7 results filtered with: Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568
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A faythfull and true pronosticatio[n] vpo[n] the yere .M.CCCCC.xlviii : and parpetually after to the worldes ende gathered out of the prophecies and scriptures of god, by the experience and practise of his workes, very co[m]fortable for all Christen hertes deuyded into seuen chapters. And in the ende ye shal finde an almanack for euer, trtanslated newly out of hye Almayne into english by Myles Couerdale.
Date: [1547?]]- Books
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A moste fruitfull, pithie, and learned treatyse, how a Christian man ought to behaue himselfe in the danger of death : and how they are to be rele[-]ued and comforted, whose deare freendes are departed out of this world, moste necessarye for this our vnfortunate age and sorrowfull dayes.
Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552Date: [1595?]- Books
- Online
How and whither a Christen man ought to flye the horrible plage of the pestilence : A sermon out of the Psalme. Qui habitat in adsutorio altissimi. By Andrewe Osiander. Translated out of hye Almayn in to Englishe.
Osiander, Andreas, 1498-1552Date: 1537- Books
- Online
A moste fruitefull, pithie, and learned treatise, hovv a Christian man ought to behaue himselfe in the daunger of death : and how they are to be releued and comforted, whose deare friendes are departed out of this worlde, moste necessarie for this our vnfortunate age [and] sorowfull dayes.
Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552Date: [1574?]]- Books
- Online
How and whither a Chrysten man ought to flye the horryble plague of the pestilence : A sermon out of the Psalme. Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi. Translated out of hie Almaine into Englishe.
Osiander, Andreas, 1498-1552Date: [1563]- Books
- Online
A faythful [and] true pronosticatio[n] vpo[n] the yeare. M.CCCCC.xlix : and parpetually after to the worldes ende gathered out of the prophecies and scriptures of god, by the experience and practise of his workes, very comfortable for all christen hertes deuided into seuen chapters. And in the ende ye shal finde an almanack for euer, translated newly out of hye Almāyne into englysh by Myles Couerdale.
Date: [1548?]- Books
- Online
A moste frutefull, piththye and learned treatise, how a christen ma[n] ought to behaue himself in the dau[n]ger of death.
Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552Date: [1555?]