364 results filtered with: Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927
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Biology : a century's progress in zoological knowledge : address in the Department of Zoology and Botany / by William Henry Flower.
Flower, William Henry, 1831-1899.Date: [1878]- Books
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A case of very large gall bladder successfully treated by excision / by F.W. Collinson.
Collinson, Frederick William.Date: 1909- Books
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Die Totalexstirpation des myomatösen Uterus per coeliotomiam / von A. Martin.
Martin, August Eduard, 1847-1933.Date: [1895]- Books
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Interstitial or tubo-uterine gestation : with notes on similar cases in the museums of London hospitals / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1883- Books
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Papilloma of the Fallopian tube and the relation of hydroperitoneum to tubal disease / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1887- Books
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Cholécystostomie intrapariétale et transmusculaire : cholécystostomie temporaire, 3 observations / par H. Delagénière.
Delagénière, Henri, 1858-1930.Date: 1895- Books
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Jointed obstetric forceps : [Conquest, Hamilton, Davis, etc.] / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: 1913- Books
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The extinct animals of North America / William Henry Flower.
Flower, William Henry, 1831-1899.Date: [1876]- Books
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Fibro-myoma of the ovarian ligament / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: [1887]- Books
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Cases of athetosis / by Francis Warner.
Warner, Francis, 1847-1926.Date: [1880?]- Books
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On the bush-dog (Icticyon venaticus, Lund.) / by William Henry Flower.
Flower, William Henry, 1831-1899.Date: 1880- Books
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Retroperitoneal lipoma weighing thirteen pounds twelve ounces / by Alban Doran.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: [1902]- Books
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Abdominal section for purulent peritonitis resulting from ectopic gestation / by James F.W. Ross.
Ross, James Frederick William, 1856-1911.Date: [1892]- Books
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Das Naphtalin in der Heilkunde und in der Landwirthschaft : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf seine Verwendung zur Vertilgung der Reblaus / von Ernst Fischer.
Fischer, Ernst, 1848-Date: 1883- Books
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The steps of the Cesarean section : the do's and the don't's / by Howard A. Kelly.
Kelly, Howard A. (Howard Atwood), 1858-1943.Date: 1891- Books
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Correspondence with T. Spencer Wells, F.R.C.S. ... on ovariotomy.
Jesse, George R. (George Richard)Date: 1880- Books
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Papillo-cystoma of the ovary / by Thos. S. Cullen.
Cullen, Thomas Stephen, 1868-1953.Date: 1894- Books
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Über Präparate zum Situs Viscerum mit besonderen Bemerkungen über die Form und Lage der Leber, des Pankreas, der Nieren und Nebennieren, sowie der weiblichen Beckenorgane / von Wilhelm His.
His, Wilhelm, 1831-1904.Date: [1878]- Books
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Human osteology : comprising a description of the bones with delineations of the attachments of the muscles, the general and microscopic structure of bone and its development / by Luther Holden.
Holden, Luther, 1815-1905.Date: 1878- Books
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A summary of cases where artificial teeth have been swallowed, or have become impacted in the pharynx / compiled, with notes, by Felix Weiss.
Weiss, Felix.Date: [between 1870 and 1879]- Books
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A case of ovarian pregnancy.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: [1896]- Books
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Notes on the myology of the limbs of Moschus moschiferus / by F. Jeffrey Bell.
Bell, F. J. (Francis Jeffrey), 1855-1924.Date: 1876- Books
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Effect of stimuli on the secretion of the parotid gland / by P. Butler Stoney.
Stoney, P. Butler.Date: [1873?]- Books
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Notes of a case of double aortic arch / by M. Watson.
Watson, Morrison.Date: [1877]- Books
The collection of obstetrical instruments (with some casts, &c), formerly the property of the Obstetrical Society of London, and now deposited on loan, in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons : report on the instruments list of the instruments, and Copy of the Agreement entered into between the Royal Society of Medicine, and the Royal College of Surgeons of England / by Alban Doran and Herbert Spencer.
Doran, Alban H. G. (Alban Henry Griffiths), 1849-1927.Date: [between 1910 and 1919?]