82 results filtered with: Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665
- Books
A choice collection of rare secrets and experiments in philosophy. As also rare and unheard-of medicines, menstruums, and alkahests; with the true secret of volatilizing the fixt salt of tartar / Collected and experimented by the honourable and truly learned Sir Kenelm Digby ... Hitherto kept secret since his decease, but now published for the good and benefit of the publick, by George Hartman.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1682- Books
- Online
The closet of Sir Kenelm Digby, knight, opened / newly edited with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Anne Macdonell.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1910- Books
- Online
Eröffnung unterschiedlicher Heimlichkeiten der Natur, worbey viel ... Reden von nützlichen Dingen ... und vornemlich von einem wunderbaren Geheimnüss in Heilungen der Wunden ... durch die Sympathiam ... / Übersetzt von M.H. Hupka. Zum sechstenmal gedruckt.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1677- Books
Choice and experimented receipts in physick and chirurgery, as also cordial and distilled waters and spirits, perfumes, and other curiosities / Collected by ... Sir K. Digby ... Translated out of several languages by G[eorge] H[artman].
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1675- Books
A late discourse made in a solemne assembly of nobles and learned men at Montpellier ... touching the cure of wounds by the powder of sympathy; with instructions how to make the said powder; whereby many other secrets of nature are unfolded ... / Rendered faithfully out of French into English by R. White, Gent.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1660- Books
- Online
Of bodies, and of mans soul. To discover the immortality of reasonable souls. With two discourses of the powder of sympathy, and of the vegetation of plants / [Sir Kenelm Digby].
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1669- Books
The closet of Sir Kenelm Digby, knight, opened / newly edited with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Anne Macdonell.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1910- Books
Eröffnung unterschiedlicher Heimlichkeiten der Natur, worbey viel ... Reden von nützlichen Dingen ... und vornemlich von einem wunderbaren Geheimnüss in Heilungen der Wunden ... durch die Sympathiam ... / Übersetzt von M.H. Hupka. Zum sechstenmal gedruckt.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1677- Books
- Online
Ausserlesene, seltzame, philosophische Geheimnüsse und chymische Experimente, wie auch sonderbahre und zuvor nie eröffnete Artzneyen, Menstrua und Alkaheste, sampt dem wahren Geheimnüss das Sal Tartari flüchtig zu machen / welche alle von dem wohlgebohrnen herrn Kenelm Digby ... mit vieler mühe und fleiss zusammen gelesen, und bisshero nach seinem tode verborgen gehalten, jetzo aber dem gemeinen besten zu nutze ans Tages Liecht gebracht worden durch Georg Hartman. Aus der englischen in die deutsche Sprache zum ersten mahl übersetzt von J[ohann] L[ange] M[edicinae] C[andidato].
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1684- Books
Remedes souverains et secrets experimentez de Monsieur le Chevalier Digby, ... Avec plusieurs autres secrets & parfums curieux pour la conservation de la beauté des dames.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1684- Books
- Online
The closet of the eminently learned Sir Kenelme Digby, Kt. opened : whereby is discovered several ways for making of metheglin, sider, cherry-wine, &c. : together with excellent directions for cookery : as also for preserving, conserving, candying, &c.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1671- Books
- Online
Discours fait en une celebre assemblée ... touchant la guerison des playes par la poudre de sympathie. Où sa composition est enseignée, et plusieurs autres merveilles de la nature sont développées / [Sir Kenelm Digby].
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1681- Books
Theatrum sympatheticum, in quo sympathiae actiones variae ... exhibentur, & ... occasione pulveris sympathetici : ita quidem elucidantur, ut illarum agendi vis & modus, sine qualitatum occultarum, animaeve mundi, aut spiritus astralis magnive magnalis, vel aliorum commentariorum subsidio ad oculum pateat / Opusculum ... Digbaei, Papinii, Helmontii, aliorumque recentiorum scriptorum prolata exhibens & trutinans, atque ipsius pulveris sympathetici ... descriptionem simul exponens.
Date: 1661- Books
Rede über pulvis sympatethicus. Paris, 1658 / Kenelmus Digby ; aus den Quellen im Auszug übers. und dargestellt, als Manuskript herausgegeben von Franz Josef Schmidt.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1977- Books
- Online
A choice collection of rare chymical secrets and experiments in philosophy : as also rare and unheard-of medicines, menstruums, and alkahests : with the true secret of volatilizing the fixt salt of tartar. / Collected and experimented by the honourable and truly learned Sir Kenelm Digby, kt. chancellour to her Majesty the Queen Mother. Hitherto kept secret since his decease, but now published for the good and benefit of the publick by George Hartman.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1682- Books
- Online
Remedes souverains et secrets experimentez de Monsieur le Chevalier Digby. Avec plusieurs autres secrets et parfums curieux pour la conservation de la beauté des dames / [Sir Kenelm Digby].
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1684- Books
- Online
Choice and experimented receipts in physick and chirurgery : as also cordial and distilled waters and spirits, perfumes and other curiosities / collected by Sir Kenelm Digby ; translated out of several languages by G.H.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1668- Books
- Online
Choice and experimented receipts in physick and chirurgery : as also cordial and distilled waters and spirits, perfumes, and other curiosities. Collected by the Honourable and truly learned Sir Kenelm Digby Kt. Chancellour to her Majesty the Queen Mother. Translated out of several languages by G.H.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1668- Books
A late discourse made ... at Montpellier ... touching the cure of wounds by the powder of sympathy ... / Rendered ... into English by R. White.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1664- Books
Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae.
Bodleian Library.Date: 1845-- Books
- Online
Dissertatio de plantarum vegetatione ... / Ex Anglica in linguam Latinam versa [by O. Dapper].
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665.Date: 1678- Books
- Online
Choice and experimented receipts in physick and chirurgery : as also cordial and distilled waters and spirits, perfumes, and other curiosities / collected by ... Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1675- Books
- Online
A choice collection of rare secrets and experiments in philosophy : as also rare and unheard-of medicines, menstruums and alkahests : with the true secret of volatilizing the fixt salt of tartar / collected and experimented by the honourable and truly learned Sir Kenelm Digby, Kt., Chancellour to Her Majesty the Queen-Mother ; hitherto kept secret since his decease, but now published for the good and benefit of the publick by George Hartman.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1682- Books
- Online
The closet of the eminently learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. opened : whereby is discovered several ways for making of metheglin, sider, cherry-wine, &c. : together with excellent directions for cookery, as also for preserving, conserving, candying, &c. / published by his son's consent.
Digby, Kenelm, 1603-1665Date: 1669- Books
- Online
Religio medici. / By Sir Tho. Browne, Knt. M.D. A new edition, corrected and amended. With notes and annotations never before published, upon all the obscure passages therein. To which is added The life of the author. Also Sir Kenelm Digby's observations.
Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682.Date: M, DCC, XXXVI. [1736]