101 results filtered with: Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702
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Muscles of the head, neck and chest. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 31571i- Books
Anatomia reformata: sive concinna corporis humani dissectio, ad neotericorum mentem adornata. Ed. nov. plurimis recens inventis, tabulisque novis emendatior ac locupletior / accedit ejusdem authoris de balsamatione nova methodus. A nemine antehac similiter descripta.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702Date: 1695- Books
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The physical dictionary : Wherein the terms of anatomy, the names and causes of diseases, chyrurgical instruments and their use; are accurately describ'd. : Also the names and virtues of medicinal plants, minerals, stones, gums, salts, earths, &c. and the method of choosing the best drugs : the terms of chymistry, and of the apothecaries art ; and the various forms of medicines, and the ways of compounding them. / By Stephen Blancard M.D. Physick-Professsor at Middleburg in Zealand.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702Date: 1693- Pictures
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Female genito-urinary system. Engraving, 1686, after R. de Graaf, 1672.
Graaf, Reinier de, 1641-1673.Date: [1686]Reference: 31556i- Pictures
The lungs of a sheep. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 29932i- Pictures
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The skeletons of two foetuses, two and five months old, demonstrating the development of ossification. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 32183i- Pictures
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Muscles of the lower leg and foot. Engraving, 1686, after Gérard de Lairesse, 1685.
Lairesse, Gérard de, 1640-1711.Date: [1686]Reference: 31820i- Books
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Anatomia practica rationalis, sive rariorum cadaverum morbis denatorum anatomica inspectio. Accedit item tractatus novus de circulatione sanguinis per tubulos deque eorum valvulis, etc / [Steven Blankaart].
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: 1688- Books
Cartesianische Akademie, oder Grund-Lehre der Artzney-Kunst / [Steven Blankaart].
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702Date: [before 1700?]- Pictures
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A human skeleton, seen from the front and leaning on a spade, surrounded by illustrations of individual bones. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 32187i- Books
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Stephani Blancardi Lexicon medicum / viri celeberrimi Ioann. Henrici Schulzii opera insigniter auctum et emendatum ; nunc denuo recognitum variisque accessionibus locupletatum curante Mich. Gottl. Agnethlero ... ; praefationem praemisit Andreas Elias Büchner.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: 1748- Books
Verhandelinge van de opvoedinge en ziekten der kinderen : vertoonende op wat wyse de kinderen gezond konnen blyven, en ziek zijnde, bequamelyk konnen herstelt werden zeer nodig voor alle huyshoudende lieden / door Steph. Blankaart.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: 1684- Pictures
The muscles of the body seen from the front, with a deeper dissection of the left side, and illustrations of muscle fibres. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 32152i- Pictures
The venous systems of the liver, showing the branches of the vena porta (figure 1) and the vena cava (figure 2). Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 29547i- Pictures
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The stomach, peritoneum and oesophagus. Engraving, 1686, after Gérard de Lairesse, 1685.
Lairesse, Gérard de, 1640-1711.Date: [1686]Reference: 30014i- Pictures
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The anatomy of the heart. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 29490i- Books
Traité de la verole, gonorrhee, chancres, bubes venereens, et de leurs accidens, avec une guerison veritable et solide ... / Traduit par Guillaume Willis.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702Date: 1688- Books
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Corporis humani anatomia in qua omnia tam veterum, quam recentiorum anatomicorum inventa : methodo novâ, & intellectu facillimâ describuntur, ac tabulis aeneis repraesentantur / authore Philippo Verheyen ... [Animadversiones in anatomiam Blancardianum ... Accessit ... epistola ad F. Ruyschium ... Appendix].
Verheyen, Philippe, 1648-1710.Date: 1706- Books
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Die belägert und entsetzte Venus, das ist chirurgische Abhandlung der sogenanten frantzossen, auch spanischen Pocken-Kranckheit, Drüpper, Sjankert, Klap-Ohren, etc. und andern sich dabey findenden Zufällen. Worinnen derselben vornemlich auf des weltbekanten Cartesii Gründe befestigte ... Cur vollkömmlich angewiesen wird. Anietzo seiner unvergleichlichen Vortreffligkeit halber, nebst der beruffenen Medicorum Fr. Sylvii, Th. Sydenham, Joh. Wieri und Ant. Everaars, gleichmässigen accuraten Beschreibung dieses Ubels / Aus dem Niederländischen ... übersetzet.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: 1690- Books
- Online
Stephani Blancardi Lexicon medicum tripertitum, renovatum in quo artis medicae termini, in anatome, chirurgia, pharmacia, chymia, re botanica, etc. usitati, dilucide et breviter exponuntur : hisce adjungitur Graecarum vocum etymologia, tum earum Belgica, Germanica, Gallica, Anglica, etc. interpretatio cum indicibus locupletissimis / [Steven Blankaart].
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: 1777- Books
Verhandelinge van het podagra en vliegende jicht ... als ook een korte beschrijvinge van de krachten des melks. Item de Chineese en Japanese wijse om door het branden van moxa ... / door W. ten Rhyne.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702Date: 1684- Books
Lexicon medicum / Stephanus Blancardus ; mit einem Vorwort von Karl-Heinz Weimann.
Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702.Date: 1973- Pictures
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Muscles of the upper leg and hip. Engraving, 1686, after Gérard de Lairesse, 1685.
Lairesse, Gérard de, 1640-1711.Date: [1686]Reference: 31819i- Pictures
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The liver (figure 1) and gallbladder (figure 4). Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 31499i- Books
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't Nieuw-light des apothekers, of nieuwe-gronden en fondamenten der artzeni- en chymise-bereiding ... / Vermeerdert met eenige nooten ... van de Heeren Silvius [sic], Willis, Blankaart, etc. Met een aanhangsels der misslagen over de artzenijbereiding, etc. door A. de Heid[e].
Balguy, John, 1686-1748.Date: 1683