81 results filtered with: Burndy Library
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A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy / By J.F.W. Herschel Cabinet Cyclopaeidia, ed., by D. Lardner. Natural philosophy.
Herschel, John F. W. (John Frederick William), 1792-1871.Date: 1831- Books
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Mental and physical electropathy, or, Electricity : its physilogical relations and medical applications / by Dr. A. Paige.
Paige, A., Dr.Date: 1852- Books
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Monicometro instromento da misurar con la vista stando fermo.
Pifferi, Francesco.Date: 1595- Books
Diuinarum institutionum aduersus gentes de falsa religione / [Lactantius].
Lactantius, approximately 240-approximately 320.Date: 1497 die 4 Aprilis- Books
Ierokleous philosophou Ypomnēma eis ta tōn Pythagoreiōn epē ta chrysa = Hieroclis philosophi Commentarius in aurea Pythagoreorum carmina / Ioanne Curterio interprete. Ex bibliotheca D. Francisci Rupifucaldij, Randani, Trenorchij Abbatis.
Hierocles, of Alexandria, active 430.Date: 1583- Books
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Gramatica delle scienze filosofiche, o breve analisi della filosofia moderna appoggiata alle sperienze / di Beniamino Martin ; tradotta dall'inglese in francese, e dal francese in italiano.
Martin, Benjamin, 1705-1782.Date: 1750- Books
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Ioannis Hasfurti medici ac astrologi praestantissimi, De cognoscendis, et medendis morbis ex corporum coelestium positione Libri IIII / Cum argumentis et expositionibus Ioannis Paulli Gallucij Saloensis ... Quibus accesserunt in eandem sententiam auctores alii.
Virdung, Johann, 1463-approximately 1538.Date: 1584- Books
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Cunradi Dasypodii Heron mechanicus: seu de mechanicis artibus, atque disciplinis. Eiusdem Horologij astronomici, Argentorati in summo templo erecti, descriptio / [Konrad Dasypodius].
Dasypodius, Conradus.Date: 1580- Books
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Observations on a series of electrical experiments / By Dr. Hoadly, and Mr. Wilson.
Hoadly, Dr. (Benjamin), 1706-1757.Date: 1759- Books
Mémoire sur la distribution de l'électricité à la surface de deux sphères conductrices complètement isolées / par Jean Plana. Lu dans la séance du 10 mars 1844.
Plana, Giovanni Antonio Amedeo, Baron, 1781-1864.Date: 1845- Books
Die Galvanoplastik für Künstler, Gewerbtreibende und Freunde der Numismatik oder fassliche Anweisung, Münzen, Medaillen oder andere Gebilde der Kunst in metallischer Form zu reproduciren, Kupferplatten und Daguerrotypische Lichtbilder auf galvanischen Wege zu ätzen und zu vervielfältigen ... Nebst ergänzenden Zusätzen des Uebersetzers und einem kurzen Ueberblicke über die mit Galvanoplastik verwandte Daguerrotypie und Kalotypie / Nach der 10ten Auflage des englischen Werkes des Hrn. Charles Walker ... ; deutsch bearbeitet von Dr. Chr. Heinr. Schmidt. Mit 4 Tafeln Abbildungen.
Walker, Charles V. (Charles Vincent), 1812-1882.Date: 1843- Books
The description and use of a new, portable, table air-pump and condensing engine. With a select variety of capital experiments. Which, together with the different parts of the apparatus and glasses are illustrated by upwards of forty copper-plate figures / by Benjamin Martin.
Martin, Benjamin, 1705-1782.Date: 1766- Books
Monicometro instromento da misurar con la vista stando fermo / Del r.p.d. Francesco Pifferi.
Pifferi, Francesco, 1548-?Date: 1595- Books
Cosmos, sketch of a physical description of the universe / By Alexander von Humboldt. Translated [by Mrs. E.J. Sabine] under the superintendence of Lieut.-Col. Edward Sabine [the editor].
Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859.Date: 1849- Books
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Ioannis de Sacro Busto Libellus de sphaera. Accessit eiusdem autoris Computus ecclesiasticus, et alia quaedam, in studiosorum gratiam edita / Cum praefatione Philippi Melanchthonis.
Sacro Bosco, Joannes de, active 1230.Date: 1578- Books
The works of Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519.
Date: [1952]- Books
De diuinis institutionibus.
Lactantius, approximately 240-approximately 320.Date: 1493 22 mensis Marcii- Books
Récréations mathématiques composées de plusieurs problèmes plaisans & facetieux d'arithmetique, geometrie, astrologie, optique, perspectiue, mechanique, chymie, & d'autres rares & curieux secrets : plusieurs desquels n'ont iamais esté imprimez ... le tout representé par figures.
Date: 1629- Books
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Traité éléméntaire de statique, á l'usage des écoles de la marine / Par Gaspard Monge.
Monge, Gaspard, 1746-1818.Date: L'an 3 [1795]- Books
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A sermon against the dangerous and sinful practice of inoculation. Preach'd at St. Andrew's Holborn, on Sunday, July the 8th, 1722 / By Edmund Massey.
Massey, Edmund, 1690-1765.Date: 1722- Books
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A short discourse concerning pestilential contagion, and the methods to be used to prevent it / By Richard Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1720- Books
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Di Herone Alessandrino De gli automati, ouero machine se mouenti, libri due, tradotti dal greco da Bernardino Baldi,...
Hero, of Alexandria.Date: 1589- Books
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The subtil medium prov'd; or, that wonderful power of nature ... conjectur'd by the most ancient and remarkable philosophers, which they call'd sometimes æther, but oftener elementary fire, verify'd. Shewing that all the distinguishing and essential qualities ascrib'd to æther ... are to be found in electrical fire ... Giving an account of the progress and several gradations of electricity. From those ancient times to the present ... / by R. Lovett.
Lovett, R. (Richard), 1692-1780.Date: 1756- Books
Heronis Alexandrini Spiritalium liber / a Federico Commandino ex graeco, nuper in latinum conuersus.
Hero, of Alexandria.Date: 1583- Books
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Mémoire sur l'electricité medicale, et histoire du traitement de vingt malades traités, et la plupart guéris par l'electricité / Par M. Masars de Cazeles.
Masars de Cazeles, MDate: [1780]