4 results filtered with: D'Escherny, David, approximately 1730-
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A dissertation upon the sugar of milk; in which is shwwn its great efficacy in consumptions, hectic fevers, the scurvy, vapours or hysterics ... / by J. L Dyvernois.
Dyvernois, J. L.Date: 1753- Books
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An essay on the causes and effects of the gout; together with an examination of the particular methods of treating it: at the same time, offering, to the inspection of the public, a preparation, full as safe, as it is efficacious. To which are added some short reflections upon patents. The abuses of that noble privilege, and a method proposed to remedy them ... / [David D'Escherny].
D'Escherny, David, approximately 1730-Date: 1760- Books
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A treatise of the causes and symptoms of the stone; and of the chief remedies now in use to cure this distemper. Containing, a history of Mrs. Stephens's medicines, and her receipt. Observations upon them. Answers to the objections made against; and cautions to those who use them. An examination of lime-water and soap, and cases concerning them. Of Dr. Jurin's lithontripticum, or soap-lye; and remarks relating therunto. Of soap. Of the liquid shell, and other nostrums. Of forcing and softening remedies. Cases of persons who have taken Mrs. Stephens's preparation, in a solid form, with the sequel of a few printed before ... / By D., brother-in-law to Mrs. Stephens.
D'Escherny, David, approximately 1730-Date: 1755- Books
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Traité des causes et symptômes de la pierre, et des principaux remèdes en usage pour guérir cette maladie. Contenant l'histoire de ceux de Mlle. Stephens, & sa recette publiée par ordre du Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne en 1739. Observations & réponses aux objections qu'on a faites contre cette composition. Avis a ceux qui ens ont usage. L'examen de l'eau-de-chaux, avec des cas des personnes qui s'en sont servie. Du lithontriptique du docteur Jurin, ou lessive de savon, avec des remarques là-dessus, & autres secrets; surtout de celui de MM. Blanchard de Londres, & Cartier de Paris. Des remedes qui forcent, & de chomme et la formation du foetusersonnes valetudinaires et de leur prolonger la vieversale n e altro che un facondo silentio III. Italice scripti.dem Epitomatis / [David D'Escherny].
D'Escherny, David, approximately 1730-Date: 1755