- Books
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Sommaire des édits et ordonnances royaux concernant la Cour des monnoyes et officiers particuliers d'icelle, ensemble les changeurs, orfèvres, joiaillers, affineurs, tireurs, batteurs d'or et d'argent et autres respondans et justiciables de ladite cour. Par François Garrault, sieur des Gorges,...
FranceDate: 1582- E-books
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The new constitution of France. Literally translated from the original copy, presented to the people of France for their consideration. By the Committee of Constitution. Consisting of Barrere, Brisot, Condorcet, Gensonne, Petion, Sieyes, Thomas Paine, and
France- Books
- Online
Declaration du Roy, qui établit des peines contre les contrebandiers ... 2 aoust 1729.
FranceDate: 1729- Books
Edit du Roy, portant creation de deux chirurgiens jurez dans chacune des grandes villes, & un dans les autres du royaume, & d'un medecin juré ordinaire du Roy en chacun ressort. Donné ... au mois de février 1692.
FranceDate: [1692]- E-books
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Plan of the new constitution of the French Republic; with the report presented to the convention, from the Commission of Eleven, By Boissy D'Anglas, On the 5th Messidor-23d June, 1795. To which is added, the proceedings of the convention, on the 14th of J
France- E-books
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National Convention. Report on the means of compleating and distributing the National Library. Made in the name of the Committee of Public Instruction, the 22d germinal, second year of the Republic. (April 11, 1794.) By Gregoire. (Translated from an authe
France- Books
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Manuel légal des médecins, chirurgiens et pharmaciens.
France.Date: 1820- E-books
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The French constitution; as finally decreed by the National Assembly, and accepted by the King. ..
France- Books
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Ordonnance du Roi, portant règlement général concernant les hôpitaux militaires. Du 2 mai 1781.
France. Sovereign (1774-1792 : Louis XVI)Date: 1781- E-books
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The most Christian King's letter to the States General of the United Provinces, upon his recalling the Count d'Avaux his ambassador extraordinary at the Hague; together with the said ambassador's memorial; both presented by him to the States the 15/26 Jul
France- Books
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Ordonnance ... pour obliger les officiers des troupes ... qui sont ... en Dauphiné, Provence, Languedoc, et Auvergne ... de se rendre à leurs charges ... Du 28 août 1721.
FranceDate: [1721]- E-books
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Remontrances du Parlement au Roi, du 9 avril 1753
France- Books
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Édits et ordonnances royaux sur le fait de la justice et abbréviation des procez, faicts par les rois François premier du nom, Henry II, Charles IX, Henry III et Henry IV... Dernière édition reveue et augmentée...
FranceDate: 1599- E-books
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The king of France's declaration of war against Spain, dated January 9. N.S. With a manifesto, containing the reasons; and a postscript of an intercepted letter from Cardinal Alberoni to the Prince de Cellamare. Printed by his Majesty's Order at Paris
France- E-books
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Published by authority Lettere dell'armata D'Egitto al governo francese intercette dalla corvetta di S.M. Britannica Il Vincitore nel Mediterraneo. Trasportate dal francese, e pubblicate con permissione (23 January 1800.)
France- E-books
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An historical memorial of the negotiation of France and England, from the 26th of March, 1761, to the 20th of September of the same Year, with the vouchers. Translated from the French original, published at Paris by authority