9 results filtered with: Digges, Thomas, approximately 1546-1595
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A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect : fruitfully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainbow, thunder, clowdes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, with a briefe iudgement for euer, of plentie, lacke, sicknes, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes worthie to be knowne. To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall, pleasant tables, with many compendious rules, easie to be had in memorie, manifold wayes profitable to all men of vnderstanding. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman. Lately corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
Digges, Leonard, -1571?Date: 1605- Books
- Online
Parallaticae commentationis praxeosq[ue] nucleus quidam. Authore Ioanne Dee, Londinensi.
Dee, John, 1527-1608Date: An. 1573- Books
- Online
A prognostication euerlastinge of right good effecte : fruitfully augmented by the auctour, contayning plaine, briefe, pleasau[n]t, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainebow, thunder, cloudes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, vvith a briefe iudgement for euer, of plenty, lacke, sickenes, dearth, vvarres &c. opening also many naturall causes vvorthy to be knovven. To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall, pleasaunt tables, vvith manye compendious rules, easye to be had in memory, manifolde vvayes profitable to al men of vnderstanding. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman. Lately corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
Digges, Leonard, -1571?Date: Anno 1576- Books
A prognostication everlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainbow, thunder, clowdes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, with a briefe iudgement for ever, of plentie, lacke, sicknes, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes worthie to be knowne ... / corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
Digges, Leonard, -approximately 1559Date: 1605- Books
A prognostication everlastinge of righte goode effecte, fruictfully augmented by the auctour, contayning plain, briefe, pleasaunte, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainebow, thunder, cloudes, with other extraordinarye tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, with a briefe iudgement for ever, of plenty, lacke, sickenes, dearth, warres etc., opening also many naturall causes worthy to bee knowen ... / corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
Digges, Leonard, -approximately 1559Date: 1578- Books
- Online
Alæ seu scalæ mathematicæ : quibus visibilium remotissima cœlorum theatra conscendi, & planetarum omnium itinera nouis & inauditis methodis explorari: tùm huius portentosi syderis in mundi boreali plaga insolito fulgore coruscantis, distantia, & magnitudo immensa, situsq́[ue] protinùs tremendus indagari, Deiq́[ue] stupendum ostentum, terricolis expositum, cognosci liquidissimè possit. Thoma Diggeseo, Cantiensi, stemmatis generosi, authore.
Digges, Thomas, approximately 1546-1595Date: Anno Domini. 1573- Books
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A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect : fruitfully augmented by the author, contayning plaine, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainbow, thunder, clowdes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, with a briefe iudgement for euer, of plentie, lacke, sicknes, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes worthie to be knowne. To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall pleasant tables, with many compendious rules, easie to be had in memorie, manifold wayes profitable to all men of vnderstanding. Published by Leonard Digges gentleman. Lately corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
Digges, Leonard, -1571?Date: 1596- Books
- Online
A prognostication euerlastinge of righ[t] good effecte : fruitfully augmented by the auctour, contayning plaine, briefe, pleasau[n]t, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainebow, thunder, cloudes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, vvith a briefe iudgement for euer, of plenty, lacke, sickenes, dearth, vvarres &c. ... To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall pleasaunt tables, with manye compendious rules ... Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman. Latly corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
Digges, Leonard, -1571?Date: Anno 1583 [i.e. 1584]- Books
- Online
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect : fruitfully augmented by the auctor, contayning plaine, brief, pleasaunt, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, cometes, rainebow, thunder, cloudes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planetes, with a briefe iudgement for euer, of plenty, lacke, sickenes, dearth, warres &c. opening also many naturall causes worthy to be knowen. To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall, pleasant tables, with many compendious rules, easy to be had in memory, manifolde wayes profitable to all men of vnderstanding. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman. Lately corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
Digges, Leonard, -1571?Date: [1592]