23 results filtered with: Fox, William
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An Address To The People Of Great Britain, On The Propriety Of Abstaining From West India Sugar And Rum
Fox, William- E-books
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The interest of Great Britain, respecting the French war. By William Fox. Author of an Address to the People of Great Britain, on the Propriety of Abstaining from West-India Sugar and Rum
Fox, William- E-books
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An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum.
Fox, William- E-books
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An address to the people of Great-Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West-India sugar and rum. [Eight lines from Cowper's Negro's complaint]
Fox, William- Books
The working man's family botanic guide, or, Every man his own doctor : being an exposition of the botanic system, giving a clear and explicit explanation of the botanic practice, the cause, cure, and prevention of disease / by William Fox and Joseph Nadin.
Fox, William.Date: 1852- E-books
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An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum.
Fox, William- E-books
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A short account of the African slave-trade, and an address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West-India sugar and rum
Fox, William- E-books
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An address to the people of Great-Britain (respectfully offered to the People of Ireland) on the propriety of abstaining from West-India sugar and rum
Fox, William- E-books
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The interest of Great Britain, respecting the French war. By William Fox, Author Of AN Address To The People Of Great Britain, ON The Propriety Of Abstaining From West-India Sugar And Rum. Twenty-Sixth Edition, Price 3S. 6D. Per Hundred. A Summary View Of
Fox, William- E-books
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An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum.
Fox, William- E-books
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An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum.
Fox, William- E-books
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On peace. By William Fox
Fox, William- E-books
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Thoughts on the death of the King of France. By William Fox
Fox, William- E-books
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A short account of the African slave trade, and an address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum
Fox, William- E-books
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The interest of Great Britain, respecting the French war. By William Fox
Fox, William- E-books
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An address to the people of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum.
Fox, William- Books
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Specification of William Fox and William Henry Fox : furnaces.
Fox, William.Date: 1855- Books
The working-man's model family botanic guide, or, Every man his own doctor : being an exposition of the botanic system, giving a clear and explicit explanation of the botanic practice, the cause, cure, and prevention of disease ... / by William Fox ; enlarged by A.R. Fox.
Fox, William.Date: 1920- E-books
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A discourse on national fasts, by W. Fox. ..
Fox, William- E-books
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An address to the people of Great Britain, on the utility of refraining from West India sugar and rum
Fox, William- E-books
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A discourse on national fasts, Particularly in reference to that of April 19, 1793, on occasion of the War against France. By W. Fox
Fox, William- Books
The working man's model family botanic guide, or, every man his own doctor : being an exposition of the botanic system ... / by William Fox.
Fox, William.Date: 1904- E-books
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Defence of the war against France. By William Fox
Fox, William